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What Will Artificial Intelligence Bring to 2020?

2019 has been a monumental year for artificial intelligence (AI), with breakthroughs that have
already and will further change the world as we know it. Whether it was Samsung
transforming facial images to videos or Google and the gamification of memories, AI is
making it possible for science fiction to become a reality.
While still in its infancy, AI is expected to grow by more than 100% year-on-year for at least
the next five years to come. This boom in AI has made it one of the fastest moving and also
the least predictable of industries. Even so, what does AI have in store for us as the decade wraps
AI in National Security
Some of the leading nations of the world are already seeing increased investment in AI for
military and defence purposes. China’s expenditure of more than $21 billion and the creation
of a Military-Civil Fusion Development Commission in 2017 point to an expedite transfer
of AI technology (ostensibly developed for civilian purposes) to the military. Another
superpower, Russia, has increased its AI investment and is intensely pursuing its 2008
defence modernisation agenda of robotising 30% of its military equipment by 2025. It has
also established several organisations dedicated to the development of military AI.
Other countries, like the United States, are not far behind, and even developing countries are
expected to catch up and make the inclusion of AI for national security a priority in 2020.
AI in Manufacturing
It is not news that AI is going to change the production industry completely. However, in the
coming year, especially, its significance may have been underestimated.
Statistics support this statement — By the end of 2020, smart warehouses with pick-and-
place robots will
ill take care of 25% of all manufactured goods, and 25% of production
planners will have voice-activated
activated systems.

AI in Healthcare
From providing imaging tools that can offer a better diagnosis than experts to creating fool-
proof versions of devices that can
an monitor patients remotely, Artificial Intelligence’s most
significant impact will be seen in the healthcare industry in 2020. Whether it is early detection
or diagnosis
nosis or treatment, AI will continue getting increasingly sophisticated in integrating
itself in our healthcare ecosystem.
The Future Is Here
In 1998, merely papers on the application of AI for handwriting recognition were a
breakthrough, and, in 2008, AI that outscored even humans on a reading test became a
reality. For more than a decade now, we have been trying to predict how the artificial
intelligence of 2020 will be like. With each passing year, the prognosis about the industry has
only gotten more and d more revolutionary. We may be in for a treat in 2020 of discovering the
most disruptive artificial intelligence technologies to be witnessed yet.

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