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Nama :Fadhillah Dwi Yuilanto

Kelas :XI Logam B

Mapel :Bahasa Inggris

 UNIT 1
1. I am was helped yesterday
2. Milk is Bought everyday
3. Liz Will be given tag tomorrow
4. Helen Is being taken to the hospital at the moment
5. This story is was published 2 years ago

1. Is
2. Are
3. Will be
4. Was
5. Are

1. This books were bought (buy us) yesterday
2. The next mounthwas will do industrial practicebt the student
 UNIT 2

1. If i were offerend the job,i will take it
2. Im sure I am will lend you some money,i would be surprised if
he most (refuse)
3. Many people would be cut of work it than factory will close
4. They are expecting us they will be disappointed is we would
not come
5. Will prabu be angry if i would his bicycle without asking?

1. I will be very happy if i must go to with you
2. My father will give me a present if i could get ranked in class
3. If tia sent me a letter,I will answer it
4. Dewi would be angry,If Maria must leave it go away
5. If i had studied harder on math test,I mose get good
6. If my father had bought me a motorcycle,I would use it safety
7. Marisa would have writter a letter if must go to graduation too
8. Mr.Joko would have been angry if his students dont atention to
9. The teacher will call the student if she rees than talking in class
10. It i have 1 milion rupiah i will give to man
 UNIT 3

1) Earthquake is sudden shocking of the earth’s surface that after

causes a let of damage
2) Two typer,tectanic and vulcanic,tectonic earthquakes caused by
tectonic plater get him stuck and patting a strain on the
ground,vulcanic earthquakes caused by the movement of magma
in vulcaneer
3) Tectonic earthquake is caused by tectonic plater getting stuck and
patting a strain on the grand
4) In volcano regims earthquaker my the caused both by tectonic
fault and by the movement of magma in volcanoes
5) We can learn from text is about typer and characteristic of

 UNIT 4

1. In modern times laptops of needed for everything and important

for student
2. Her any a laptop through on online shop
3. Vorious methods for buying a laptop
4. Steps for buying a laptop or computer online
5. That must be considared by

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