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myB O O K
The life of a person is a vivid picture of her own personal,

struggles, plans, and desire to survive against all odds. It is

like a painting showing her true colors: strengths and

weaknesses, her personal success and failures that will

inspired us. The highlight of this narrative report is her

life. The life she undergo throughout her journey.

Ma. Victoria D.
Ma. Victoria F.
Noel C. Donato
Melencio B. Friginal Father
Ursula D. Friginal

Joel Friginal Ferdinand Friginal Melencio Jr. Friginal Charles Friginal

Siblings Christopher Czarina
Siblings Cheska
Siblings Carisza Christian
Siblings Clavel

Son Son Daughter Daughter Daughter Son Daughter


Family values are deservedly praised. A well-

functioning family is a microcosm of society as

it should work. Many problems faced by

individuals had their origin in unhealthy

family life and I am not an exemption.

“Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a

few nuts” this quote may be the best

description that I can transmit to my family. I

cannot say that my family is the most ideal but

I can conceitedly say that my parents worked

hard for us to be the person that we are right

My family originated from Aurora. Raised by their parents through hard effort

because they are both came from an underprivileged family. This may be seen in the type

of rearing they did to us. I have six other siblings’ two older brothers, four younger sisters

and brother. Therefore, I am the third child. And because of my parents’ social and

economic background the nature of upbringing that they possess are very conservative

and authoritarian. My mother and father are both disciplinarian. Despite of that we live

the life that God give to us. Life is so much more to lived and engage that no matter what

may happened in the future we live our life to the fullest.


The heart of a mother is a

deep abyss at the bottom of

which you will always find

unconditional love.

December 20, 1972 in Pabella Hospital in Manila. Ma. Victoria D. Friginal was

born. She is the second child of Melencio and Ursula Friginal. She grow up in Manila and

their family permanently settled down in Zarah San Luis, Aurora.

Growing in that place does not bothering yet life it is life changing. Simplicity of

everything and God in it is priceless. This thought change her perspective throughout her

She started studying at San Luis Central Elementary school and finished that in

year 1986-1987. I graduated high school 1990-1991.

The peace and progress of a family depend upon its members. If the members are good,

the family gets prestige, as my parents always thought. So, when my brother graduate he

also expected me to graduate on time. But because of the dilemma they always say when

you are a woman in that case my father tell me to stop studying and send me to La Union.

I was 1st year college that time and due to what my father and our financial status I end up

agreeing and go to my Lola's house in San Fernando, La Union.

In that time, I am taking it seriously may be because maturity and

irresponsibility. But my eagerness to continue my dreams is still burning within me so

after a year in La Union. I decided to go back and study again. I become a working

student who do sabutan hat to sell and it will become my money for school. I experienced

everything while studying and working at the same time but I still continue because if I

stop there will be no future for me.

After I graduated from college as BS Commerce, my father was very proud of me

because I still continue despite of what he say to me.

When I become a mother of 7, things turned upside down. Being a mum is hard.

Being a parent is hard. Being a family is hard. The minute I gave birth and the tiny little

bundle of amazingness had entered the world my whole perspective on life shifted. My

priorities shifted, my emotions shifted, my heart filled with so much emotion and love

that it literally took my breath away. I knew instinctively when my baby was placed in

my arms that I would do anything for this tiny defenseless human being, I would move
mountains, I would walk through fire, I would give my life to ensure that their life was


When I had another child my love for my first (and then second as I have three,

four, five, six, and seven children) didn't reduce, my heart just expanded and that love

that I held for my first child, that I thought couldn't be any more fierce or intense or

passionate grew. When I thought I couldn't possibly love anything else as much as I did

my first child I found a new version of myself that had a new amount of love and


Unfortunately you don't get an instruction manual when you have a child and

once the initial elation of bringing my children into the world calmed down, I was then

overcome with the seriousness of how much my life had changed. This fierce protective

instinct that I never knew existed kicked in. Then I was wracked with the knowledge that

I was solely responsible for making sure my child (or children) had the best life I could

give them. When that knowledge kicked in I literally felt like I'd been punched in the

stomach. I remember holding my eldest, my son, and feeling so overwhelmed. I mean I'd

never even managed to keep a pot plant alive for more than a few months, how was I

going to manage to nurture and cultivate this tiny person? Being a mum I have been

constantly wracked with concern and guilt. Constantly wondering if I'm doing the right

thing? The wrong thing? Have I done enough? Second guessing myself time and time

again over my ability as a mother.

As my children grow I'm repeatedly faced with new situations, new obstacles,

new questions, new emotions that make me again question my ability as a mother. I'm

continually asking am I good enough? I've lost count of the times I've felt I've failed or
that I'm lacking somehow. And being lucky enough to become a mum for a second and

third time I was wrong to be thinking it was going to be easier. Oh no sir! I was still

assailed by all these feelings, all these questions, all these challenges and obstacles,

because no child is the same. As my heart grew each time I gave birth to my children as

did these feelings. Being a mum I had always come last in my list of priorities. I always

put my child's needs and wants before my own. I would literally give my children every

last piece of myself to make sure they have everything.

Sustaining a common culture and a common commitment to moral values is not

easy in our world. Modern economic life is based on a division of labor into specialized

jobs and professions. Since the industrial revolution, people have had to define

themselves and their work ever more narrowly to find a niche in the economy. The

benefits of this are evident in the satisfaction many people derive from contributing their

specialized skills to society. But the costs are social fragmentation, a decline in seeing

how one’s work serves the whole community, and an increased emphasis on personal

goals and private interests. This is often difficult to find a common ground among people

with different backgrounds and concerns.

It really struck me so hard that strengthening common moral vision is essential if

the economy is to serve all people more fairly in my time and up until now.

This tradition insists that human dignity, realized in community with others and

with the whole of God’s creation is the norm against which every social institution must

be measured. Even now that I'm turning 47 traditions like this are still the foundation of

what will happened to my present and future.


“Blessed is the servant

who loves his brother as

much when he is sick and

useless as when he is well

and can be of service to

him. And blessed is he

who loves his brother as

well when he is a far off

as when he is by his side,

and who would say

H nothing behind his back

he might not, in love, say

before his face.” – St

Francis of Assisi

The bond that links your true

family is not one of blood, but

of respect and joy in each

other's life. Rarely do

members of one family grow

up under the same roof.

Our family has some traditional patterns. And these count on only us. Let me
introduce my family traditions. First of all, Greeting, greeting is essential manner in our
family. If one member of our family comes to house, ones must say to wish healthy and
good luck. it means to greeting. As a rule usually we have supper together, then we watch
TV together. At that time, must leave somebody alone. For me it is good manner and I
always support it. Because this is family itself. Naturally, living together in sadly or lucky
days, supporting each others, keeping only love in there and loving each other are notion
of family itself. Perhaps in that case we try to keep it that kindness, that mutual affection
and respect to elders. Even though, some habits have in the house what you unlike. by the
way in our house have some events and I do not prefer them. For instant, all member of
our family must to wake up early in the morning. and it is immovable habit. Without any
doubt everybody make it. Because my father is iron hand. Constantly, he says that
Everything must be clearly. For me everybody should wake up when ones wants. For
example, I sleep more late. cause I great passion to surf internet and all. In that case, I can
not wake up early. But our elders do not crave to understand us most of the time.

Naturally, such kind of patterns can behave to bring up children and it can interact
our outlook and behaviours. Because, by these attempt we can bring up a statement,
brave and consider person.

Another one is our weekly off to church and visitation to church when we are in different
place and especially in “Mahal na Araw". That was just few things I will never forget.
That was our family tradition that we always do and will never get tired of it.
I learned that having a family

reunion will turn out fine

only if I stay positive and

think happy thoughts. Also,

family reunions can help

people get closer to their

family members. This event

has caused me to become

closer to my family and I

know that seeing extended

family is beneficial. I knew

that I would get the privilege

of seeing them again soon

enough. Even though I

cannot see them right now, I

know in days, weeks, and

even years, we will reconnect

because family is family.

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every

hundredth of a second.”

She's 5 months here, Year Two years old she's with Joel 4 years old. She's a flower
She's 15 years old here
1973 her eldest brother. girl in a wedding.

She's 17 years old here. She She's 20 here in her

40 years old of her in their She's in the office in Baler,
attended the Holy Rosary dormitory when she was in
Christmas Party in the office. Aurora.
Month. college.

It's her Birthday in year

It's our reunion. January 1 Family Day last September
2017. She celebrated at the Aurora Day parade
year 2018 2019.

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