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Coca Cola www.englishexplosion.


Shawnie: I wonder who ever made Coca Cola.

Mike: I actually know this one!

Shawnie: Ok, fill me in!

Mike: Well, I heard that the guy who created the Coca Cola recipe was John Pemberton,
and he was trying to make a nonalcoholic wine.

Shawnie: Really? Cool!

Mike: And he said that it had medicinal benefits, and that it was really good for your

Shawnie: Oh that´s weird cause nowadays people are always saying don´t drink too much
soda cause it will make you fat and it´s not good for your teeth.

Mike: Ya I know.

Shawnie: Coke is sold all over the world. It must be like the most popular drink out there.

Mike: And they have so many different flavors. What´s your favorite?

Shawnie: When I was little, I liked Cherry Coke, but now I like the original.

Mike: Ya, me too! Coca Cola

Coca Cola

Ok, let’s start the questions and answers about this conversation. The questions are in
BLUE and the answers are in BLACK. Try to answer each question. Press pause on the
audio to answer the questions. Then start the audio to continue. Let’s start!

Who made Coca Cola? John Pemberton! The guy who created the Coca Cola recipe was
John Pemberton. What did John Pemberton create? Coca Cola! He created Coca Cola.
What was he trying to make? A nonalcoholic wine! He was trying to make a nonalcoholic

Did he say it was good for your health? Yes! He said that it was really good for your
health. What was good for your health? Coca Cola! He said it was good for your health.
Do people think Coca Cola is good for your health these days? No! Why? People think it
will make you fat and it´s not good for your teeth.

Are there many different flavors of Coca Cola? Yes! There are many different flavors of
what? Coca Cola! There are many different flavors of Coca Cola?

What’s Shawnie’s favorite flavor? When she was little she liked Cherry Coke. What flavor
did she like when she was little? Cherry Coke! When she was little she liked Cherry Coke.
What does she like now? The original! Now she likes the original. Coca Cola


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