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Age U8

Week Microcycle General Preparation

Group: Academy General Goal: Coordination+Technical
Date: 3/5/2020 Nº Players EXP: 35
Roll Call
Agility Station Warm-up
1- Shuffle forward
2-Shuffle Backwards
3- High knees One step between each cone
4-High knees Two steps between each cone
5-Hop over the cone with one leg ( Right first then Left)
6-Run forward touch the last cone and back
7-Two in- two out

Corver in the Grid
1- Penguins
2- Drible Right leg using laces
3-Drible Left Leg using Laces
4- Drible and then on the whistle cut to the opposite
5-Using inside of the foot only drible around
6- Step and roll
7- Inside-Outside
8-Penguins and bring the ball forward usuing laces
9-Scissors and then dribble
1V1 Dribbling
One player pass the ball to the other and then go pressure it.
1- Don´t stil the ball (3min)
2- Allowing still the ball, the goal then is to the player with the
ball to go across the opposite line.

The players must switch lines

Make sure the players are driblling properly. The pressure

from the defender is appropriated.

2v2 Game
2 versus 2
Emphasizing in the passing

OBS: Parent Meeting at the end

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