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1. BODY IMAGE DEFICIT- diff. in pinpointing body part but missed it.
2. RIGHT N LEFT DISCRIMINATION DEF.- px misses lateralization.
3. SOMATOGNOSIA (BODY SCHEME DEFICIT) inability to recognize one body part onto the
4. VISUO SPATIAL DISTORTION- misscalculate spaces. ex. cant go inside door,cant fit.
6. TOPOGRAPHIC DISORIENTATION- failure to recognize the exact loc. of objects. ex. forgot wer
he puts cellfone but heard it.
7. *SPATIAL NEGLECT*- px copies a flower but only half of it.
8. *CONSTRUCTIONAL APRAXIA- distorted drawing,anime like.
9. $SIMULTAGNOSIA* (Ballints syn.)- px sees only the circle in the flower, but not the flower as
the whole.
10. *FIG. GROUND DEFICIT*-px cant see the part from a whole,but only sees when disected.
11. *DEPTH PERCEPTION DEFICIT*-px miscalculates d distance of placing d circle wit in the flower
12. *DYSMETRIA*- cant hit the target. PUT CIRCLE INTHE FLOWER.
13. FORM CONSTANCY DEFICIT-he sees n feel the object but stil choose wrong.
14. ASTERIOGNOSIA- closed eyes feels n touch the object.
15. VISUAL AGNOSIA- px knows what to do withh the object but picks up the wrong one.. (px wit
cane enters, exit px got umbrella instead)
16. IDEATIONAL APRAXIA- follows u on command but performs diff. activity
17. IDEOMOT0R APRAXIA- px will not follow,but wen pt is gone he can perform activ.
18. AUDITORY AGNOSIA- phone rings; cant distinguish bet. a landline n a cellphone.
19. ANOSOGNOSIA-cant recognize severity of own dses.
20. PROSOPGNOSIA-cant recognize familiar faces. (MCDO COMMERCIAL)
21. SPATIAL RELATION DEFICIT~draw a clock,place it at 3....


*#15 paralyze UE,next thing to evaluate, next to it is GRAPHESTISIA!
*pict of star in a circle, px can see the star wit in the circle. SIMULTAGNOSIA.
but when disected n able to recognize. FIG. GROUND DEFICIT
paulit ulit placement of object with in object- DYSMETRIA

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