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How to Build Your Online

Fitness Business
30 No-BS Strategies to Get More Online Coaching
Clients and Help People All Over The World

Jordan Syatt & Mike Vacanti

Welcome and Congratulations
on grabbing your free copy of 30 Ways to Build a Successful Online Fitness Business.

We ( Jordan and Mike) are beyond excited to hear what you think. And we want you to
keep us updated with your progress as your business continues to grow.

With that said...

And before you dive into the manual...

We want to make ourselves abundantly clear.

What you’ll read herein is not a secret or magic pill to “go viral” or get
“instafamous” or any “get rich quick” nonsense.

We want to help you become a better coach so you can help more people.

We want you to feel confident in yourself so you don’t let fear of being judged prevent
you from helping others.

And we want to teach you the essential principles necessary to create a successful on-
line coaching business that helps thousands of people all over the world.

That’s it.

And this manual is just the beginning. Barely scraping the surface.

But if you take our advice and follow these can and will build a suc-
cessful online personal training business that helps thousands of people all over the

With that said, what are you waiting for? Get to work!


How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 1

1. Help At Least 1 Person Everyday
A lot of business coaches and “masterminds” will tell you to focus on complex
sales campaigns, high ticket coaching funnels, running targeted Facebook ads,
blah blah blah.

None of that is wrong. But it’s not the right place to begin.

Because we’re assuming you got into coaching because you are really pas-
sionate about helping people. And a lot of coaches lose their passion when
they see so many others are willing to sacrifice the quality of their work to
make more money.

If you really are in this to help as many people as possible because you truly
love helping people, start by focusing on helping at least one person every
single day.

As long as you do that you can’t go wrong.

2. You Don’t Need A Million Followers To Build A

Successful Online Coaching Business
We’re not just saying this for shits and giggles. It’s true.

We’ve seen coaches with hundreds of thousands of followers struggling to

pay rent. And we’ve also seen coaches with less than 1,000 followers making
well into the six figures.

Not to mention…

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 2

3. Obsessing Over Your Follower Count is Like Your
Clients Obsessing Over Their Scale Weight
It can be a valuable form of data. But it doesn’t tell the whole story. And the
more you obsess over it the less likely you are to see the positive changes
you’re making elsewhere.

Just like you tell your clients to focusing on getting stronger in the gym and
drinking more water and eating more veggies and doing the things that make
them feel better…you should focus doing what you love doing most (hint:
refer back to point number 1).

4. Ideas for content: Answer the questions you needed

when you first got into fitness
Many coaches say they want to make more content but they don’t know what
to say.

That’s nonsense. Of course you know what to say.

Because we guarantee you get asked the same questions each and every day
by your clients and friends and family.

All you have to do?

Answer the questions they ask you. Which, coincidentally, were probably the
questions you had when you first started getting interested in fitness.

And remember…

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 3

5. Most Things Have Been Said Before…But They’ve
Never Been Said In Your Voice
In other words, quit using “everyone has already posted about that” as a
justification for YOU not posting about it.

Because if you’re getting asked the same questions every single day, you can
either send your clients to someone else’s content. Or you can send them to

And if you’re trying to build your own online personal training business…it
might be a good idea to send them to yours ;)

Oh, one more thing on this…

6. Quit Trying to Impress Other Coaches And Start

Helping The People Who Need It
Most coaches are scared to post content because you don’t want other
coaches to judge you or think you’re stupid.

We have good news.

Even if other coaches do think you’re stupid, they’re not going to be your
paying clients anyway. So fuck them.

You aren’t (or shouldn’t be) posting to impress other coaches. You should be
posting to help the people who don’t know the truth and legitimately need
your help.

Get to work.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 4

7. Less “I” and more “you”
Press the “Control + F” keys right now and see how many times the words “I” or
“we” show up in this booklet. Then compare that to how many times the word
“you” shows up.

There’s a lot more about you than there is about us ;)

That’s because you aren’t reading this because you care about Mike’s favorite
ice cream or what Hogwarts House Jordan is in.

You’re reading this because you care about improving your online coaching
business. As you should.

In the same way, the people who will find you on social media and become
your online clients are not interested in you…they’re interested in themselves.

So when you’re making content (regardless of whether it’s written, video,

podcast, etc) make sure you say “YOU” a lot more than you say, “I.”

8. Perfection is the enemy

Stop waiting to post something until it’s “perfect.”

It won’t be. It never will be. And the more you use that as an excuse to not
post, the fewer people you will actually help.

You’re not a “perfectionist.” You’re just scared of being judged.

Quit it.

Start helping people.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 5
9. When you don’t know… say you don’t know (but you’ll
find someone who does)
It’s better to be honest and say you don’t know than it is to be insecure and
make up an answer in an effort to appear smart.

People will trust you more when you say you don’t know.

Not to mention… it’s o.k. to not know everything. It’s part of being human ;)

10. Tell The Truth

Be honest about your strengths. And be honest about your weaknesses. Tell
people what you’ve done well. And tell people how you’ve screwed up.

Not only will people trust you more when you’re open and honest.

You’ll trust yourself more. You’ll feel better for it. And you won’t feel like you
have anything to hide because you’re laying it all out on the table.

Tell the truth.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 6

11. Become a great coach
And this starts with understanding you can always be better. You’ve never
learned enough. There’s always room to improve. You have absolutely been
wrong in the past. And you will be wrong in the future.

Being a great coach isn’t just about what you know.

It’s about how willing and open you are to learning what you don’t know.

12. Get an internship

We spoke about this in-depth in the inaugural episode of our podcast, How to
Become a Personal Trainer. If you haven’t listened to it yet, make sure you do
that HERE.

In the meantime, if you think you’re too old or too young or not experienced
enough to get an internship… you’re wrong.

Not only should you get an internship. But you absolutely can. And it will
make you a better coach than spending 4 years and hundreds of thousands of
dollars on an exercise science degree.

We’re not just pulling that out of our ass, by the way. We’re speaking from
personal experience having done exactly that.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 7

13. Understand Evidence-Based Nutrition
If you aren’t sure where to begin, these are our personal favourite resources
for high quality, no BS, evidence-based nutrition.

- Alan Aragon
- Lyle McDonald
- Martin Berkhan
- Precision Nutrition
- Mike Vacanti

14. Understand Evidence-Based Strength Training

And these are our favorites for high quality, no BS, evidence-based strength

- Practical Programming
- Eric Cressey
- Dan John
- Jordan Syatt

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 8

15. Stop going on and on about your certifications
No one cares.


That doesn’t mean certifications are bad (they aren’t) or they don’t matter
(they do).

But it does mean people care far less about how many letters you have after
your name and far more about how much you care about them.

Spend more time helping people and less time going on and on about your

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 9

16. Understanding What People Want is Important…
But understanding why people don’t achieve what they want is more

Think of it like this.

Most people want to lose weight, build strength, get more defined, be
healthy, etc etc etc.

But most people aren’t doing what they need to do in order to achieve those


That is what you need to know to help people be successful not just for a
day or a week or a month… but for the rest of their life.


How do we answer that question?

The answer is long enough to fill a library.

But it begins with…

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 10

17. Listen
Odds are you know what mistakes people are making and what they need
to fix in order to achieve your goals. But your job isn’t to force it down their

Your job is to help them recognize it and come up with the answer on their

And that begins with being a great listener. Hearing what they’re struggling
with, what they’re trying to overcome, and why they came to you in the first

When you truly become a great listener you won’t need to tell your clients
what to do… they’ll do it on their own.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 11

18. Coach People For Free
The “6-figures in 60-days mastermind gurus” will have a conniption when
they read this but such is life.

And you’re welcome to disagree with us.

But having worked with and helped hundreds of coaches build their own suc-
cessful online coaching businesses… this is without question the best place to

It doesn’t mean coach people for free for the rest of your career.

It does mean when you’re just starting out and you don’t have systems in-
place or a big pool of potential clients… start by coaching people for free.

It will make you a better coach.

It will lead to you getting more referrals.

And it will help you build a better coaching system so when people do pay
you, they’re paying for a truly incredible experience.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 12

19. You won’t be the right coach for everyone (and not
everyone will be the right client for you).
When we first started coaching and getting great results with our clients, we
thought we’d “figured it out.”

Eventually, though, we had clients that didn’t get great results. And even
though it happens to all coaches, it sucks when you feel like you can’t help
someone. Especially when you just have their best interest at heart.

But you need to remember… just like you can’t date everyone you meet or
start a business with everyone you meet, you won’t be the right fit for every-
one you coach.

And that’s ok.

The best thing you can do is catch it early on and help them find a coach
better suited to their needs. Because at least that way they can get the help
they deserve rather. And that’s what really matters.

Just remember.

Not being able to help someone doesn’t mean you aren’t a good coach.

It just means it wasn’t a good fit at that point in time. And now you can move
on, get better, and help more people.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 13

20. Stop Selling in Every Post
“I only have 2 spots left in my online coaching program!”

“Sign up fast because spots are running out!”

“Join my exclusive coaching program…this is your last chance!”



You don’t only have 2 spots left. Spots are not running out. And this is not
their last chance.

Spend less time trying to trick people into joining your online coaching pro-
gram and more time giving them helpful information every single day until
they ask you about your coaching program.

21. Practice What You Preach

Do you have to be shredded like a bodybuilder or strong as a world record
powerlifter to be a good coach?

Of course not.

But in the same way you wouldn’t take business advice from someone who
doesn’t run a successful business… why would your clients take fitness advice
from someone who doesn’t workout and eat well.

You don’t need to look like a fitness model.

But you do need to practice what you preach.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 14
22. Coach People In-Person
Coaching people in-person will make you a better online coach. But coaching
people online will not make you a better in-person coach.

Again, not pulling this out of our ass. We’re saying this from personal experi-
ence because it’s true.

And for whatever it’s worth, a great in-person coaching business is a tremen-
dous foundation for a successful online coaching business. Because the peo-
ple you work with in-person will want to continue working with you online
and they will be your first paying online coaching clients.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 15

23. Hire Your Own Coach (Coaches Need Coaches, Too)
If you aren’t sure where to begin with your online coaching systems, hire a
coach you admire.

Not as a business coach.

But as your fitness coach.

So you can not only learn from them and continue to build on your knowledge
base. But also so you can see how they organize their coaching program.

Not to copy them.

To learn from them. To find what works well for you, to refine what doesn’t,
and to help you build efficient & effective coaching systems that will allow
you to help as many people as possible.


Do NOT copy their work.

Use it as an opportunity to learn from them as you grow and progress as a


How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 16

24. Give Away All Your Best Knowledge For Free
Most “mastermind gurus” advise you not to “devalue” yourself or your work
by giving things away for free.

That. Is. Nonsense.

This entire booklet is free and considering you made it this far…odds are
you’re at least somewhat enjoying it ;)

If you want people from all over the world to ask about your coaching pro-
gram and how they can work with you, you need to first give them a reason
why they should trust you.

And that’s going to come from the incredibly helpful free content you give
them on a daily basis.

25. Share Your Struggles Because They’ll Help People

In other words, be honest.

If you struggle with body image… tell your audience.

If you struggle with binge eating… tell your audience.

If you used to think eating after 6pm made you fat… tell your audience.

If you struggle with perfectionism or imposter syndrome or falling into the

comparison trap or, literally, anything… tell your audience.

The more open and honest you are about who you are and what you struggle
with, the more your audience will trust you, relate to you, and believe in their
own ability to succeed.
How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 17
26. Stop Taking Selfies of Your Dog, Pick-Up Truck, and
Half Naked Butt Cheeks
Scroll through your Instagram feed (or any feed), read all of your content and
ask yourself this very important question:

If you came across your own Instagram page…would you follow you?

If the majority of your pictures are of your dog or pick-up truck or half naked
butt cheeks… probably not.

If you really want to help people…

And if you want people who find you on social media to join your online
coaching program…

Stop posting about yourself.

And start posting content that helps other people achieve their goals.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 18

27. Stop Tearing Other Coaches Down
“I love it when that coach makes fun of other coaches! I think I want to hire
-No one. Ever.

Your job isn’t to start fires. Your job is to put fires out.

If other coaches are spreading misinformation there is zero reason for you to
attack that person as an individual.

Instead, create honest, helpful content that debunks the myths they’re per-
petuating so your audience can become critical thinkers and understand it on
their own.

You never look good when you try to make someone else look bad.


How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 19

28. Show Gratitude
When someone follows you… say thank you.

When someone leaves a comment on your post… answer them (with more
than a thumbs up emoji – use real words).

When someone sends you a message asking a question or thanking you for
your work… answer and make sure they know you appreciate them taking the
time to write you.

Some coaches get offended when people message asking for – gasp – free

Instead of getting offended, it might be a better idea to realize how lucky

you are and be grateful people are spending their time asking you rather than
someone else.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 20

29. Surround yourself with smart, positive, hardworking
Most people aren’t lucky to have one person in their life who really “gets” it.

Never mind an entire group of people.

Which is why we created The Online Fitness Business Mentorship. Where our
main goal is to teach you everything you need to know to become a world
class coach in understanding client psychology & motivation, strength training
program design, nutrition sciences, and everything in between.

But the part we value most about The Mentorship is the community.

A members-only group in which you are surrounded by kind, motivating,

like-minded coaches who want to grow their online coaching business while
helping as many people as possible all over the world.

And if you’ve ever been part of a community like that… you know it’s
impossible not to improve when you’re constantly surrounded by people
pushing you to get better every single day.


If you have that community in your life already…cherish it, don’t take it for
granted, and use it to the best of your ability.

If you don’t have that community in your life…it might be worth having a look
in our Online Fitness Business Mentorship.

Either way, we’re always here to help.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 21

30. Don’t expect to post content today and have a
successful business tomorrow
If your client got upset when the scale didn’t go down every day, odds are
they’d give up before they saw any real progress.

Same goes for coaches who expect to make money after every post on social

Just as you probably tell your clients to focus on the process and enjoying
the small wins day-to-day rather than basing their success on a number, you
might want to take your own advice ;)

Focus on what you can control.

Focus on doing what you love.

Focus on helping people succeed.

The more you focus on what you can do to help others, the more success will
come your way.

Be patient.

Take your time.

Work relentlessly.

As hard as you can.

But remember…

When in doubt… ask what you can do to help at least one person get better
that day.

And as long as you do that, you can’t go wrong.

How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 22
Thank you so much for taking the time to grab your free copy of 30 Ways
to Build a Successful Online Fitness Business.

We hope you enjoyed it. We hope you found it helpful. And we hope you
know we’re always here to help you. No matter what.

Any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

And if you’d like to join us in our Online Fitness Business Mentorship, you
can do that HERE.

Talk soon,


How to Build Your Online Fitness Business 23

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