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1. What is a survey report?

A survey report is a formal piece of writing presenting and analyzing the results/findings of research
concerning reactions to a plan, product, policy, etc, including general assessment, conclusions and

2. Structure: A survey report consists of:

1) An introduction in which you state the purpose and content of your report;
2) A main body in which all information collected on the topic is presented in detail under suitable
subheadings; and
3) A final paragraph in which you summarise the points mentioned before, adding your
recommendation or suggestion(s).

3. Points to consider
 The information presented may have been gathered in a survey/opinion poll or compiled
from official statistical data. This information may be presented in the form of FACTS
(numbers, percentages and proportions) or GENERALISATIONS (This
indicates/suggests/reveals/implies that…)

 Read the extracts below and decide, within each extract, which sentence presents
facts and which generalisations. Then link them using the expressions above.
4. Useful language




 Read the report below and match the subheadings in the box with the
corresponding section.

Flexibility of work hours Frequency and amount of bonus purpose physical working
environment recommendations

 Underline all instances of passive verbs in the text. Why do you think the
passive is preferred in each case?
To: Managing director
From: Your name
Subject: Employees' satisfaction at work

The aim of this report is to present the findings of a survey conducted among all the employees at
ClearSky Accounting to determine their present concerns at work with a view to improve the
company's working environment. The data have been collected taking into account gender and the
three areas specified below.

The survey reveals that employees' satisfaction varies depending on gender. While 72% of our male
employees prove to be content with their working schedule, more than half of their female
counterparts (51%) find it unsatisfactory. This reveals that the present conditions pose challenges for
women to balance work and family life.

More than 50% of the employees questioned complain that bonus payments are insufficient and are
not always related to performance. No significant changes have been found in terms of gender, which
may indicate that these rewards, despite deficient, are equally distributed between the two sexes.

Regardless of gender, a high percentage of the employees (60%-64%) have expressed their
satisfaction in the workplace. The majority of the male employees who show concerns in this respect
(25%) argue that they are experiencing back pain due to inadequate seating while 21% of the female
employees complain that in spring and summer the high temperatures hinder their performance.

All points considered, some improvements evidently need to be made at ClearSky Accounting if
employees are to be satisfied with their conditions. Devising and implementing a flexitime policy can
benefit everyone involved. Satisfaction will further be increased if we create a bonus plan that
recognises employees' very good performance on a four-monthly basis. Finally, short-term
improvements may include replacing existing chairs for ergonomic seating and the installation of
ceiling-mounted fans for the hottest months.

Writing task 9: Your teacher has asked you to write a report based on a survey to determine
students' concerns with a view to improve the teaching and learning process. Here are the
results of the survey.

Number of C1 Satisfied Neither satisfied nor Dissatisfied

students: 50 dissatisfied
Improvement of skills
Listening 72% 11% 17%
Reading 81% 5% 14%
Writing 61% 10% 18%
Speaking 52% 9% 19%
Management of self- 70% 5% 25%
study time
Classroom management
Activities 69% 14% 17%
Peer- feedback 30% 28% 42%

In your report, you must include the following points in the most appropriate order:
 Summary of the results
 Analysis and interpretation of the results (findings)
 Proposal of measures to be taken

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