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Oscar hirtwig discovered meisos in:

1875 1876 1877 1878

The phase of cell cycle in which cell prepares itself for division is called

prophase interphase metaphase. telophase.

during meiosis one cell divides into daughter cells 2348

chromosomes are visible during interphase G1 phase phase cell division

in which phase of interphase duplication of chromosomes occur G1 G2 GO S

during the cell cycle the metabolic activities of cell are very high at interface prophase metaphase

Mitosis was discovered by pasteura Darwin Walther Fleming Lamarch

Meiosis is drive from a Greek whellwhich means to make smaller to make bigger to cut to duplicate

________is the reversal of prophase metaphase andophase interface telophase

Division of nuclear is a known as andocychosis exocytosis Karyokinesis cytokinesis

formation process of new tumorous is called sinotosis crossing over degeneration

vWhenan nuclear and develop office channel is broken down Prophase anaphase metaphase telophase

Chromosome come to equator in phase metaphase. telophase. metaphase. endophase

Division of cytoplasm is called karayokinesis cytokinesis phragmoplast phagocytosis

Longest phase of meosis is mataphase I anaphase I prophase I. telophase I

longest phase of cell cycle interphase prophase metaphase telophase

Sea Star gains its lost arm by budding meosis regeneration fragmentation

Change in genes is called regeneration mutation growth budding

An example of Micro molecule starch protein lipid water

An example of insoluble dietary fiber oats bean barely wheat brain

Gastric vlcer is found in lungs. liver. stomach. kidney

For normal function of thyroide gland is esenstential iidine sodium in Copper

in most plant food is transported in the farm of glucose starch sucrose protein

many bacteria live in colon produce vitamin K C A D

the basic source of energy in animals is lipid protein carbohydrates nucleic acid

__________ is a micro neutrants Sulphur calcium Iran potassium

percentage of protein in brean 12% 11% 10% 29 %

fat soluble vitamins are A.C.E.k B.C. A.K. A.D.E.K

which of following vitamin work as coenzyme vitamin B vitamin-D vitamin C riboflarin

the example of Mecro molecules glucose protein sodium chloride

urea is formed in pancreas in gallbladder in live in the stomach

Villi are found in a small intestine stomach large intestine

number of Macro nutrients are 12 14 9:19

Scurvy is due to deficiency of vitamin C A B K

break down of larger droplets of lipids into smaller droplets digestion absorption emulsification curning

which one is not fat soluble vitamin E D K C

The micro nutrient required for nitrogen metabolism nickel iron calcium zinc

example of vitamin ribiflorin glucose fatty acids glycerine

Liver belongs to blood serculatry system digeative syatem respiratory system excretory system

In adult human the length of oesophagus is about 10cm 15 cm 2cm 25cm

The largest gland of body pancreas heart liver gallbladder

Cytrus fruits are the source of vitame B D K C

One gram of protein contains K calories energy 8. 6. 4. 2.

The wave like contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles in elementary canal churning.
emulcification absorption Peristalsis

In plant transport of food is occur by. wind. temperature. pressure. pressure food mechanism

Water and turn into route hair up by mean of diffusion automotive acting transport passing transport

the normal pH of blood is 7.3. 7. 4 7.5 7.6

Evaporation of water from the surface of plant is called Guttation. transpiration translocation.

ABO blood group aystem was introduced by

Robert koch. karl land stein. robert brown. schwan

when blood cells are removed from blood the meaning for is plasma protein water serum

tge average human heart beat per min is 60 times. 66 times. 70 times 77 time

iaverage lifespan of red blood cell is 120 days 150 days 12 days 130 days

By product of photosynthesis is co2 Co N2 O2

the volume of blood in average adult body is about 6 litter 5-litter 4 litter 3 little

the largest artery is called renal artery hepatic artery intercoastal ortary Aorta

Hepatic portal vein carries blood from small intestine to...... liver heart kidney colon .

human heart is enclosed in double membrane is called. pleure. pericardium. peritoneum pericarp

The universal recipient has antigen. A. B. Rh. A and B

The blood group which is universal donor. AB. O. A. B

Blood cells invovled in blood clotting. red blood cells. white blood cells. plasma. platelets

Individuals having AB blood group are called. hypotonic. Universal donor. universal recipient.

average life span of red blood cell is about

8 month 6month 4month 2 month

myocardial infarction means:

thrombus. embolus. the heart muscle. tissu death

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