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Task 1...............................................................................................................................................2

1. Define HRM and explain the purpose of HRM in an organisation.........................................2

2. Identify and list from your reading about HRM, the various functions of HRM in an

3. Select 2 from your above list and explain them in detail........................................................3

4.Identify various approaches to recruitment and selection........................................................4

5. Select 2 approaches among each of recruitment and selection and explain them in detail
highlighting the strengths and weaknesses..................................................................................4

6. You are to select an organisation and identify various HRM practices in that organisation
and list them.................................................................................................................................5

7. Select more than one practice and explain the benefits for both the employer and employee
providing appropriate examples for each type within an organisational context........................6

8. Now give details of how your selected practices will benefit your selected organisation in
terms of profit and productivity. Justify your answers with examples........................................8


Task 2.............................................................................................................................................11

1. What are employee relations?................................................................................................11

2. In detail explain with examples its importance in HRM decision making............................11

3. You are to identify and list various employment legislations that are key for an organisation.

4. Explain how these will have an impact on HRM decision making. Discuss the pros and cons
of each of the above-discussed legislations...............................................................................11

Task 3.............................................................................................................................................13

1. Select a business organisation and give an introduction.......................................................13

2. Identify two vacancies in your selected organisation............................................................13

3. Create job specification and person specification for your selected job vacancies...............13

4. Mention what recruitment and selection methods will be appropriate for those vacancies and
support your justification using theory with appropriate referencing.......................................15



Table 1: Job Specification of Maintenance Assistant....................................................................10

Table 2: Person Specification of Maintenance Assistant..............................................................11
Table 3: Job Specification of Receptionist....................................................................................11
Table 4: Person Specification of Receptionist...............................................................................12

Figure 1: Training and Development...............................................................................................6

Human resource managing is considered as the most vital function as it helps in developing
efficient relations within the firm so that the turnover of staff members and workers can become
less. IHG is a leading multinational firm founded in 2003 and having its hotels and resorts in
more than 100 countries. The current report will be discussed in the context of IHG and its
functioning of HR activities to accomplish the targets and goals of the organisation along with
the significance of employee legislation in business.
Task 1
HRM involves various purposes and functions to be performed in IHG like recruiting, training,
managing performance, etc. so that the business-related targets can be completed in an
appropriate time and manner. The task will discuss the benefits of selected recruitment and
selection approaches.

1. Define HRM and explain the purpose of HRM in an organisation.

HRM Definition
Human resource management is an essential process of managing the employees of the
organisation by systematically coordinating their activities with the goals and purposes of the
business and to ensure sustainability and attaining competitive advantages (Uwizeyemungu,
2018).HRM ensures the effective management of human resources and their promotion and
development in the organization so that business objectives can be achieved efficiently and

HRM Purpose
HRM purpose in InterContinental Hotels Group focuses on providing effective training to their
employees so that the productivity and profits of the hotel can be increased. This function aims at
managing the resources of the organisation in an optimum way. Along with this, it is important
to maintain harmony, peace and discipline within the workplace so that goals can be
accomplished efficiently. When HR department of IHG formulates the policy related to objective
attainment, it is their responsibility to engage the workers and communicate these formed
policies and strategies to their employees so they can perform the tasks and job roles as per the
set policies and guidelines (Noe, 2017).For example, the main purpose of the HR
department in IHG is to meet the human resource requirements, recruit skilled candidates,
provide them training and ensure their professional growth and development in the organization.

2. Identify and list from your reading about HRM, the various functions of HRM in an
HRM Models
IHG apply hard functions of HRM in their firm to ensure effective monitoring and proper
controlling to gain efficient working and their main focus is on business profits. Soft skills of HR
function include motivation, encouragement, supervision and communication to build trust
among the employees and employers.

HRM Functions

 Recruiting skilled, qualified and efficient staff by analysing the staff needs and
requirement in IHG is an essential HR function.
 Managing the performance of employees to provide them with equitable rewards and
benefits for their efficient performance and develop their motivation level.
 Induction activities in IHG by HR department to increase the confidence of newly
recruited employees are important to increase organisational profits.
 Training is a vital function in business as it aims to gain business efficiency with the help
of improved knowledge and skills of employees (Lakshmi and Kennedy, 2017).
 Employee engagement to build employee relations more positively is the role of HRM in
IHG so that the turnover of staff can be minimised.

3. Select 2 from your above list and explain them in detail.

Employee Recruitment: to recruit efficient candidates for the betterment of IHG, the HRM
function increase their efforts in identifying the workforce needs so that they can make effective
plans to select to most appropriate method. The methods like internal and external recruitment
are adopted in the firm to attract the candidates that can best meet the job requirements available
in the enterprise. Further, the selection process can take place as per the set criteria. For example,
it is the function of HR department in the IHG to identify the manpower requirements of the
organization and then recruit and select skilled candidates through internal as well as external
recruitment method to meet the requirements.

Employee Training: with the adoption of new technology in IHG, the need of employee training
and development can be increased so that they can learn the use of such technologies and make
improvements in their work performance. Training activities increase the confidence of workers
and staff members to retain more and contribute to business goals. The wastages and accident
rates in the organisation can also be lowered with the help of imparting training and development
sessions (Esteban-Lloret, 2018).For example, it is also essential function of HR department
in the IHG to identify the training needs to enhance skills and working knowledge of existing as
well as newly hired employees so that they can perform the customer service more efficiently.

4.Identify various approaches to recruitment and selection.

Approaches of Recruitment

Recruitment process in IHG can take place with the help of various approaches like transfers of
employees, employing the trainees and promotions. These are included in the internal
recruitment approaches. Along with this, the firm use the approaches like online websites,
agencies for recruitment, job advertisements so that more skilled candidates can be attracted
towards applying for the jobs in IHG. As compared to external recruitment, recruiting staff
internally can save more time and costs but lacks new and creative ideas from fresh talents.

Approaches to Selection

The process of selecting qualified staff members in IHG to contribute to the business success is
based on pre-decided selection criteria. After the application form is analysed, the candidates are
required to pass some online tests like psychometric tests and job knowledge test. After such
tests, the selected candidates are called for interviews for the purpose of testing their knowledge,
skilled and abilities in a more effective manner by asking some important job related questions.
After getting selected, employees are provided with induction training (Xue, 2016).

5. Select 2 approaches among each of recruitment and selection and explain them in detail
highlighting the strengths and weaknesses.
Selection Approaches

Structured interviews: the merit of conducting a structured interview in IHG is that it is a

standardised and systematic process involving fewer complications. While the drawback is that it
may consume more time and can involve higher costs. But, interview selection approach is most
appropriate approach that HRM in IHG can use as this approach enables the HR team to assess
all the required skills in the candidate make making personal interaction and hence provide
suitable employees (Janghorban, 2014).
Psychometric tests: such types of tests are conducted in IHG to analyse the strengths and
weaknesses of the candidates to be selected in the firm so that appropriate selection can take
place. The complications involved in this test can increase the nervousness of the candidates
involved in the test (Cripps, 2017).But psychometric test is most useful approach as it helps in
accurately identifying skills and knowledge required in the candidates for vacant positions in the

Recruitment Approaches

Online websites: using this approach helps in attracting a larger pool of skilled candidates along
with saving the cost. The disadvantage included is that the reputation of IHG can get affected if
the information provided on social sites is irrelevant and inaccurate. Also, the weakness in using
the online websites to post the vacant position advertisement is that it is limited to some few
skilled people as all people do not visit the websites on regular basis (Ladkinand Buhalis, 2016).

Job advertisement: this method involves a fixed cost and price along with the circulation of
positive message related to the jobs of IHG. On the other hand, the drawback included is that this
process is slow and the success is not guaranteed because only limited candidates can get
attracted towards applying for the job.

6. You are to select an organisation and identify various HRM practices in that organisation and
list them.
Best Practice V/S Best Fit

The organisational efficiency in IHG using best-fit approach can be enhanced with the help of
coordinating the effective policies and strategies of HRM function with the business objectives.
While proper controlling is required in performing the HR activities so that the organisation can
gain a competitive advantage (Larsonand Chang, 2016).

HR Practices at IHG

It is a major responsibility of HR department in IHG to implement effective HRM practices

within the firm that can be beneficial to the employers as well as the employees. They can focus
on providing security to their employees to ensure the safety and security of employees. Fair
compensation offered to the staff can decrease the turnover rate in the firm. Employer should
adopt staff discrimination minimisation practice to ensure equality within the organisation. The
practice of Extensive training can help in improving the motivation level of the employee along
with the improvements that can be made by such activities. The other essential HR practice in
IHG is the information sharing so that the employees of the firm can get familiar with business
goals (Ružić, 2015).Further, HRM practice in the IHG is to create flexible work environment at
the workplace so that all human resources or people in the organization can work freely with full
efficiency to enhance the customer service. Also, HRM is responsible for performance appraisal
and providing training to employees to enhance their work efficiency and ensure development in
the organization.

7. Select more than one practice and explain the benefits for both the employer and employee
providing appropriate examples for each type within an organisational context.
Benefits of Extensive Training and Development

Training helps the employers of IHG to get the benefit of providing less supervision as the
training enhance the knowledge of their worker to perform efficient work. Along with this, the
employee turnover can also be minimised at large resulting in profitability enhancement
(Tregear, 2015). In addition to this, the benefits of employees include their increased job
knowledge as well as an understanding of the job. The motivation level and confidence of staff
members in IHG can also be increased with extensive training. For example, HR department in
the IHG organize training and development programmes that are beneficial for employees as it
enhance their skills and abilities that help them in ensuring their professional as well as personal
growth and development. Skilled and well trained employees can be beneficial for the IHG as it
help in enhancing guest service and hence market image and profitability of the organization or
employer (Samsonand Gungul, 2014).
Figure 1: Training and Development

(Source:, 2019)

Benefits of Managing Compensation

Managing compensation and benefits help the business and employers to efficiently attain the
business targets and missions. Employers can gain the loyalty, commitment and trust of
employees as the implementation of an adequate compensation system within the firm. Benefits
of staff members with effective compensation and rewards are the improved living standard of
the employee and increased motivation. Such benefits also increase the job satisfaction of IHG
employees (Cascio, 2015).For example, effective salary packages, rewards and incentives also
help employees to fulfil their basic needs efficiently and hence support in enhancing their living
standard in the society. And if employees are satisfied with compensation paid by the employer
or IHG then they will put their full efforts and time to enhance the productivity and profitability
of the organization and hence enhance the guest service (Odunlami and Matthew, 2014).
8. Now give details of how your selected practices will benefit your selected organisation in
terms of profit and productivity. Justify your answers with examples.
Effective HRM practices within the organisation can improve the relationship between
employees and employers and build trust among each other. Employee’s interest in contributing
to business goals can be gained with compensation plans implemented by the HR department.
The customers of IHG get higher satisfaction from the effective services provided by the
employers. Such improved services are result of the perks, benefits and rewards to the employees
by the employers. This will automatically increase the sales and revenues of the organisation
along with the positive reviews of customers and guests who visited the hotel.

Along with this, training sessions for employees can improve work efficiency, productivity and
employee motivation enhancement. The organisation will be benefited by a reduction in the
accident rates and wastage by employees (Dilip, 2018). Providing security to the employee
within the work premises can help the firm to gain and create a positive image and good
reputation in the market which can also help to get the attention of more customers towards the
products and services of their hotel.

HR practices, HRM approaches and functions applied and adopted in IHG can have an impact on
the process of decision making of the firm which has been discussed in the above task. The
impact on the decision can be both positive and negative which can be managed by the
organisation for business growth.
Books and Journals

 Cascio, W.F., 2015. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill.

 Cripps, B. ed., 2017. Psychometric testing: Critical perspectives. John Wiley & Sons.
 Esteban-Lloret, N.N., Aragón-Sánchez, A. and Carrasco-Hernández, A., 2018.
Determinants of employee training: impact on organisational legitimacy and
organisational performance. The International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 29(6), pp.1208-1229.
 Janghorban, R., Roudsari, R.L. and Taghipour, A., 2014. Skype interviewing: The new
generation of online synchronous interview in qualitative research. International journal
of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 9(1), p.24152.
 Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Online and social media recruitment: Hospitality
employer and prospective employee considerations. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2), pp.327-345.
 Lakshmi, V.R. and Kennedy, H., 2017. THE ROLE OF BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY
MANUFACTURING COMPANIES. The South East Asian Journal of
Management, 11(1), p.70.
 Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2017. Human resource
management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
 Odunlami, I.B. and Matthew, A.O., 2014. Compensation Management and Employees
Performance in the Manufacturing Sector, A Case Study of a Reputable Organization in
the Food and Beverage Industry. International Journal of Managerial Studies and
Research, 2(9), pp.108-117.
 Ružić, M.D., 2015. Direct and indirect contribution of HRM practice to hotel company
performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 49, pp.56-65.
 Samson, A.J. and Gungul, T., 2014. Effects of Human Resource Training and
Development on Productivity in Nigerian Hospitality Industry. International Journal of
Public Administration and Management Research, 2(2), pp.80-87.
 Tregear, R., 2015. Business process standardization. In Handbook on Business Process
Management 2 (pp. 421-441). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
 Uwizeyemungu, S., Raymond, L., Poba-Nzaou, P. and St-Pierre, J., 2018. The
complementarity of IT and HRM capabilities for competitive performance: a
configurational analysis of manufacturing and industrial service SMEs. Enterprise
Information Systems, 12(10), pp.1336-1358.
 Xue, B., Zhang, M., Browne, W.N. and Yao, X., 2016. A survey on evolutionary
computation approaches to feature selection. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation, 20(4), pp.606-626.


 Training and development, 2019 [Online] [Assessed through]

resource-management/training-and-development/>, [Assessed on 16thFebruary,2019]
Task 2

1. What are employee relations?

2. In detail explain with examples its importance in HRM decision making.

3. You are to identify and list various employment legislations that are key for an organisation.

4. Explain how these will have an impact on HRM decision making. Discuss the pros and cons
of each of the above-discussed legislations.
Employee Relations and Its Importance Employment Legislation with Pros and Cons

Employment legislations in IHG

Meaning of Employee Relations

Employee relations are termed as the efforts of any organisations in
managing and improving the relationship and communication among
the employers and their staff members. The primary aim of HR
department of managing employment relations in the firm is to
resolve the issues, critical circumstances, different problems and
situations which are becoming a barrier in the success and expansion Health and Safety Act of 1974: This act states employees working on the
of business (Bailey, 2017). hazardous technologies used in the firm, must be provided with safety
measures and first-aids. The legislations of this act also ensure safety of
Motivation of employees: HR department of IHG should form plans worker in terms of the food provided within the firm (Holt and Allen,
and strategies related to motivating their employees so that the long 2015).
term retention of firm’s employees can be increased. This helps the
firm to gain employee’s trust and faith. Pros and cons: The safe working environment increase employee
motivation. The brand image of IHG can get negatively affected by not
applying the laws (Holt and Allen, 2015).

Data Protection Act of 1998: As the involvement of employees working

in IHG is high in number, the firm must adopted such acts in their
business operations so that the data and personal information can be
Work-life management: The decisions of employers must be in the safeguarded (Botha, 2017).
benefit of employees as well as the organization so that it can help
Pros and Cons: Loyalty and commitment of IHG employees can be
them to manage and balance their work life along with get gained by employers. Employee turnover become high with non
satisfaction in performing their job. protection of their data.
Improved communication: The plans are required in IHG for the
purpose of communicating the business goals related information to
the employees. For this the organisation and HR department is
required to make effective decision with the help of employee

Equality Act of 2010: The employees of IHG whether male or female

must be provided with equal development opportunities so that they
cannot feel mistreated or discriminated within the Hotel based on age,
gender, religion, etc (Shah, 2015).
Positive work culture: Decisions are required to be taken by the HR
Pros and Cons: Reduction in the strikes of employees by getting equality
department regarding the benefits and rewards provided to the staff is the main advantage. Demerit is the increasing conflicts and issues
on the basis of their performance so that a positive and healthy work within IHG because of inequality among employees on various grounds.
culture can be maintained in IHG (Stahl and Tung, 2015).

Conclusion: Fro the above report it can be concluded that References

employee relation plays significant role at the workplace while  Bailey, C., Madden, A., Alfes, K. and Fletcher, L., 2017. The meaning,
improving the efficiency and productivity of the employees. It has antecedents and outcomes of employee engagement: A narrative
been identified that employment relations is effective in resolving synthesis. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(1), pp.31-53.
 Botha, J., Grobler, M.M., Hahn, J. and Eloff, M., 2017. A High-Level
the conflicts and difficult situations at the workplace. In addition to Comparison Between the South African Protection of Personal Information
this, employment legislation puts positive or negative influence on Act and International Data Protection Laws. In International Conference on
decision making of HR while undertaking the practices of Cyber Warfare and Security Conference Proceedings (p. 57).
recruitment and selection, training, etc.  Holt, A.S.J. and Allen, J., 2015. Principles of health and safety at work.
Task 3

1. Select a business organisation and give an introduction.

InterContinental Hotels Group is considered among the leading hospitality business organisation
having almost 80,000 rooms for their guests and number of hotels are around 5000 located in
among 100 different countries. They are employing a high number of people in their firm which
is 376,000 or more. The hotel aims at providing a positive influence on their customer and
employees by their qualitative services and improved efforts. The business practices adopted in
their firm are in a view to gain the satisfaction of guests and employees involved (Walravens,

2. Identify two vacancies in your selected organisation.

Vacancies in IHG for job roles can be identified with the help of effective HR planning so that
the gap between existing staff and required staff can be reduced. HRP in IHG helped in
analysing the requirement of two job roles. First is the need for Maintenance Assistant for
managing the cleaning activities within the premises of hotel and to manage the rooms. Along
with this, the job position of receptionist is also identified in IHG to perform the duties of
handling the customer’s queries and maintaining records.

3. Create job specification and person specification for your selected job vacancies.
Job Specification of Maintenance Assistant:

Table 1: Job Specification of Maintenance Assistant

InterContinental Hotels Group, UK

Job position: Maintenance Assistant
Salary: according to the skill and experience
Department: department of maintenance
Purpose of job: to ensure flexibility in performing the job role along with having motivation in
managing the cleaning tasks and activities in the hotel premises (Kensbock, 2017).
Duties and Accountabilities:
 To perform the cleaning tasks as directed.
 Managing the external areas like parking place, etc.
 Completion of non-routine tasks of cleaning.
 To make the bins available in the hotel premise daily where required
 Ensuring the management of hotel rooms.
Person specification of Maintenance Assistant:

Table 2: Person Specification of Maintenance Assistant

InterContinental Hotels Group, UK

Job Post: Maintenance Assistant
Experience: maintenance experience of about 2 years
 Must have diploma of high school.
 Required basis knowledge about the functions of maintenance.
 No criminal records.
Skills and abilities:
 Ability to work in an appropriate time.
 Must be able to work with less supervision (Pan, 2015).
 Required to be attentive.
 Must be able to work in shifts.
Physical criteria:
 Must be able to lift the weight around 50-60 pounds.
 Must be physically fit and healthy.

Job Specification of Receptionist:

Table 3: Job Specification of Receptionist

InterContinental Hotels Group, UK

Job Position: Receptionist
Salary: negotiable or as per talent
Department: Customer Care department
Purpose of job: to be efficient in providing qualitative services to customers and guests.
Duties and Accountabilities:
 Managing the activities of guest’s reservation.
 Handling the complaints and issues of guests.
 Maintaining records and calls.
 Management of e-mails.

Person specification of Receptionist:

Table 4: Person Specification of Receptionist

InterContinental Hotels Group, UK
Job Post: Receptionist
Experience: 1-year experience in same field.
 Hotel management graduate.
 Basic computer knowledge.
 Fluency in English language.
Skills and abilities:
 Communicating efficiently
 Candidate must have interactive and interpersonal skills (Bharwani and Talib, 2017).
 Handling of guest’s problems.
 I am required to be cooperative and confident.
Physical criteria:
 Attractive and good looking.
 Candidate is required to have a pleasant and positive personality.
 Calm and composite nature.

4. Mention what recruitment and selection methods will be appropriate for those vacancies and
support your justification using theory with appropriate referencing.
Recruitment and Selection Methods

The candidates for the job post of Maintenance Assistant as well as Receptionist in IHG can be
selected with the use of adequate recruitment methods like job advertisement and online sites as
it will help the firm to have more skilled candidates and fresh talents. The recruitment can also
take place through the references of current employees. On the other hand, the most suitable
selection method will be conducting interviews and taking test of job knowledge. This will help
IHG to analyse the talent of candidates more deeply. After hiring the right employees, required
training is imparted in the firm (Nadda, 2017).The HR department in the IHG needs to
develop and prepare job descriptions for Maintenance Assistant as well as Receptionist job
positions for effective recruiting, selecting and retaining employees in the organization. Job
descriptions will help the HR team to attract skilled candidates as it included the details of skill,
knowledge and qualification required to join the vacant position in the organization (Chenand
Zhang, 2017).And also the use of effective recruitment and selection methods helps the HR team
tohire the skilled candidates for the vacant positions of Maintenance Assistant as well as
Receptionist in the IHG.
Books and Journals

 Bharwani, S. and Talib, P., 2017. Competencies of hotel general managers: a conceptual
framework. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1),
 Chen, H.L. and Zhang, Y., 2017. Educating data management professionals: A content
analysis of job descriptions. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(1), pp.18-24.
 Kensbock, S.L., Patiar, A. and Jennings, G., 2017. Hotel room attendants’ delivery of
quality service. Tourism and Hospitality Research, p.1467358417751023.
 Nadda, V., Rafiq, Z. and Tyagi, P., 2017. Effectiveness and Challenges of Recruitment
process outsourcing (RPO) in the Indian Hotel Sector. International Journal of Academic
Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(2), pp.218-236.
 Pan, F.C., 2015. Practical application of importance-performance analysis in determining
critical job satisfaction factors of a tourist hotel. Tourism Management, 46, pp.84-91.
 Walravens, N., 2015. Qualitative indicators for smart city business models: The case of
mobile services and applications. Telecommunications Policy, 39(3-4), pp.218-240.
The current report has discussed the effectiveness of employee relations and employee
legislation that can have an influence on the decision-making process of HR department in IHG.
The job vacancies of Maintenance Assistant and Receptionist role has been identified by the HR
manager with adequate planning so that the further process of recruiting and selecting the most
efficient candidates for both job roles can take place.

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