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Unit 1: “Who Am I?

”, Based on CPU designed by Joanna Plotz 

  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5 

  Lesson 1  Lesson 1  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3 

Objectives  I can say where I  I can identify place  I can identify  I can draw and  I can name the 
am from.   words in a story.  place words in a  orally describe an  people in my 
     story.  object that  family.  
I can identify    represents a place.   
words to describe  I can draw and 
a place.  label a picture of a 

Focus Language  I can ​pose and  I can identify  I can recount by  I can describe how  I can use oral 
Goals  respond to  vocabulary to  naming, naming,  an object  language to 
questions (D3).  describe a place .  labeling, and  represents a place.   present 
I can identify  identifying to show  information about 
vocabulary to  understanding of a  myself to an 
describe a place .  topic.  audience. I can 
ask and answer 
questions about 
the presentations. 

Text    Islandborn​ by  Islandborn ​by  In My Family ​by  Alma and How She 
Junot Diaz  Junot Diaz  Carmen Lomas  Got Her Name ​by 
Garza  Juana Martinez 
Explicitly Taught  place  place  Place, label  Place, home  Home, family 

Activity  Introduce the  Review Vocabulary  Finish reading  Explicitly teach  Explicitly teach 
Topic: Place  word: ​place  Islandborn  home  home​, ​family 
-Show students  (repeat vocabulary       
world map. Ask  routine)  Review vocabulary  Read ​The Horned  Read ​Alma.​ Make 
them what they    word, ​place​. Teach  Toads​ from ​In My  a list of the 
notice/know about  Read ​Islandborn  vocabulary word  Family ​by Carmen  members of Alma’s 
the map.   by Junot Diaz.  label​.  Lomas Garza  family. 
-Model asking   Make an anchor       
“Where are you  chart of words  Ask students to  Discuss how the  Turn and talk to a 
from?” and  related to place.   create a picture of  object in the story  partner:  
responding, “I am  their favorite  was connected to  Who is in your 
from....”  place. Model how  the characters’  family? 
-Use  to label a drawing.   home   
inside/outside    _____is in my 
protocol to have  Teacher shows  family. 
students ask/tell a  students an object   
few different  (or a picture of an  Students will draw 
students where  object) that  a picture of their 
they are from  signifies home for  family. They will 
-Students return to  them  label the picture 
seats     and write a 
-Students each  Students think of  sentence about 
have a turn to say,  an object that  who is in their 
“I am from…” and  means home to  family.  
place a sticker on  them. They share 
the map on that  with a partner, 
place.   “______ makes me 
-Discuss noticings  think of home 
about the map  because_______” 
-Explicitly teach  Students draw and 
vocabulary word  label their object. 
“place”(in order to  Then, a few 
introduce students  students share 
to vocabulary  their drawing with 
routine)  the class.  

Assessment  ​Informal  Informal  Informal  Drawing and   

assessment  assessment  assessment  labeling object 
through listening  through listening  through listening  related to home 
to student  to student  to student 
discussion and  discussion and  discussion and 
responses.  responses.  responses. 
Drawings of 
favorite place with 
at least one label 
Unit 1: “Who Am I?”, Based on CPU designed by Joanna Plotz 
  Day 6  Day 7  Day 8  Day 9 

  Lesson 4  Lesson 4  Lesson 5  Lesson 5 

Objectives  I can write sentences  I can identify words  I can use my five  I can use my five 
using senses  related to senses in the  senses to draw a  senses to draw a 
vocabulary words.  story.  detailed picture of  detailed picture of 
home.  home. 

Focus Language Goals  I can identify words  I can identify and use  I can write five  I can write five 
in the text that are  vocabulary related to  captions to describe a  captions to describe a 
related to the five  the five senses to  picture/object, using  picture/object, using 
senses.   describe an object or  sentence frames.  sentence frames. 

Explicitly Taught  Senses, see, hear,  senses, see, hear,  senses, see, hear,  senses, see, hear, 
Vocabulary  taste, smell, touch  taste, smell, touch  taste, smell, touch,  taste, smell, touch, 
caption  caption 

Activity  Explicitly teach: ​senses  Students rotate  Explicitly teach  Review list of sense 
  through 5 stations in  vocabulary word  words we created for 
Brainstorm a list of  which they can explore  caption.  Islandborn.​ Brainstorm 
words associated with  each of the senses.    list of additional words 
each sense  They have a paper  Teacher models  associated with home 
  where they will record  picture of home with 5  for each sense.  
Close read a section of  their experience  captions about the   
Islandborn​, pull out  -​Sight​-I Spy books  senses, thinking aloud  Students continue to 
words from the text  “I see….”  about the process of  work on their pictures 
related to senses  -​Smell-​containers with  making it.   of home and writing 
  a variety of fragrant    captions.  
things (cinnamon,  Students draw a 
vanilla extract,  detailed picture of 
essential oils, etc)  home that captures all 
Hearing​-Chromebooks  5 senses. They write 5 
with headphones,  sentences as captions 
various recordings  for their picture.  
-​Touch​-have various 
objects with different 
textures (a towel, 
sandpaper, legos, 
marbles, etc) 
-​Taste​-have students 
taste different flavors 
of Skittles 

Assessment  Brainstormed list of  Sentences on paper  Drawing of home and  Drawing of home and 
words  captions  captions 
Unit 1: “Who Am I?”, Based on CPU designed by Joanna Plotz 
  Day 11  Day 12  Day 13  Day 14   

  Lesson 5  Lesson 6  Lesson 6  Lesson 6   

Objectives  I can use my five  I can share my  I can share my  I can share my   
senses to draw a  ideas in full  ideas in full  ideas in full 
detailed picture of  sentences.  sentences.  sentences. 

Focus Language  I can write five  I can use oral  I can use oral  I can use oral   
Goals  captions to  language to  language to  language to 
describe a  present  present  present 
picture/object,  information about  information about  information about 
using sentence  myself to an  myself to an  myself to an 
frames.  audience.  audience.  audience. 
I can ask and  I can ask and  I can ask and 
answer questions  answer questions  answer questions 
about the  about the  about the 
presentations.  presentations.  presentations. 

Explicitly Taught  senses, see, hear,  Audience,  Audience,  Audience,   

Vocabulary  taste, smell, touch,  question,  question,  question, 
caption  compliment  compliment  compliment 

Activity  Review list of  Explicitly teach  Review respectful  Review respectful   
sense words we  audience,  audience behavior  audience behavior 
created for  question,     
Islandborn.  compliment  Students share  Students share 
Brainstorm list of    home drawings  home drawings 
additional words  Review respectful  with class  with class 
associated with  audience behavior  individually.  individually. 
home for each    Audience  Audience 
sense.   Students share  members as  members as 
  home drawings  questions.  questions. 
Students continue  with class  Students write  Students write 
to work on their  individually.  comments on  comments on 
pictures of home  Audience  notes.   notes.  
and writing  members as 
captions.   questions. 
Students write 
comments on 

Assessment  Drawing and         


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