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4/10/2020 Adjusting to Rapid Change – Rosanne Bostonian on Changing Times

Rosanne Bostonian on

Changing Times


Rosanne Bostonian

January 17, 2020

Adjusting to Rapid Change

How do you keep up?

We all like to “know that we know!” When change is happening rapidly, we confront what we don’t
know on a daily basis. This means accepting the “I Don’t Know Zone” as a part of daily living and 1/4
4/10/2020 Adjusting to Rapid Change – Rosanne Bostonian on Changing Times

accommodating to the learning necessary to move with the times.

For me, the “I Don’t Know Zone” is populated by technology. If I don’t have a Generation Z-er
nearby, I’m in a bad way to navigate the ins and outs of the internet!

The other “I Don’t Know Zone” are the changing conventions regarding marriage and family. The
flexibility needed not to be judgmental while holding on to discernment requires the dexterity of an

The more we hold on to what feels familiar, the more out of step we seem to be with the changing
times. Join me in exploring stress management strategies that keep us balanced as the wind blows!

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4/10/2020 Adjusting to Rapid Change – Rosanne Bostonian on Changing Times

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December 17, 2019

Subjective Truth Since

most of us operate
under the rule of
“confirmational bias,”
i.e., selective
confirmation for what
we already believe, the
notion of objectivity in
the press has become a
relic of the past. The
competition for
viewership, listenership
and readership has
polarized the media into
warring camps. I wonder


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