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2Making process biodegradable plates from the banana leaf

5Derian Yamid Meza Diaz

8Colombia Foundation agrarian university, Faculty of Engineering Program, Food

9Engineering, Bogotá Colombia





14Key words: dishes, banana leaves, biodegradable, processes



17Author correspondence. Tel: 3127570901 Fax:32-1-37654-3551





23This review has as main objective to know the production of biodegradable dishes from

24banana leaves for the study tools was used diagrams and process diagram PERT which

25help us understand the whole production chain as It helps get critical paths and

26productivity of each process, all in order to reduce time and costs. In the process

27diagram are 16 activities, with the PERT diagram showing activities 16, 16 nodes as

28critical path which is ABDFHJLMNOP, with a productivity of h / man developed.


30 1. Introduction

31 Environmental pollution has been in recent years one of the most important problems

32 worldwide. The use of unnecessary plastic is one of the biggest causes of the destruction

33 and pollution of nature, which is why different countries worldwide are regulating the use

34 of plastic.[ CITATION LIN18 \l 3082 ]

35 Plastics produced by biological sources degrade contaminating soil and containing many

36 compounds derived from petroleum. Lack of recycling culture has brought the whole

37 world to a critical situation due to pollution affecting marine life and ecosystems in

38 general; there is an alternative: bioplastics[ CITATION Cha18 \l 3082 ]

39 Colombia is a country that has not yet developed specific regulations on environmental

40 impact of packaging and packaging; However, the Ministry of the Environment created the

41 Sello Ambiental Colombiano (SAC), and regulated use by resolution 1555 of 2005, issued in

42 conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, taking a step in the goal

43 of promoting a shift towards environmentally friendly products[ CITATION LIN18 \l 3082 ]

44 The priority of a package is the preservation and protection of all kinds of products. When

45 it comes to food, a particular attention is included to pollution[ CITATION LIN18 \l 3082 ]

46 The biodegradable material is the product or substance which can be decomposed into the

47 chemical elements that compose it, due to the action of biological agents such as plants,

48 animals, microorganisms and fungi, under natural environmental conditions. The

49 degradation time of the substances depends on several factors, mainly on the complexity

50 of the substance, types of organisms degradative and the medium in which they are, more

51 and more examples of biodegradable materials that gradually with ecological awareness

52 many people is taking this type of raw material more used.[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

53 In a survey of 386 people in Lima Peru it was found that 47.7% consumed in disposable

54 plates more than once a week 21.5% consumed in disposable plates 1 time per week;

55 26.7% has a food consumption in disposable plate 2 to 3 times per month; and only 4.4%

56 of respondents concerned that consumes less than 1 disposable plates once a month. It is

57 then seen that the obtained values referenced us a high consumption of food in disposable

58 dishes[ CITATION Cha18 \l 3082 ]

59 Biodegradable dishes in the world Thailand and Nepal are the main countries that

60 manufacture these dishes made from banana leaves 100% biodegradable, but its

61 development is purely handmade. Plastics recycling is a way to control environmental

62 pollution is not the solution but the real solution would not use them. (EcoInventos, 2018)

63 Leaf Republic is a German company that is committed to producing dishes, pots and

64 containers 100% biodegradable. And he has succeeded, creating dishes made only with

65 leaves[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

66 biodegradable plates in the Americas Dominican Republic. - Porfirio Baez is the face behind

67 Green Depot, a company that presents ingenious and biodegradable organic products
68 made with materials such as palm collected by rural communities in the country, a friendly

69 alternative for the environment[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

70 BAMBOORGANIC are 100% biodegradable disposable commonly used in the restaurant

71 and hotel industry in Mexico thanks to its quality and durability. Made with sugar cane

72 pulp.[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

73 In Huancayo, a company presented biodegradable made tableware based on organic

74 products, These dishes are made from sugar cane, an input-organic. [ CITATION SEG20 \l

75 3082 ]

76 A group of young people from Peru created a biodegradable plates made from banana

77 leaves. Is "Bio Plant", a disposable product made with a combination of leaves, celluloses

78 paper and cardboard. The dishes are resistant to different temperatures and may contain

79 liquids or any type of food.[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

80 LeafPacks are dishes made with natural fibers, harvested and processed under fair trade

81 criteria hands of peasant communities, which seeks to relieve the planet of the

82 consumption of disposable plastic in the food industry through a sanitary alternative safe,

83 aesthetically attractive and 100% biodegradable and compostable. [ CITATION Gon20 \l

84 3082 ]

85 Ecompake is a response to the need to avoid the use of plastics and the serious

86 consequences that this generates in the environment; for it incorporates market products

87 of high quality, as are plates and are tableware made based on palm leaves, the same as its

88 natural condition and be collected after the change process leaves are 100% biodegradable

89 and does not cause no environmental impact.[ CITATION SEG20 \l 3082 ]

90 Green packaging Ecuador is a social enterprise with purpose to impact positively. We focus

91 on strengthening environmental awareness and responsible consumption. No charge of

92 consciousness, the responsible choice in single-use containers to serve and / or bring your

93 food made from natural fibers hundred percent biodegradable and compostable Life

94 returning to Earth and protect your health.[ CITATION Guz20 \l 3082 ]



97 1.2 History

98 The company COSMOS Since its inception, the essential motivation of this

99 company has been focused innovation to provide solutions to the problems that

100 brings overpopulation therefore the mass consumerism that brings about

101 environmental pollution, and to give attention to the customer the more direct

102 personal best. so always we aim to understand the needs of the customer and the

103 environment before proposing solutions.

104 COSMOS began to realize their development activities biodegradable plates from

105 banana leaves in 2018, this business idea came to the view needs to contribute to

106 changing the environment through friendly products that do not generate any

107 damage to the environment environment. It is, therefore, committed notably with its

108 environment especially with the agricultural world business, the development of

109 biodegradable dishes are made without intermediaries all inputs are specific to the

110 company just as the transformation process is performed entirely by COSMOS

111 matter of receiving, processing and distribution quality standards to ensure a

112 completely safe final product that does not affect the consumer.

113 Currently, besides the development of biodegradable plates it is being done

114 research for the introduction of new products in the same friendly way with the

115 environment

116 1.2.1 organization

117 Flowcharts are the graphical representations of the organizational structure of a business

118 or organization that reflects, in schematic form, the position of the areas of coverage,

119 hierarchical levels, lines of authority and advice. Therefore, considering that flowcharts are

120 of paramount importance and utility companies, productive entities, commercial,

121 administrative, political, etc., and that all those involved in its design and preparation

122 should know what are the different types of charts and what features each one of them

123 and may have a better idea about the various types of charts and their general

124 characteristics[ CITATION Tho09 \l 3082 ]

125 The company cosmos is composed of a president, vice president, operations manager,

126 assistant manager, area manager, operators shown in the chart image process diagram

127 1.2.3

128 A process is set of operations designed to manufacture or transform a large

129 number of products. There are several types of processes:

130 Batch processes: Those that accelerate the production volume with the help of templates

131 or models, these processes have supplied to other craft character. The volume of goods

132 produced is determined by the needs of each company and commitment to its customers.

133 Continuous flow processes: In this case, companies make hundreds of thousands of

134 identical products, is operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The goal of this model is

135 twofold: firstly, to maximize production levels of the company; on the other, reduce costs

136 Mass production: One of the models used in the industry. includes the development of

137 hundreds of thousands of items in a same series, with the difference that the production is

138 not permanent; there are deadlines start and end of cycle.

139 In preparing biodegradable plates a process using batch since it is not production scale

140 large, this process has 17 activities the first is performed receiving the feedstock followed
141 by selection of large sheets of small to be subsequently cut into their proper sizes, it

142 proceeds with the cleaning and disinfection to proceed to the next stage corresponding to

143 the bonding sheet thus cut into squares like strips, proceeds to give the desired dishes

144 molded, then passed the thermoforming step, finally a reprocess the dishes that have

145 some type of defect, the plates is performed in perfect condition are packaged and stored

146 for final distribution. This process is depicted in the process diagram shown in picture 1.2

147 1.2.4 diagram PERT

148 PERT (Technical Review and Assessment Program) and is a visual way of representing the

149 tasks that make a project and the relationships between them. This visual representation is

150 what is called PERT diagram of the project, and is often used to plan projects. Thus, this

151 diagram allows you to plan the project, identify the critical path of the project, critical

152 tasks, and calculate your minimum lead time.[ CITATION Alb18 \l 3082 ]

153 PERT the development of biodegradable dishes made from banana leaves shown in Figure

154 1.3 where activities, nodes, precedences, critical path shown

155 1.2.5 services

156 A service is a set of activities to meet the needs of a client. Services rarely include a variety

157 of activities that can be planned performed by a large number of people can be identified

158 between these services: electricity, water, telephone, transport, education. a framework in

159 which the activities will be developed with the idea of setting an expectation on the

160 outcome of these defined. It is the equivalent of a non-material well.

161 The service counterparty or preparing dishes could be selling food in these dishes

162 conclusions

163 Is achieved conclude that the development of biodegradable dishes made from banana

164 leaves is a profitable business idea for its low cost of production and therefore has a very
165 high profitability, thanks to the process diagrams and charts PERT that helped us

166 understand and calculate correct errors where possible to generate productivity losses are.


168 Thanks

169 This work was done under what they learned in class production and logistics so we

170 would like to express my profound gratitude to the teacher for making possible the

171 realization of this study, thank you for your cooperation and time

172 Thank you for your support and for sharing their knowledge


174Justo a tiempo

175Se implementará el habito de la mejora continua, eliminando toda clase de prácticas


177Se implementará un sistema administrativo en la producción que se base en producir y

178entregar productos terminados justo a tiempo minimizando el tiempo y aumentando la

179productividad sin afectar la calidad final del producto

180Producir solamente lo que se va a vender y así generar un inventario cero lo que nos generare

181más utilidades

182Fidelizar la lealtad en todos los trabajadores con sus tareas, de igual manera se dará una tarea

183específica con una producción en cadena

184Mejorar la calidad de todos los proveedores con su cumplimiento a la hora de entrega de

185insumos o materia prima

186Se implementará un programa de mantenimiento preventivo de maquinaria

187Punto de equilibrio

costos para la elaboración del producto

Datos de compra
cantidad precio
agua mineral 0,05 L 27,64
desinfectante (amonios
0,01 L
cuaternarios) 124,84
hojas de plátano 0,08 L 139,72
pegante (almidón de yuca) 0,02 L 124,2
  Total 416,4
Margen 95
% 910
IGV 19 % 140
precio de 1050

costos fijos

Concepto costo
servicios públicos (luz, agua) 134800000
servicio internet, telefono 2200000
publicidad 15600000
arriendo 28400000
servicios generales 22635454
nomina 242000000
mantenimiento maquinas 29000000
servicio de seguridad 35000000
Total 509635454

punto de equilibrio
costos fijos variable
509635454 1050 416

1050 * Q
509.635.454 + 416 + Q
Q= 509.635.454/1050-416
803.841 unidades anuales    

190Esto nos quiere decir que, si se fabrican y venden más de 803.841

191unidades anuales, el producto generará utilidades, pero si se fabrican

192y venden menos de 803.841 unidades se producirá pérdidas

193Estudio de tiempo

194Se utilizará el método de tiempo continuo ya que es el más eficaz

195según nuestro proceso y las características de nuestro proceso.

196Como primera medida se llevará un formulario con el control de

197tiempos completos en toda y cada una de las etapas de

198transformación, dicho proceso se realizará por un operario capacitado

199en el estudio de tiempos como en el método empleado el cual será el

200encargado de tomar los tiempos correspondientes en cada etapa

201Expansión de la capacidad

202En cuanto a la expansión de la capacidad en la elaboración de platos

203biodegradables se tiene que la demanda es creciente a través del

204tiempo debido a que es un producto amigable con el medio ambiente,

205por lo que es necesario contar con instalaciones, maquinaria y el

206personal para poder afrontar una alta demanda de largo plazo.

207Por lo anterior se desea aplicar una estrategia de expansión optima

208que determine el nivel de los distintos factores productivos como lo

209son número de máquinas, numero de turnos a trabajar y mano de

210obra necesaria para satisfacer la demanda

211Logística de distribución

213  Entregar el pedido en perfecto estado en el más mínimo tiempo

214 posible

215  Establecer y minimizar al máximo los tiempos empleados en

216 cada proceso de la cadena de abastecimiento y distribución

217La logística de distribución es fundamental en una empresa: abarca el

218camino que sigue un producto desde que ha sido elaborado por el

219fabricante hasta que llega a manos del consumidor final. 

220En nuestro caso tomamos un modelo de distribución descentralizado

221el cual es un modelo de distribución más usual entre los sectores

222industriales. Al terminar la fase de fabricación los productos serán

223distribuidos a través de un almacén regulador a diferentes

224delegaciones las cuales se encargarán de suministrar los productos a

225su respectiva zona.

226Ventajas y desventajas

227La mayor ventaja de este modelo es la cercanía de los productos al

228punto de destino y la mayor desventaja consiste en su alto costo de


230Logística inversa

231Se implementará el sistema de reutilización de productos que no

232hayan sido utilizados en los primeros 30 días de haber sido

233distribuidos, cuya idea principal es de dar un nuevo uso a estos

234productos ya que no han sido utilizador por distintas razones y que no

235han sufrido un deterioro importante. De esta manera se utilizará el

236mismo método de logística de entrega para su recuperación, pero de

237forma inversa que correspondería recoger el producto desde el cliente

238hasta su almacenamiento final para su posterior distribución



241 References

242Alvarez Sevillano, JA (2018). Biodegradable dishes Bijao Pack. lima: PERUVIAN UNIVERSITY OF






248Chavez Antonietti, PR (2018). PLATO BIODEGRADABLE BASED banana leaves. Lima: Universidad

249 San Ignacio de Loyola.

250Garriga, A. (July 12, 2018). enprojectmanajement resources. Retrieved from


252Guzman, A. (March 11, 2020). NEWS NOW. Retrieved from


254 hojas-de-platano/

255Pizarro, G. (March 11, 2020). Retrieved from Green Packaging:


257Thompson, I. (2009). Types of flowcharts.









266Figure 1.2

268figure 1.3


270 Source: Authors


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