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EBN Summary

ACEs and Health Outcomes

My EBN paper addresses the PICOT question: for individuals with high ACE (Adverse Childhood

Events) scores, what factors contribute to poor health outcomes later in life?

Adverse Childhood Events are categorized into abuse, neglect, and growing up in household

dysfunction. Each of these three have separate subcategories. Research by Felitti and

colleagues in the 1990’s showed a strong correlation between the number of ACEs experienced

in childhood and the later development of poor health outcomes, including ischemic health

disease, attempted suicide, diabetes, among others. This paper addresses the pathophysiology

of the dysfunction of the stress response due to toxic stress in childhood. Systems affected

include the central nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. The dysregulation

to these systems can lead to several afflictions that decrease a human’s lifespan. Also discussed

are clinical implications, including screening tools and suitable interventions developed by

academic and practicing champions in pediatrics.

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