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Today is the day that we should look back from our sins and humble ourselves to
ask forgiveness as we commemorate the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed and meaningful Good Friday! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

2. I am not a Christian. But believe in Christian values. Good Friday: The day we
remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to save Humanity. We pray to God and need
Jesus to save Humanity once again.

3. Posting a thread of 'The clock of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ', by
Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori

4. At seven o'clock in the evening. Jesus Christ institutes the Holy Sacraments,
and predicts to his apostles that one of them would betray him.

5. At eight o'clock in the evening. Jesus passes the torrent of Cedron to go to the
Garden of Olives, followed by his three disciples.

6. At nine o'clock. Jesus prays to his heavenly Father, and goes to visit his
disciples ; he finds them asleep, and he admonishes them to watch and to pray.

7. At ten o'clock. Jesus is consoled by an angel, and begins to sweat blood.

8. At eleven o'clock. Jesus goes to meet his enemies. Judas betrays him with a

9. At midnight. Jesus is taken, bound and tied with cords, by the Jews, who
outraged by Him, conducting Him with many indignities to Jerusalem.

10. At one o'clock. Jesus is conducted to the house of Annas, and from there to the
house of Caiphas, accused by false witnesses.

11. At two o'clock. Jesus is denied three times by St. Peter, and the cock crew;
and Jesus having looked at him, made him sensible of his fault.

12. At three o'clock. The Jews blindfolded the eyes of Jesus, and striking him, ask
him to guess who had struck him.

13. At four o'clock. Jesus is sent bound to Pilate, who interrogates him on his
royalty ; Jesus answers him that his kingdom is not of this world.

14. At five o'clock. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod, who clothes him with a white
garment in derision.

15. At six o'clock. Jesus is compared to Barabbas.

16. At seven o'clock. Jesus is fastened to the pillar and cruelly scourged.

17. At eight o'clock. Jesus is crowned with thorns, and they put a reed in his hand
in derision.

18. At nine o'clock. Pilate presents Jesus to the people, saying to them, Behold
the man.

19. At ten o'clock. Jesus is condemned to death.

20. At eleven o'clock. Jesus is charged with his cross, and carries it to Calvary.

21. At twelve o'clock. Jesus is nailed to the cross between two thieves.
22. Love one another, as I have loved you.

— Jesus Christ (Divine Master)

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