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It started over a cup of green tea one late, lazy Sunday afternoon….

A brother & sister duo

were chit-chatting about food in general with their spouses in the brothers place near
Gateway Hotel at Kolkata… Topic changed, from varieties of food available in Kolkata to
people who made them available to satiate the ever hungry Bangali. With the advent of food
related tv shows and regular cookery shows, people’s appetite for dishes from land afar has
Meandering topics, takes them to the threshold of an idea of baking pies, two sentences
later they contemplate treating these pies to family & friends, and then ultimately, another
two paragraphs they find themselves staring at a in-house start-up venture. Someone says “
I would die to make this dream venture come true”....... Well, that's how Die for Pie was
Being foodies to the core, Team Die for Pie are already in the process of including other
savoring dishes to their menu.

Most importantly, Utmost care is taken while picking the ingredients, cleaning them,
sterilizing every baking tray with boiling water before baking the pies, adding a special
ingredient, “Love” to each and every one of them individually.
A team member being diabetic and another a cancer survivor, Die for Pie understands
the importance of health and hygiene. The desire of having good food drives this team to
serve the same to you as well…..

Now ……...get the introductory offers, Monsoon offers and Special Crazy Football World
Cup offers...keep calling the numbers mentioned below and order your choice..we are eager
to serve you anytime…...every time ..!

# +91 7980300175
# +91 8910486331…..
Die for Pie is today a house of Pies and Puddings in Kolkata , catering to its clients who
want to treat their loved ones with a piece of pie or pudding, or better still, both together…!

Die for Pie offers:

Lovely Vegetables Pie………INR 80.00

Delicious Fish Pie……………INR100.00
Mouth watering Chicken Pie INR 150.00
Rugged Shepherd's Pie……INR 200.00
Chilled Lemon Pie Wedge…INR 40.00
Soft Bread Pudding 1lb…….INR 140.00

More on its way………...

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