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Visoka škola za ekonomiju i informatiku





Mentor: Student:

Mr Edina Karabegović Haris Redžić

Prijedor, 2020
Table of Contents:


2. Volumen Brandy..........................................................................................................................4






The word spirit is of Arab origin and comes from the word "al-cancer", which loosely

translated means sweat. In our country has arrived with the Turks in the 14th or 15th century.

Initially it meant drinking arak that were manufactured in Indonesia, Malaysia and other Far

Eastern countries, and were receiving the distillation of fermented juice or wine special species

of palms.

Even in the fourth century BC, Aristotle wrote that the sea water as well as wine and other

liquids could be turned into drinking water when they undergo the process of distillation. This

conclusion, however long after was not used until the VIII or IX century AD when Arab

alchemists devised "Alambik" that were used to obtain the basis of perfume. These instruments

have also been used in attempts of the then alchemists that of basic metals (iron and lead) get


Knowledge of the process of distillation quickly spread throughout Europe and many

countries began production of distilled spirits which are called "water of life". Discovering the

true origin of a particular alokoholnog drinks is not easy because the recipes have become part of

national pride. In the fifteenth century begins production of "national drinks" in European

countries and to the gin in England, schnapps in Germany, Scandinavia aquavit, vodka in Russia

and Poland, and winery in the Balkans.Initially used in therapeutic, medical purposes but also to

achieve a good mood.In Serbia brandy produced from a variety of fruit, most commonly from

plums, and only in the late 19th century, after the destruction of vineyards by phylloxera, and

reduced production of wine.Today in Serbia produce brandy from different fruit brandy but still

has primacy .

2. Volumen Brandy
The strength of brandy is determined by the amount of alcohol that is expressed in cubic

parts or volume percentages, which are marked as% vol. The volume percentage of the number

of liters of absolute ethanol (100% purity) contained in 100 l of an alcoholic beverage or, in the

water-alcohol mixture, which makes this drink.

Sometimes in everyday speech strength alcohol is still expressed in the city. Conversion

can easily be done using equality:

1 city = 2.46 The vol%

The most practical and fastest strength of brandy is determined by alkohometra.


Apparatus for distilling spirits from fermented liquid typically consists of the boiler which

is connected to pipe in steam pipelines uspravnom- by leaving alcohol vapor during heating.

Steam line pipe alcohol vapor leads to a condenser where it is using the power of cold water

performs complete condensation of the alcohol vapors in a liquid state.Apparatus for the

production of spirits is usually made of copper.

Although the process of production of distilled alcoholic beverages known since the

earliest times, the new technology allows for obtaining all quality products. The technological

process of obtaining brandy consists of four basic phases:grinding logs or crushing of

fruit,fermentation or alcoholic vrenje- converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide (CO 2),

with the help of micro-organisms, sometimes with the addition of yeast,destilacija- technological

operation separation of alcohol from fermented smeše- popular baking aging or odležavanje-

brandy is poured into oak barrels where it ages two to twelve years. For the time comes to

develop flavor, aroma and color of certain types of brandy.

Chemists discover scientific principles and explore ways to speed up the aging of brandy

without changing the taste of brandy. Modern filters allow removal of unwanted residue and

achieve mild properties of the final product.

The popular myth is that the strength of spirits can be determined by the size of the so-

called ring of bubbles. wreaths that are formed when the bottle thoroughly shaken this measure

also misused as a measure of quality brandy.

Brandy is in Serbia most products Plum because annual yields and the quality of local

plum allow. In addition to the plum brandy in Serbia are produced and brandy apricot, quince,

pear, apple, raspberry, and honey, walnuts and many others.

Although it does not have to be the rule, the usual strength of brandy fruit species have the

following volume

plum 40-45% alcohol by volume

Cider 42% alcohol by volume

perry 40-45% alcohol by volume

Apricot 45-50% alcohol by volume

Breskovac 45-50% alcohol by volume

grape 50% by volume

brandy 50% vol

The quality of the basic properties of brandy must check and validate the laboratories for

analysis such specially equipped, specialized and legally competent to issue valid certificates of

quality brandy.


Brandy takes place in four steps: preparing fruit for fermentation, fermentation – alcohol

pomace fermentation, distillation-brandy distilling and aging-maturation of brandy. For the

production of fruit brandies can serve all the fruit raw materials that have a sufficient amount of

sugar that will be transformed during fermentation into alcohol. Percentage of total sugar in

fruits is directly proportional to the amount of ethyl alcohol to be incurred. In addition to sugar,

as important as theorganic and inorganic substances that fruit, and later the spirits give a specific

smell, taste and color.

Time of harvest is characteristic for each variety, but in common is that the harvest is

performed whenthe fruits are fully ripe. The harvest is done by a dry day when the fruits are fully

ripe and is done manually or mechanically. Fully ripe fruits plums are slightly wrinkled the skin

around the stem, the meat had dark yellow color and a little Brownised around bones. The fruit

can be easily separated from the stem and branch shaking or shaking the branches or the entire

tree easily with waste wood. Shaking carried out carefully, with the least use of poles because

they damage the flower buds, thus reducing the rod for the next year. The grass under the trees

should be mowed before shaking the tree planted under a canvas or nylon that is easier, cleaner

and faster expensive fruits. After completion of harvest, Bought, impurities and moldy fruit


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