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“Leave me to my own absurdity.

― Sophocles, Antigone

“You must remember that no one lives a life free from pain and suffering.”
― Sophocles

“Give me a life wherever there is an opportunity to live, and better life than was my father's.”
― Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

“There is a kind of excellence in me and you—born in us—and it cannot live in shame.”

― Sophocles, Electra

You have your eyes but see not where you are
in sin, nor where you live, nor whom you live with.
Do you know who your parents are? Unknowing
you are enemy to kith and kin
in death, beneath the earth, and in this life.”
― Sophocles, The Complete Greek Tragedies

“You're dreaming, girl, lost in a moving dream.”

― Sophocles, Electra

“ORESTES: Just to see the outline of your suffering

ELECTRA: Yet this is only a fraction of it you see.”

― Sophocles, Electra

“Oh my love take me there. Let me dwell where you are. I am already nothing, I am already
burning. Oh my love, I was once part of you—take me too!”
― Sophocles, Electra

“I will not live by rules like those.”

― Sophocles, Electra
“What an ugly, loveless life for a girl.”
― Sophocles, Electra

“OD: σὺ οὔτε φωνεῖς οὔτε δρασείεις σοφά.

NE: ἀλλ‘ εἰ δίκαια, τῶν σοφῶν κρείσσω τάδε.”
― Sophocles

So clear in this case were the oracles,
so clear and false. Give them no heed, I say;
what God discovers need of, easily
he shows to us himself.”
― Sophocles, The Complete Greek Tragedies

O, O, O, they will all come,
all come out clearly! Light of the sun, let me
look upon you no more after today!
I who first saw the light bred of a match
accursed, and accursed in my living
with them I lived with, cursed in my killing.”
― Sophocles, The Complete Greek Tragedies

“All my love gone for nothing. Days of my love, years of my love.”

― Sophocles, Electra

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