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Will AI or robot(s) replace humans in the world of law?
This is one of the question that has raised with all the
new technical and scientific advancement in the law
field today. Some might say, not just replacement of
lawyers but the whole of the judicial system around
the world taken over by artificial intelligence in the
near future wont be a matter of surprise.

Artificial intelligence and robots are something that are

hugely misunderstood by any laymen. AI is a branch of
computer science whereas robotics is a branch of
technology dealing with programmable machines that
can carries out series of action. Not all AI programs are
not used to control robots and also not all robots are
programmed with AI.
The matter at discussion are the AI programs and
artificially intelligent robot(s), that have already
gradually started to be used and to replace lawyers and
judges in the court. China, the European countries, the
US and also now Australia have already implemented
AI oriented courts at the lower levels. There is a case
study where computer(AI) give better judgements
than a human person and can make better laws too. A
US study conducted in2018 pitted 20 well-respected
corporate lawyers against an AI in an error-spotting
test across a suite of non-disclosure agreements
(NDAs) and the response were measured by time and
accuracy. The human lawyers to have achieved an
average accuracy 85% in an average time of 92 mins.
By comparison, AI’s success rate of 92% -an impressive
score, particularly given that it was achieved in just 26

To just so imagine, a case processed and judged by AI

will take about just 1% of the time takes for a case to
be resolved by humans being the judges and lawyer to
it. That too with a more accurate judgement, in turn
giving out justice at a more greater rate.

This can solve about all the pending cases in India in

just few years or a decade at max., and to add on the
advantages a programming or a robot will never be
biased or deviate because of impulse and emotions like
human. So 25years down the line the whole of the
legal system can and will be dominated by AI and
artificially intelligent robots is the belief and claim of
many. So if considered all this, in future there would be
no need of a lawyer, the AI judge will be sentencing
just few steps to how this would be
1. Feed in all data about what the laws are
and how is it applicable in different
2. Feed in data about all the past cases
and history, about what was the case
and what was the decisions made at
the end.
3. Feed data about what the lawyers from
both the sides said in the courtroom
and what valid or invalid points they
4. Once the data is fed, train the machine
to predict the outcome for a new case
given all the circumstances and proofs.

But till the computer(s) has a really really high rate of

success, it would be impossible for the human
judgements to be replaced by AI robots. When if they
are 99% accurate that won’t satisfy the government to
change its dependence from humans to computers or

But so to speak, in fact in legal cases everything is

based on facts and proofs and there are a lot of data
around the world to teach and train AI on how humans
make decisions. Isn’t law nothing but series of
algorithms, codified instructions prescribing do’s and
don’ts , if’s and then’s similar to that of programming
algorithms of artificial intelligence.
So lets gets back to our question, can or will artificial
intelligence replace lawyers?
The answer would be no, or to put it in a better way,
the AI would not replace human lawyer( unless
humans let them or make them to). So why is it not
possible for AI to replace lawyer, even after with faster
speed and better accuracy less errors. That is because
even though AI is seems to be better, human brains are
more complex and varied. Legal industry is not the only
industry AI is said to possibly dominate and replace
human in, every other field or industry the AI is
believed capable of taking the place of humans in the
near future. But there would be a lot of unnecessary
consequences to it. For example, in a economic point
of view their will be a tones of people losing their jobs
having nothing to do; this alone will be a problem that
causes a ciaos. And technologically AI with so much
information and data and the with so much ability and
power, it can always overpower on human.

Setting all this aside, even a mere case requires human

touch to it as it is process dealing with humans. As our
Chief Justice of India(CJI) Sharad Arvind Bobde, said
while telling that the Supreme Court is exploring the
possibility of adopting Artificial Intelligence(AI) to
prevent undue delays in delivery of justice, ”it is only
the repetitive mathematically and mechanical parts of
the judgements which help can be taken from AI.”

There is always the need for a human who uses his

brain and humanity to bring justice. Lawyers(humans)
can not be replaced by AI, but never the less, lawyer
equipped with AI will surely replace those who are not.
And any country applying, inculcating and equipping its
court with AI will surely be successful in providing
justice in a faster, accurate and in a better way.


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