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Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Instructional Focus: Vowel r - or

Story Number: 8


Mort and I sat on the porch with Dad. Dad told us about his
friend, Mork. Mork loved to play all sports.
One day there was a big storm. Mork could not play any sports
because of the storm. His Mom told him to do his chores. He could
mop the floor, dust or sort the socks. When his chores were done,
the storm was not over.
Mork was sad, but he could read about sports. Mork read and
read. After lunch the storm stopped and Mork could play his best
sport, golf.
Dad kept score for Mork. Mork got his best score. Mork told
Dad that reading about golf helped him play well. Now Dad thinks
Mort and I need to read more.

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