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Explicit Instruction for Phonics Intervention

Instructional Focus: Vowel r - or

Story Number: 9

The Shore

Dad took a trip to the shore in his new Ford truck. He blew the Ford’s horn
as he drove north to the shore. He stopped at a store to fill out a form to fish.
When Dad got to the shore, he drove to the port. Dad got on a boat at
the port and sailed off to fish. Dad went to sleep. The boat’s horn made him
jump. Dad looked north and saw a stork, but no fish.

Dad ate his lunch. He tossed his apple core into the sea. A fish swam by
and took it. Dad tried to get the fish, but the stork got it.
Dad put some pork on his line. He sat and sat. He felt a tug on the line.
Dad got a sword fish with the fork bait.
When Dad got back to port, he put the sword fish in his Ford truck. He
drove up and down the shore to show off his sword fish.
Dad had a good time at the shore. He will take more trips to the shore
to fish.

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