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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Child’s name replaced with “student”

Student’s Name: ___Student__ Student's Date of Birth:____DOB___

Undergraduate Teacher:____Paul Drago____ Lab Day/Time:____Tuesday 6:00pm___

1. Introduction:
Student is a 4.5 year old who always has a ton of energy, loves running around,
and really enjoys building and knocking over blocks. Student has been diagnosed with
autism, sensory integration, ADHD, developmental delay, and is very hyperactive. None
of these things stop Student from having fun and working hard at lab. Student enjoys
physical education but has difficulties with complex directions, and doing one thing for a
long period of time. He enjoys having a reward such as stickers or something to do after
performing a task. Student and his parents want to work on his listening skills and
being more calm overall. Student will try almost anything and if he does not like it he will
immediately let you know. Student puts in hard work and has fun with all that he does.
Student was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development -2 (TGMD-2) on
Tuesday, September 10th and 17th, 2019 between the times of 6 and 7pm.

2. Present Level of Performance:

I have had a great time working with Student so far at lab. He is a very energetic
and playful boy who loves moving around and doing a wide variety of activities. Student
always tries his best each week and is determined to be the best he can. Student is a
great student who has both strengths and weaknesses in his 3 domains.

In the cognitive domain, Student has some things that he needs to work on along
with some strengths. I can tell when Student is having a good or bad day based on how
he is acting and how determined he is to play. Since everything starts with the brain,
Student needs to work on focusing more and staying on task. Student has a tendency to
drift off and do his own thing at time instead of the activity at hand. When this happens it
can be difficult to get and hold his attention to bring him back to what he is supposed to
be doing. This is important because there have been times where Student has run off
into other groups’ areas which can be a safety hazard for him and the other students.
Another cognitive need that Student can improve on is his listening skills and
comprehension with directions. Student often has trouble understanding what he is
supposed to do during certain activities. Student may listen, but not be able to
understand the directions. This leads to Student doing his own thing rather than the
lesson itself. One of Student's strengths in the cognitive domain is that he has a good
memory for the most part. The first week when he was assessed I had him perform
many locomotor skills. It did not take long for him to remember them which made me
not have to demonstrate each time.

In the affective domain Student has both strengths and weaknesses. One thing
that Student has to work on in the affective domain is his cooperation skills. Student for
the most part does a very good job working with others but can sometimes forget that
he is not the only one participating. Student can sometimes take over and do his own
thing instead of working with his partner and the teacher. One of Student’s strengths in
the affective domain is his respect towards the teacher and classmates. Student is
usually well behaved and does a good job with taking turns when he knows how to.
Student has the potential to be a great student in the future considering he already is on
the right path.

The psychomotor domain was the most complex when it came to strengths and
weaknesses for Student. After testing him with the TGMD-2 format I was able to see
what areas he was good at and where he could use improvement. Overall Student did a
much better job with the locomotor skills compared to the manipulative skills. Some of
the locomotor skills that Student performed well with were running, hopping, and
horizontal jumping. Student enjoyed these activities very much which definitely helped
with his overall technique. Student is a very fast runner, and somehow rarely gets tired
in class. Although Student was good at these skills he can still improve on them. When
he runs he can practice pumping his arms more, with hopping he can try to hop on one
foot for a longer amount of time, and with jumping he can work on his distance and
exploding his arms up. The locomotor skills that Student can improve on were galloping,
leaping, and sliding. Student tends to jump instead of leap which is very common. He
can practice coming off one foot and landing on the other to improve this. When
galloping sometimes his back leg crosses over his lead leg, and with sliding his body is
not always focused to the side. When it came to manipulative skills Student tried his
best and had a lot of fun. Student needs to work on all of his manipulative skills, but he
is definitely heading in the right direction for where he is at his age. I could see Student
picking up hockey since that is his favorite game to play in class. Student is also very
close to learning how to catch consistently.
When it comes to fitness my advice for Student is to stay as active as possible
each day to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. Having Student participate in a wide
variety of sports and activities will allow him to continue to progress in his skills and
grow better and better each day.

3. Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

Based on your assessment and the above description of your student's present
level of performance, plan what you think is important for your student to learn by
the end of this semester. Write this plan in the form of long term goals and two
short term objectives. If your student is at least twelve years old, remember to plan
for the student's transition from school to adulthood as you write these goals and
objectives. Ask yourself what skills, knowledge and attitudes does the student
need to learn in lab in order to be ​physically active as an adult​?

Write long term goals, one in each domain listed below. Under each long term
goal, write two short term objectives as intermediate steps that will lead to attaining
the long term goal. Write the objectives in measurable terms, including a situation,
task and criterion for each objective. Organize the goals and objectives under the
following headings.

A. Cognitive Goal: ​Understanding and comprehending directions

1. Short term objective: ​Repeating directions

2. Short term objective: ​Breaking directions down

B. Affective Goal: ​Working well with other students and people

1. Short term objective: ​cooperating with a partner

2. Short term objective:​ working on patience

C. Psychomotor Goal: ​Catching a ball consistently with mature form

1. Short term objective: ​Catching larger balls

2. Short term objective: ​Catching smaller balls

D. Fitness: ​Being able to sustain a full class without being tired
1. Short term objective: ​Half the class without being tired

2. Short term objective: ​¾ of the class without being tired

4. Health Considerations
There are no physical concerns that need to be considered.
Emotionally, Student just needs to be monitored to ensure he is happy and
enjoying the activities at hand.

5. Behavioral Considerations
Monitor Student with his autism, ADHD, sensory integration, and hyperactiveness.

6. Teaching Strategies
-Teaching Slowly: ​I will break directions into smaller pieces and move slowly so
Student has an easier time understanding.
-Teach By Invitation:​ I will never make Student do something he does not want
to do since this could lead to behavioral problems in class.
-Work in Progressions: ​I will start small and slowly make my way up to bigger
progressions so it is easier for Student to learn one small thing at a time and put
the pieces together.

7. Evaluation Plan
My evaluation plan for this class and Student is to conduct a post test at the end
of the semester to compare my results in the beginning to the results at the end.
This will show me the areas that Student improved on and areas where he still
needs to work on. These results will also show me how effective my teaching
was based on how much he improved.

8. Services to be Provided:
Physical education instruction once each week at SUNY Cortland Adapted
Physical Education Lab for one semester (9/10/19-12/3/19).

9. APE Placement Decision Model

As of now I believe Student will be able to go into a regular setting PE class with
other students. He has the ability to play and cooperate well with others and
participate at a good level. Student has to work on his comprehension skills if he
stays on this path.

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