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Objective: To understand the salary distribution and its divergence in USA among various factors like

geographic, education, occupation, work class etc.

KPI 1:No. of employees working in various states in US and percentage to total working class in
USA from given data

The states in mid region and west coastal region in USA which as also larger in area have more
percent of overall working class.

For example states like idhao ->237, California -> 208 are having 12 and 10% of overall working class
working there where as in states like Connecticut ->73 and Illinois -> 73 which are smaller in area
and are on eastern coastal shares 3.70 percent of overall working class.

KPI 2: employee wise gender classification filtered by states

Overall 68% of all employees are male and 32 percent are females in USA

When these gender wise data being filtered by states, the illinios state has highest gender gap.

In illiniois 78% are male and only 22 percent are female. And on the same side illiniois have least no.
of employees. Gender diversity is not there in Illinois.

Where as states like California and Idaho which shares highest no. of employee, the gender gap is
least among all the states there. Mostly 64% males and 34% females.

KPI 3: Average salary of employees based on work class filtered by states

Taking average salary of all workclass all over all states given, there is not much difference.

But when analysing state like Connecticut the salary distribution is not uniformly distributed.

State govt and na use to get very high salary there as compared to local government and private
sector employees.

Where as in states like California salary are uniformly distributed among various work classes.

KPI 4: Education wise salary and respective employee percentage filtered by states

When we analyse Education wise salary and respective employee percentage filtered by states the
highest average salary in overall USA is being availed by 1st-4th but such persons are only 1% of
overall work force and when we filter them by type of work force they are mostly self employed.
Highest percentage of education is HS grade which share around 34% of all persons and they have
average income of around 190K.

There are only 1 % doctorate and 6% masters. In low workforce states like illinios and Indiana there
are very few masters and almost no doctorates.

Where as larger workforce states like California have good no. pf masters which is around 9%.

KPI 5: Occupation wise Hours-per-week and no. of person in those occupation filtered by states
After analysing occupation wise hours per week and no. of persons in those occupation filtered by
state wise, we found out that executive managerial persons and professional specialties work the
most in a week that is around 10000 hours per week and combinely they share around 25% of total
workforce. But this is story of usa. In states like Illinois and Indiana with least percent of workforce
have more no. of workforce in craftsman and they works most in a week in such states but salary is
relatively lower.


Few states in USA have very least no. of workforce share and there can be many factors for this.

We tried to identify such states in first KPI and California and Idaho were the states with maximum
share of workforce where as states like Connecticut and Illinois and Indiana shares least percent of

There are many factors which government should consider to analyse the salary structure and gap
within these states.

The gender gap in least workforce sharing states are very high and very less in states like California.

This mean gender diversity is a very important factor in workfoce shares and salaries.

Government of USa should promotes more females in workforce in theses state.

In states like Indiana where workforce share is less and salary is also lesser than states like California,
the education level of person is not upto the states like California. Persons in California are having
higher salary and higher education also. There is almost no masters and doctorates in Indiana where
as around 8-9 percent of all workforce in California and idhao are masters.

In states like California the highest salary is being taken by managerial executives who are mostly
masters but in state like Indiana and Illinois highest salary being taken by self proprotors.

The distribution of gender in workforce, the education level, job opportunities are not uniform
among all the states of USA.

Govt. of USA need to take steps in improving education quality, bringing more industries and
companies, gender diversity promotion and job orientation courses to states like Connecticut, Idaho
and Indiana.

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