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Hi this is Shreyas from CCD-DCM team.

Today i will be talking about cloud computing


Cloud computing is a buzzword that means different things to different people.

Most of us use cloud computing all day long without realizing it.
When you sit at your PC and type a query into Google, the computer on your desk
isn't playing much part in finding the answers you need: it's no more than a
The words you type are swiftly shuttled over the Net to one of Google's hundreds of
thousands of clustered PCs,
which dig out your results and send them promptly back to you.
When you do a Google search, the real work in finding your answers might be done by
a computer sitting in California, Dublin, Tokyo, or Beijing;
you don't know because you don't need these details.
Cloud computing underpins a vast number of services.
That includes consumer services like Gmail or the cloud back-up of the photos on
your smartphone,
though to the services which allow large enterprises to host all their data and run
all of their applications in the cloud.
Netflix relies on cloud computing services to run its its video streaming service
and its other business systems too,
and have a number of other organisations.

So to put it technically,
Cloud computing means that instead of all the computer hardware and software you're
using sitting on your desktop, or somewhere inside your company's network,
it's provided for you as a service by another company and accessed over the
Internet, usually in a completely seamless way.
Exactly where the hardware and software is located and how it all works doesn't
matter to you.

How does cloud computing work?

1)Rather than owning their own computing infrastructure or data centers,

companies can rent access to anything from applications to storage from a cloud
service provider.

2)One benefit of using cloud computing services is that firms can avoid the upfront
cost and
complexity of owning and maintaining their own IT infrastructure,
and instead simply pay for what they use, when they use it.

3)In turn, providers of cloud computing services can benefit from significant
economies of scale by delivering the same services to a wide range of customers.

What makes cloud computing different?

1)It's managed
Most importantly, the service you use is provided by someone else and managed on
your behalf.
If you're using Google Documents, you don't have to worry about buying umpteen
licenses for word-processing software or keeping them up-to-date.
Nor do you have to worry about viruses that might affect your computer or about
backing up the files you create. Google does all that for you.
One basic principle of cloud computing is that you no longer need to worry how the
service you're buying is provided: with Web-based services,
you simply concentrate on whatever your job is and leave the problem of providing
dependable computing to someone else.

2)It's "on-demand"
Cloud services are available on-demand and often bought on a "pay-as-you go" or
subscription basis.
So you typically buy cloud computing the same way you'd buy electricity, telephone
or Internet access from a utility company.
Sometimes cloud computing is free or paid-for in other ways (Hotmail is subsidized
by advertising, for example).
Just like electricity, you can buy as much or as little of a cloud computing
service as you need from one day to the next.
That's great if your needs vary unpredictably: it means you don't have to buy your
own gigantic computer system and risk have it sitting there doing nothing.

Types of cloud computing

IT people talk about three different kinds of cloud computing,
where different services are being provided for you.
Note that there's a certain amount of vagueness about how these things are defined
and some overlap between them.

1)Iaas :
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) refers to the fundamental building blocks of
computing that can be rented: physical or virtual servers, storage and networking.
This is attractive to companies that want to build applications from the very
ground up and want to control nearly all the elements themselves,
but it does require firms to have the technical skills to be able to orchestrate
services at that level.
Ordinary web hosting is a simple example of IaaS: you pay a monthly subscription or
a per-megabyte/gigabyte
fee to have a hosting company serve up files for your website from their servers.

2)Paas :
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is the next layer up -- as well as the underlying
storage, networking,
and virtual servers this will also include the tools and software that developers
to build applications on top of: that could include middleware, database
management, operating systems, and development tools.
App Cloud (from and the Google App Engine are examples of PaaS.

3)Saas :
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the delivery of applications-as-a-service, probably
the version of cloud computing
that most people are used to on a day-to-day basis. The underlying hardware and
operating system is irrelevant
to the end user, who will access the service via a web browser or app; it is often
bought on a per-seat or per-user basis.
Best examples are office 365 provided by microsoft.

Now i will be talking about the cloud models:

1)Public cloud:
Public cloud is the classic cloud computing model, where users can access a large
pool of computing power over the
internet (whether that is IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS). One of the significant benefits
here is the ability to rapidly scale a service.
The cloud computing suppliers have vast amounts of computing power, which they
share out between a large number of
customers -- the 'multi-tenant' architecture. Their huge scale means they have
enough spare capacity that they can easily cope if any particular customer needs
more resources,
which is why it is often used for less-sensitive applications that demand a varying
amount of resources.

2)Private cloud:
Private cloud allows organizations to benefit from the some of the advantages of
public cloud -- but without the concerns about relinquishing control over data and
because it is tucked away behind the corporate firewall.Companies can control
exactly where their data is being held and can build the infrastructure in a way
they want -- largely for IaaS or PaaS projects -- to give developers access to a
pool of computing power that scales on-demand without putting security at risk.

3) Hybrid cloud.
In hybrid some data in the public cloud, some projects in private cloud, multiple
vendors and different levels of cloud usage.
The main reasons for choosing hybrid cloud include disaster recovery planning and
the desire to avoid hardware costs when expanding their existing data center.

Is geography irrelevant when it comes to cloud computing?

Actually it turns out that is where the cloud really does matter; indeed
geopolitics is forcing significant changes on cloud computing user and vendors.
1)Firstly, there is the issue of latency: if the application is coming from a data
center on the other side of the planet, or on the other side of a congested
then you may find it sluggish compared to a local connection. That's the latency
2)Secondly, there is the issue of data sovereignty. Many companies -- particularly
in Europe -- have to worry about where their data is being processed and stored.
European companies are worried that, for example, if their customer data is being
stored in data centers in the US or (owned by US companies) it could be accessed by
US law enforcement.
3)Cloud security is another issue; the UK government's cyber security agency has
warned that government agencies need to consider the country of origin when it
comes to adding cloud services into their supply chains.
While it was warning about antivirus software in particular, the issue is the same
for other types of services too.

What is a cloud computing region? What is a cloud computing availability zone?

Cloud computing services are operated from giant datacenters around the world.
AWS divides this up by 'regions' and 'availability zones'. Each AWS region is a
separate geographic area,
like EU (London) or US West (Oregon), which AWS then further subdivides into what
it calls availability zones (AZs).
An AZ is composed of one or more datacenters that are far enough apart that in
theory a single disaster won't take both offline,
but close enough together for business continuity applications that require rapid
Each AZ has multiple internet connections and power connections to multiple grids:
AWS has over 50 AZs.
1)Lower upfront costs and reduced infrastructure costs.
2)Easy to grow your applications.
3)Scale up or down at short notice.
4)Only pay for what you use.
5)Everything managed under SLAs.
6)Overall environmental benefit (lower carbon emissions) of many users efficiently
sharing large systems. (But see the box below.)
1)Higher ongoing operating costs. Could cloud systems work out more expensive?
2)Greater dependency on service providers. Can you get problems resolved quickly,
even with SLAs?
3)Risk of being locked into proprietary or vendor-recommended systems? How easily
can you migrate to another system or service provider if you need to?
4)What happens if your supplier suddenly decides to stop supporting a product or
system you've come to depend on?
5)Potential privacy and security risks of putting valuable data on someone else's
system in an unknown location?
6)If lots of people migrate to the cloud, where they're no longer free to develop
neat and whizzy new things, what does that imply for the future development of the
7)Dependency on a reliable Internet connection.

Some examples of Infy using cloud computing:


As we are moving in the world of IoT and machine learning to derive better and
informed business decisions,
data has become most valuable asset for organizations. From clickstreams to IoT,
mobile apps to social media and
data generated by business applications, it's all data. This amount of data is
massive and organizations are looking for a way to deal with it.
Consequently, data lakes are getting popular day by day.

As we are moving in the world of IoT and machine learning to derive better and
informed business decisions,
data has become most valuable asset for organizations. From clickstreams to IoT,
mobile apps to social media
and data generated by business applications, it's all data. This amount of data is
massive and organizations
are looking for a way to deal with it. Consequently, data lakes are getting popular
day by day.

2) Infrastructure as a code:
It allows codification of infrastructure which helps in leveraging best software
development practices and
version control. It can be authored with any code editor like Visual Studio code or
Atom editor,
checked into a version control system like Git and reviewed with team members
before deployment into Dev/Test/Prod.

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