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Name: Luh Putu Devia Aprilianti

Nim : 1712021232

Class: 6G

Prose Fiction / Assessmemt 1

Empire's End: A Woman Story

The reason I chose a novel called "Empire's End: A Woman Story" is because I was happy with
the writer of this novel. The author of the novel is Leila Rasheed, a woman who has a mixture of
British and Asian blood. Leila herself is a remarkable novel writer, who is very fond of children and
magic linguistics and the power to change the world. Not only that he also likes to write history and
fantasy. And in this novel tells a little boy named Camilla, According to Emipre's End: A Woman
Story novel by Leila Rasheed, where a little boy named Camilla is a very happy little boy, where he
lives with his parents, it can be said that Camilla is a very happy child. But his happiness just
disappeared since his father was called back to work in Rome, where Rome is the center of the
world. The Camilla story itself is also presented as a very exciting scholastic sound series.

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