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Color in each you complete.

Student name: ______________________________ Teacher: ___________________________

Literacy Numeracy Motor Self-Care

For the first 5 days of TeleSchool, choose and complete one activity per content area each day.
Go for a walk and count how many birds
Cut out the “Humpty Dumpty” you see. Eat your servings of fruits and
Play activities outside
scene and create the scene as vegetables.
you sing the song.

Traffic Game, make three signs that Help your family do a chore, such as
Read a book with a family/friend. Predict how many shoes it takes to get
say go, slow, and stop. Have a grown putting your plate in the
from one end of the hall/room to
or sibling hold up the sign and you sink/dishwasher, picking up your
another. Then, check the prediction by
follow the direction. toys, or wiping the table.
counting while you line shoes up.

Draw a picture of someone in

Take a walk and ______. Brush your teeth after each meal
your family and tell a friend or
(2-3 times a day).
family member about the picture. If it's raining look out the window to
find the items.
Walk around and find circle, squares,
rectangles and triangles and place them
on the table to sort and talk about.
Color in each you complete. Student name: ______________________________ Teacher: ___________________________

Write numbers 1-5 on paper plates,

paper napkins or paper (whatever you Draw a picture using the lines/shapes
have available) and find the same you are practicing. Ask for/Indicate help when getting
Look at your family members eyes number of items to put on the dressed.
(dogs and cats also) and tell them number.
what color they are.

Use GoNoodle to Dance to 3 of your

Try and find items around your Count the chairs in your home. favorite songs. Wash your hands before you eat
home with letters of the alphabet in and after you use the bathroom
the title
I hereby certify that my child, ______________________________________, did complete their digital learning day activities selected from above.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________

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