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A) Write the comparative forms of the C) Fill in the blanks with the comparative

adjectives. form of the adjectives.

1) Good 1) This bag is -------------------
2) Bad the others. ( heavy )
2) The train is -------------------
3) Big the helicopter. ( slow )
4) Expensive 3) A giraffe is -------------------
5) Elegant a horse. ( tall )
6) Bright 4) A lion is ------------------ a cat.
( wild )
7) Healthy 5) An elephant is -------------------
8) Happy a tiger. ( heavy )
9) Generous 6) A laptop is -------------------- a
a computer. ( light )
10) Funny
7) My cat is -------------------- all the cats.
11) Exciting ( lovely )
12) Boring 8) Maria is ---------------------- Alice in the
13) Noisy party. ( beautiful )
9) My sister is -------------------- my brother.
( educated )
10) George is-------------------- Frank.
( handsome )
B) Choose the correct one.
11) Going to beach is --------------------
1) My brother is taller / more taller than me. staying at home. ( exciting )
2) This way is shorter / more short than the 12) This skirt is --------------------
others that dress. ( expensive )
3) My grandfather is older / the older than 13) Magee is --------------------
everybody in our family. her mother. ( tidy )
4) This book is expensiver / more expensive 14) Our new neighbors are
than the others.
----------------------------- the old ones.
5) Our garden is biger / bigger than the ( helpful )
other gardens.
15) I’m --------- at driving ------
6) Susie is the more hardworking / more John. ( bad )
hardworking than me.
16) Luis is ------------------ all the
7) This car is more cheap / cheaper students in the class. ( smart )
than all the cars in the gallery.
17) Suzy is --------------------
8) Reading book is better / gooder Marta. ( fat )
than watching TV.
18) My brother is --------------------
9) Summers are hoter / hotter than me. ( lazy )
the springs.
10) Women are fragiler / more fragile
than men.

D) Make comparisons by using the words given.

1) ----------------------------------------------------- ( Kristen – everybody – beautiful )
---- 2)
( the weather – today – yesterday – good )
3) -------------------------------------------------- ( books – TV –
useful )
4) -------------------------------------------- ( my car – hers –
comfortable )
5) ----------------------------------------------------- ( Ben – Tom – fat
6) ------------------------------------------------- ( Ann – Sue -
generous )
7) ---------------------------------------------------- ( Kate – Adam –
old )
2) 8) -------------------------------------------- ( snakes – spiders –
1. Good: Better
2. Bad: worse
3. Big: Bigger
4. Expensive: More expensive
5. Elegant: More elegant
6. Bright: Brighter
7. Healthy: Healthier
8. Happy: Happier
9. Generous: More generous
10. Funny: Funnier
11. Exciting: More exciting
12. Boring: More boring

B. Bi chose the correct one

4. This book is expensiver/ more expensive than the others.

1. This bag is heavier than the others.
2. The train is Slower than the helicopter.
3. A giraffe is taller than a hourse.
4. A lion is Wilder than a cat.
5. An elephant is Heavier than a tiger.
6. A laptop is lighter than a a computer.
7. My cat is Lovelier than all the cats.
8. Maria is More beautiful than Alice in the party.
9. My sister is More educated than my brother.
10. George is More handsome than frank.
11. Going to beach is More exciting than staying at home.
12. This skit is More expensive than that dress.
13. Magee is Tidier than her mother.
14. Our new neighbors are More helpful than the old ones.
15. I’m Worse the at driving than john.
16. Luis is Smarter than all the students in the class.
17. Suzi is fatter than Marta.
18. My brother is Lazier than me.

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