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NIM : P07120118063

1. The incorrect option is B

Each number is (the contents of ) a binery system “which”(which
uses “which” not “are” ) is formed from only two symbols

2. The in correct option is A

Because a subject is scientist

3. The incorrect option is C

because the plural form of the verb are does not match the singular
form of the subject rim.

4. The in correct option is B

because we should omit “at”. The correct one is “The deputy
officer was charged with looking over the files…(without “it”).

5. The in correct option is A

6. The in correct option is A
“gone” (third form) changes to “went” (second form)

7. honestly... before I didn't really want to wrestle the nursing

process.. I originally wanted to wrestle about literature.. but my
thinking changed when I started to take part in nursing activities
starting from social service and practicing in the hospital... well
here my reason for being a nurse was formed... I liked this process
because it made people happy... I love seeing patients smile when I
give treatment... and I sometimes it takes a hit to see the sadness
suffered by patients.. I want to be useful and help others.. I want to
save someone .. that's all there is in my mind .. and that's also
helped by the motivation given by my lecturer..
8. Time should never be wasted
Time is the most important thing , so everyone should value it.
There are 24 hours per day that we can spend. Some people may
think we have a lot of time to do many things within one day, but
some may think that they want more time. However, all of us
basically have an equal amount of time to spend ,which depends on
us who choose to spend it wisely.So, There are many reasons why
time is important. time never waits for us. We cannot turn back the
clock to redo anything. For example, when I studied in my
secondary school , I was too lazy to study for my exams. After the
exams , I told myself that if I had enough time, I would have
achieved better scores. Thus, regret comes afterwards when people
realize they should have done something in the past.Time is also
equal to one's running life span. a person life decreases along with
the flow of, they only have a limited amount of time to
live. thus, the time they have left is precious.Moreover, time is
important because we can’t turn back time to correct our mistakes.
From time is important because we can’t turn back the clock and
time never waits for us. Thus, people should spend their time
wisely before it is too late to achieve anything.
9. The new venture that gives Thailand some opportunities
10. This Is My Opinion About the benefit of the deal from the
ministry.The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and
will trade in consumer and industrial electronics and machinery for
both light and heavy manufacturing. This venture company is a
direct result of a pledge made by Thailand's Minister of Finance in
Seoul at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in 1961.
According to one economic analyst, foreign companies will benefit
from this new venture company because of a 3% lowering of
tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, while Thailand will have an
opportunity to learn from foreign management styles. What is
special about the Qua Ping Trading Corporation? (It's a joint
venture. Advantages of joint venture are: increased capacity.
sharing of risks and costs (ie liability) with a partner. access to new
knowledge and expertise, including specialised staff. access to
greater resources, for example technology and finance. Which
company has the smallest stake? Global Agro Company it means:
That they takes a low risk for a high reward action so basically
they are making a really good decision. What is one benefit of the
deal? Lowered taxes on exports to Thailand. This also means that
the cost to export product from Thailand to other countries is also
decreased. What occurred in 1961? A promise was made for
economic cooperation. This was a large event that makes the
economy of south-east asia grows exponentially

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