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Online Session Assignment

Feriyanto Adolof
Semester 4 (2018)
Advanced English Grammar

Present Perfect vs. Past Perfect

Exercise 1
● 3.1
1. I ​have read​ a lot this week, but I have to get the book completely finished by
this weekend.
2. A: Shall I make us some dinner? It's already 8 o'clock.
B: No thanks, I ​went ​to the dentist this afternoon and my mouth hurts too
much to eat anything.
3. I ​have had ​three lectures today and I still have two more later this afternoon.
4. It was so hot today that I ​wore ​shorts and a T-shirt at work.
5. We ​have spent​ £200 on food this month and there’s another week to go before
I get paid.
6. A: Do you want a lift home?
B: No, I​ overslept​ this morning because my alarm clock didn’t go off, so I
need to work late.
● 3.2
1. Maria ​hasn't wanted​ to go swimming since ​she fell​ in the river.
2. Since she ​worked​ at the company she ​hasn't​ ​had​ a day off through illness.
3. Since he ​rescued​ the girl from the frozen pond, he ​has been​ on TV almost
every day.
4. A lot ​has happened​ since I last ​spoke​ to you.
5. Since I ​was able​ to drive I ​have felt​ much more independent
6. Robert's reading ​has improved​ enormously since ​he was​ at school.
● 3.3
1. a) Remember that after you ​have signed​ the contract you won't be able to
change your mind.
b) Carlo's injury only became apparent after ​he signed​ to play for Real
2. a) As soon as I ​have finished​ college I want to travel around Australia.
b) I didn't have time to check the composition. I handed it in as soon as I
finished​ it.
3. a) By the time Sarah got to work the meeting ​had finished​.
b) I'll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children ​have got​ up.
4. a) I recognised her the moment I ​heard​ her laugh.
b) I'll tell you what time we're coming the moment I ​have heard​ from Frank.

● 3.4
1. In tonight's World Cup Match, French are currently beating Germany 2-1 with
five minutes of the match to go. If the score remains the same it will be the
first time Germany ​has lost ​to French.
2. The Victoria Hospital in Milltown ​has closed ​to new patients after more cases
of food poisoning. Three elderly patient ​died ​last week in the outbreak.
3. In last night's final Mark Peters ​defeated ​Myers in three sets. It was the first
time in six attemps that Peters ​has beaten​ the world champion.
4. Nearly 600 laptops ​have stolen ​from Ministry of Defense staff over the past
five years. However, a spokesperson ​insisted ​that there had been no security
problems as none of the computers​ held​ secret information.

Exercise 2
● 21.1
1. My best friend, Kevin was no longer there. He ​had gone ​away.
2. The local movie theatre was no longer open. It ​had closed ​down.
3. Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He ​had died.
4. I didn't recognise Mrs. Johnson. She ​had changed ​a lot.
5. Bill no longer had his car. He ​had sold ​it.
● 21.2
The woman was a complete stranger to me. I​ had never seen her ​before.
Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised. She ​had never been
late ​before​.
3. Jane played tennis yesterday-at least she tried to play tennis. She wasn't very
good at it because she ​had never played tennis ​before.
4. It was Carl's first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didn't know what to
do. He ​had never driven a car ​before.
● 21.3
1. Tom wasn't home when I arrived. He ​had just gone out.
2. We arrived at the theatre late. The ​movie had already begun.
3. They weren't eating when I went to see them. They ​had just finished their
4. I invited Ann to dinner last night, but she couldn't come. She ​had already
made plans to do something else.
5. I was very pleased to see Diane again after such a long time. I ​hadn't see her
for five years.
● 21.4
1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ​had gone​ to bed.
2. I felt vey tired when I got home. So, I ​went ​straight to bed.
3. Sorry I am late. The car ​broke ​down on my way here.

4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ​broke ​down and the driver was
trying to repair it. So, we ​had stopped ​to see if we could help.

Exercise 3
1. have finished
2. have been waiting
3. had been working, had worked
4. had seen
5. has climbed, has sailed, has gone
6. had climbed, had sailed, had gone, had experienced
7. had never been
8. had already eaten
9. has been trying, has just finished, hasn't done
10. have you been running

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