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Reading comprehension

BC7TB © Porto Editora

1 Read the text.

Today the weather was so good that I decided

to walk home from school. I noticed that
there were some kids in a circle laughing
really loudly and screaming at someone else
in the middle of the circle, so I got closer to
check it out. An old lady was lying on the
floor and she was hurt! Instead of helping
her, they made fun of her. I quickly found my
way through all those children and helped
her stand up. I really don’t understand how
they could just look at her and laugh… I’m
happy that she is feeling better now and I
hope she never falls to the ground again.

12 Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
a. The weather was great!

b. Sarah took the bus home.

c. There were some kids against a wall singing.

d. An old lady was injured.

e. Sarah didn’t do anything to help the old lady.

2 Answer the following questions.
a. Why did Sarah decide to walk home from school?

b. What were those kids doing?

c. Why was the old lady lying on the floor?

d. How does Sarah feel, now that the old lady is alright?


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