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Description: *****READ ALL! UPDATES ON BOTTOM *** This is the best and most
advanced keylogger you will ever use. Not only does it log normal keys, it logs the
keys that most keyloggers miss, such as the keys on the num pad and
enter,backspace,alt,ctrl,shift,mouse buttons, EVERYTHING (I mean every key!!!!!!),
all of the F#s.NOt only does it do that, it will detect all of the open window
names and save that and the text that was typed into that window all in a hidden
DLL!!!!(open the dll with Notepad) This is awesome, it uses not even 1% of
resources, and it will automatically add itself into the startup part of the
registry. It will also give you the time and date that it was entered, the window,
and the size of the file(dll). You can never see the window, it justs runs hidden
until your comp is shut down, then it will start as soon as Windows starts. All you
have to do is open the dll to see whatever you want. It's also hidden from the CTRL
ALT DELETE screen(2000,XP only) All of this and it's only 40k. It also has the
classic dos style icon so you can put it in the windows directory to disguise
it.*** UPDATED *** updates:
1 Will not save empty logs to the dll. (If the comp is Idle for a long time, the
app won't keep saving empty logs. It will only save when an action is
performed :-))
2 Better file sizer
3 Now takes up less ram.
4 NOW INCORPERATES THE SETTINGS.INI FILE! What this does is that it will name the
dll (that has the info) and the registry key what you enter as a name. By default
it is "regsvc32", but if you entered (for example) 'muscapp32" or something else,
it will now save the dll to that name. This is great because if someone found out
the dll file and is taking the info as well as you (or deleting the dll), the app
will now save to the renamed dll! SWEEEEEETTT!!!!
()If the settings.ini is deleted or something like that, my app will just default
to regsvc32 instead of crashing!!!!!!!!!!!
()Hides itself in WIndows 9x, 2000 and XP! KEYWORDS: Keylogger Key Logger
GetAsyncKeyState VK_ DLL INI Files Registry Startup Advanced Master Supreme Jaime
This file came from home millions of lines of source
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