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Code and data management with Git

Git Tips and Tricks

Wibowo Arindrarto

Department of Human Genetics

Center for Human and Clinical Genetics

We have only been playing with some of what git offers. In reality,
you can do much more with it. It also allows for a wide array of

We will look into some of these customizations now.

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Custom Prompt

Checking which branch you are working on and its status is routine.

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Custom Prompt

Checking which branch you are working on and its status is routine.

“git status” is useful, but quickly feels repetitive.

1 $ git branch
2 * master
3 $ git status
4 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 1: Routine git checking

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Custom Prompt

Checking which branch you are working on and its status is routine.

“git status” is useful, but quickly feels repetitive.

1 $ git branch
2 * master
3 $ git status
4 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 1: Routine git checking

Solution: use a custom shell prompt that displays git status.

1 ( master ) $ git st
2 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 2: Git checking with custom prompt

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Custom Prompt

The git-approved way to do this is to use the “\_\_git\_ps1” shell

function defined in the “” file.

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Custom Prompt

The git-approved way to do this is to use the “\_\_git\_ps1” shell

function defined in the “” file.

The location of this file depends on your OS and git version. For
now, you can download a copy of this file from our GitLab.

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Custom Prompt

The git-approved way to do this is to use the “\_\_git\_ps1” shell

function defined in the “” file.

The location of this file depends on your OS and git version. For
now, you can download a copy of this file from our GitLab.

Then, in your “.bashrc” file, add “\_\_git\_ps1” to the “PS1” vari-

able, and source your “.bashrc” again.

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Useful git commands

git blame
Git tracks each line of each file in its repository.

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Useful git commands

git blame
Git tracks each line of each file in its repository.

You can view who committed the line change, the commit hash, and
the commit time using “git blame”.
1 $ git blame README
2 a4394d28 ( bow 2014 -06 ...) Second version .

Listing 3: git blame command

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Useful git commands

git blame
Git tracks each line of each file in its repository.

You can view who committed the line change, the commit hash, and
the commit time using “git blame”.
1 $ git blame README
2 a4394d28 ( bow 2014 -06 ...) Second version .

Listing 3: git blame command

Similar functionality is also available in GitLab by clicking on the

blame button when viewing a file.

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Useful git commands

git tag
Sometimes, it is practical to refer to a commit with a name instead
of a hash.

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Useful git commands

git tag
Sometimes, it is practical to refer to a commit with a name instead
of a hash.

Official releases, for example, are better referred to as v1.0 than


5/20 Code and data management with Git 14-06-2019

Useful git commands

git tag
Sometimes, it is practical to refer to a commit with a name instead
of a hash.

Official releases, for example, are better referred to as v1.0 than


This can be done using “git tag”.

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Useful git commands

git tag

1 $ git tag " v0 .0.1"

2 $ git show v0 .0.1
3 commit a 4 3 9 4 d 2 8 e 6 b a 3 0 b e 1 9 3 1 8 e e 7 4 f 7 3 2 a 1 0 3 b 8 f f d f 2
4 Author : bow < bow@bow . web . id >
5 Date : Sat Jun 21 13:47:03 2014 +0200
7 Second commit
9 diff -- git a / README b / README
10 index efe6f7c ..4 fe6328 100644
11 --- a / README
12 +++ b / README
13 @@ -1 +1 @@
14 - First version .
15 + Second version .

Listing 4: Adding a tag

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Useful git commands

git tag
What we did previously is to add what is called a lightweight tag.
Lightweight tags are essentially commit aliases.

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Useful git commands

git tag
What we did previously is to add what is called a lightweight tag.
Lightweight tags are essentially commit aliases.

There is another type of tag, called the annotated tag.

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Useful git commands

git tag
What we did previously is to add what is called a lightweight tag.
Lightweight tags are essentially commit aliases.

There is another type of tag, called the annotated tag.

Annotated tags contain more information: tagger identity, tagging

message, tagging date, and can be verified with GPG.

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Useful git commands

git tag
1 $ git tag -a " v0 .0.1" -m " Alpha version "
2 tag v0 .1.0
3 Tagger : bow < bow@bow . web . id >
4 Date : Sat Jun 21 15:11:53 2014 +0200
6 Alpha version
8 commit a 4 3 9 4 d 2 8 e 6 b a 3 0 b e 1 9 3 1 8 e e 7 4 f 7 3 2 a 1 0 3 b 8 f f d f 2
9 Author : bow < bow@bow . web . id >
10 Date : Sat Jun 21 13:47:03 2014 +0200
12 Second commit
14 diff -- git a / README b / README
15 index efe6f7c ..4 fe6328 100644
16 --- a / README
17 +++ b / README
18 @@ -1 +1 @@
19 - First version .
20 + Second version .

Listing 5: Adding an annotated tag

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Useful git options

git diff -w
Sometimes, you want to hide whitespace differences when using
“git diff”.

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Useful git options

git diff -w
Sometimes, you want to hide whitespace differences when using
“git diff”.

This can be done via “git diff -w”.

1 $ git diff -w

Listing 6: git diff without whitespace

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Useful git options

git diff -w
Sometimes, you want to hide whitespace differences when using
“git diff”.

This can be done via “git diff -w”.

1 $ git diff -w

Listing 6: git diff without whitespace

Note that while this aids visualization of the diff, git will still commit
the whitespace change.

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

Git gives you total control over your history, which means you can
also change them.

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

Git gives you total control over your history, which means you can
also change them.

This practice is potentially dangerous and should not be part of your

regular workflow. This is especially true for public commits.

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

Git gives you total control over your history, which means you can
also change them.

This practice is potentially dangerous and should not be part of your

regular workflow. This is especially true for public commits.

Still, there are times when changing that one last commit makes
more sense than doing a “git revert”

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

Git gives you total control over your history, which means you can
also change them.

This practice is potentially dangerous and should not be part of your

regular workflow. This is especially true for public commits.

Still, there are times when changing that one last commit makes
more sense than doing a “git revert”

“git commit --amend” allows you to do that: changing your last com-

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

When run on a clean branch (no uncommitted changes),
“git commit --amend” allows you to change your last commit mes-

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Useful git options

git commit –amend

When run on a clean branch (no uncommitted changes),
“git commit --amend” allows you to change your last commit mes-

You can also use the command to meld current staged changes to
your last committed change.
1 $ git status
2 Changes to be committed :
3 modified : README
4 $ git commit -- amend -m " Update README "
5 [ master b60437d ] Second update
6 1 file changed , 1 insertion (+) , 1 deletion ( -)

Listing 7: git commit –amend

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Useful git options

git add –patch

Often, uncommited change overextends. You start with the inten-
tion of fixing bug A, but in the middle found that you can implement
feature B and feature C while also squashing bug D.

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Useful git options

git add –patch

Often, uncommited change overextends. You start with the inten-
tion of fixing bug A, but in the middle found that you can implement
feature B and feature C while also squashing bug D.

At the end of the day, only “git commit -am "Updates"” is done and
the whole change is saved in a single comit.

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Useful git options

git add –patch

Often, uncommited change overextends. You start with the inten-
tion of fixing bug A, but in the middle found that you can implement
feature B and feature C while also squashing bug D.

At the end of the day, only “git commit -am "Updates"” is done and
the whole change is saved in a single comit.

This defeats the purpose of tracking your changes in commits. Com-

mits ideally represents a single, functional update, which you can
understand later on.

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Useful git options

git add –patch

You can, infact, commit the line changes selectively. This helps split
a mesh of changes into separate commits.
1 $ git add -- patch

Listing 8: git add –patch

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Main Configuration File

In Linux, git uses the “~/.gitconfig” file as its main configuration

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Main Configuration File

In Linux, git uses the “~/.gitconfig” file as its main configuration

To see the current configuration values, use “git config --list”.

1 $ git config -- list
2 user . name = bow
3 user . email = bow@bow . web . id
4 color . ui = auto

Listing 9: Git config values

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Main Configuration File

To edit the file directly, open “~/.gitconfig” in a text editor and
save your changes.
1 $ vim ~/. gitconfig

Listing 10: Modifying the config file

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Main Configuration File

To edit the file directly, open “~/.gitconfig” in a text editor and
save your changes.
1 $ vim ~/. gitconfig

Listing 10: Modifying the config file

You can also use the “git config --global” to set the values via the
1 $ git config -- global user . name " Linus Torvalds "

Listing 11: Modifying via the shell

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Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

We will look at two examples now: setting a global ignore file and
setting aliases.

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Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

We will look at two examples now: setting a global ignore file and
setting aliases.

In addition to setting a directory-specific “.gitignore” file, you can

also set a global ignore file.

16/20 Code and data management with Git 14-06-2019

Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

We will look at two examples now: setting a global ignore file and
setting aliases.

In addition to setting a directory-specific “.gitignore” file, you can

also set a global ignore file.

You can name this file anything. The convention is to use

“.gitignore\_global” and place the file in your home directory.

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Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

The global ignore file has the same format as the per-directory
“.gitignore” file, only visible to all git repositories.

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Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

The global ignore file has the same format as the per-directory
“.gitignore” file, only visible to all git repositories.

1 $ echo "*. out " > ~/. gitignore_g l ob a l

2 $ echo " testing . txt " >> ~/. gitignore_g lo ba l
3 $ git config -- global core . excludesfile \
4 "~/. gitignore_g l ob a l "

Listing 12: Setting the global ignore file

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Main Configuration File

Modifying: global ignore

The global ignore file has the same format as the per-directory
“.gitignore” file, only visible to all git repositories.

1 $ echo "*. out " > ~/. gitignore_g l ob a l

2 $ echo " testing . txt " >> ~/. gitignore_g lo ba l
3 $ git config -- global core . excludesfile \
4 "~/. gitignore_g l ob a l "

Listing 12: Setting the global ignore file

1 $ echo " Is this the real life ?" > this . out
2 $ touch testing . txt
3 $ git status
4 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 13: Ignoring via the global file

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Main Configuration File

You can alias simple commands.
1 $ git config -- global alias . st status
2 $ git st
3 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 14: Simple alias

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Main Configuration File

You can alias simple commands.
1 $ git config -- global alias . st status
2 $ git st
3 nothing to commit , working directory clean

Listing 14: Simple alias

Or more complex commands.

1 $ git config -- global alias . qlog \
2 " log -- pretty = oneline "
3 $ git qlog
4 a4394d28e ... Second commit
5 80 eafd7e6 ... First commit

Listing 15: Complex alias

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GitLab and GitHub

Demo time!

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Martijn Vermaat
Wibowo Arindrarto
Szymon Kielbasa
Jeroen Laros

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