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Decision theory

Decision theory (or the theory of choice) is the study tributed to a re-evaluation of what rational decision-
of the reasoning underlying an agent’s choices.[1] Deci- making requires.[4]
sion theory can be broken into two branches: normative
decision theory, which gives advice on how to make the
best decisions, given a set of uncertain beliefs and a set 2 What kinds of decisions need a
of values; and descriptive decision theory, which analyzes
how existing, possibly irrational, agents actually make de- theory?
Decision theory is closely related to the field of game the- 2.1 Choice under uncertainty
ory;[2] decision theory is concerned with the choices of
individual agents whereas game theory is concerned with For more details on this topic, see Expected utility
interactions of agents whose decisions affect each other. hypothesis.
Decision theory is an interdisciplinary topic, studied by
economists, statisticians, psychologists, political and so- This area represents the heart of decision theory. The
cial scientists, and philosophers.[3] procedure now referred to as expected value was known
from the 17th century. Blaise Pascal invoked it in his
famous wager, which is contained in his Pensées, pub-
lished in 1670. The idea of expected value is that, when
1 Normative and descriptive faced with a number of actions, each of which could
give rise to more than one possible outcome with dif-
Normative or prescriptive decision theory is concerned ferent probabilities, the rational procedure is to identify
with identifying the best decision to make, assuming an all possible outcomes, determine their values (positive or
ideal decision maker who is able to compute with perfect negative) and the probabilities that will result from each
accuracy and is fully rational. The practical application of course of action, and multiply the two to give an expected
this prescriptive approach (how people ought to make de- value. The action to be chosen should be the one that
cisions) is called decision analysis, and is aimed at finding gives rise to the highest total expected value. In 1738,
tools, methodologies and software to help people make Daniel Bernoulli published an influential paper entitled
better decisions. The most systematic and comprehensive Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk,
software tools developed in this way are called decision in which he uses the St. Petersburg paradox to show that
support systems. expected value theory must be normatively wrong. He
gives an example in which a Dutch merchant is trying to
In contrast, positive or descriptive decision theory is con-
cerned with describing observed behaviors under the as- decide whether to insure a cargo being sent from Am-
sterdam to St Petersburg in winter. In his solution, he
sumption that the decision-making agents are behaving
under some consistent rules. These rules may, for in- defines a utility function and computes expected utility
rather than expected financial value (see[5] for a review).
stance, have a procedural framework (e.g. Amos Tver-
sky's elimination by aspects model) or an axiomatic In the 20th century, interest was reignited by Abraham
framework, reconciling the Von Neumann-Morgenstern Wald’s 1939 paper[6] pointing out that the two central
axioms with behavioural violations of the expected util- procedures of sampling–distribution–based statistical-
ity hypothesis, or they may explicitly give a functional theory, namely hypothesis testing and parameter esti-
form for time-inconsistent utility functions (e.g. Laib- mation, are special cases of the general decision prob-
son’s quasi-hyperbolic discounting). lem. Wald’s paper renewed and synthesized many con-
The prescriptions or predictions about behaviour that cepts of statistical theory, including loss functions, risk
positive decision theory produces allow for further tests functions, admissible decision rules, antecedent distri-
of the kind of decision-making that occurs in prac- butions, Bayesian procedures, and minimax procedures.
tice. There is a thriving dialogue with experimental eco- The phrase “decision theory” itself was used in 1950 by
nomics, which uses laboratory and field experiments to E. L. Lehmann.[7]
evaluate and inform theory. In recent decades, there The revival of subjective probability theory, from the
has also been increasing interest in what is sometimes work of Frank Ramsey, Bruno de Finetti, Leonard Sav-
called 'behavioral decision theory' and this has con- age and others, extended the scope of expected utility


theory to situations where subjective probabilities can be as the expected rates of interest and inflation, the person’s
used. At this time, von Neumann and Morgenstern theory life expectancy, and their confidence in the pensions in-
of expected utility [8] proved that expected utility max- dustry. However even with all those factors taken into
imization followed from basic postulates about rational account, human behavior again deviates greatly from the
behavior. predictions of prescriptive decision theory, leading to al-
ternative models in which, for example, objective interest
rates are replaced by subjective discount rates.

2.3 Interaction of decision makers

Some decisions are difficult because of the need to take
into account how other people in the situation will re-
spond to the decision that is taken. The analysis of such
social decisions is more often treated under the label of
game theory, rather than decision theory, though it in-
volves the same mathematical methods. From the stand-
point of game theory most of the problems treated in de-
cision theory are one-player games (or the one player is
viewed as playing against an impersonal background sit-
uation). In the emerging socio-cognitive engineering, the
research is especially focused on the different types of
distributed decision-making in human organizations, in
normal and abnormal/emergency/crisis situations.

2.4 Complex decisions

Daniel Kahneman Other areas of decision theory are concerned with deci-
sions that are difficult simply because of their complex-
The work of Maurice Allais and Daniel Ellsberg showed ity, or the complexity of the organization that has to make
that human behavior has systematic and sometimes im- them. Individuals making decisions may be limited in re-
portant departures from expected-utility maximization. sources or are boundedly rational. In such cases the issue
The prospect theory of Daniel Kahneman and Amos is not the deviation between real and optimal behaviour,
Tversky renewed the empirical study of economic be- but the difficulty of determining the optimal behaviour
havior with less emphasis on rationality presuppositions. in the first place. The Club of Rome, for example, de-
Kahneman and Tversky found three regularities — in veloped a model of economic growth and resource usage
actual human decision-making, “losses loom larger than that helps politicians make real-life decisions in complex
gains"; persons focus more on changes in their utility– situations. Decisions are also affected by whether options
states than they focus on absolute utilities; and the esti- are framed together or separately. This is known as the
mation of subjective probabilities is severely biased by distinction bias.
Pascal’s Wager is a classic example of a choice under un-
certainty. 3 Heuristics
Main article: Heuristic
2.2 Intertemporal choice
One method of decision-making is heuristic. The heuris-
Main article: Intertemporal choice tic approach makes decisions based on routine thinking.
While this is quicker than step-by-step processing, heuris-
Intertemporal choice is concerned with the kind of choice tic decision-making opens the risk of inaccuracy. Mis-
where different actions lead to outcomes that are realised takes that otherwise would have been avoided in step-by-
at different points in time. If someone received a windfall step processing can be made. One common and incorrect
of several thousand dollars, they could spend it on an ex- thought process that results from heuristic thinking is the
pensive holiday, giving them immediate pleasure, or they gambler’s fallacy. The gambler’s fallacy makes the mis-
could invest it in a pension scheme, giving them an in- take of believing that a random event is affected by previ-
come at some time in the future. What is the optimal ous random events. For example, there is a fifty percent
thing to do? The answer depends partly on factors such chance of a coin landing on heads. The gambler’s fallacy

suggests that if the coin lands on tails, the next time it flips A general criticism of decision theory based on a fixed
it will land on heads, as if it is “the coin’s turn” to land on universe of possibilities is that it considers the “known un-
heads. This is simply not true. Such a fallacy is easily knowns”, not the "unknown unknowns": it focuses on ex-
disproved in a step-by-step process of thinking.[9] pected variations, not on unforeseen events, which some
In another example, when choosing between options in- argue (as in black swan theory) have outsized impact and
volving extremes, decision-makers may have a heuristic must be considered – significant events may be “outside
that moderate alternatives are preferable to extreme ones. model”. This line of argument, called the ludic fallacy,
The Compromise Effect operates under a mindset driven is that there are inevitable imperfections in modeling the
real world by particular models, and that unquestioning
by the belief that the most moderate option, amid ex-
tremes, carries the most benefits from each extreme.[10] reliance on models blinds one to their limits.

4 Alternatives 5 See also

• Bayesian statistics
A highly controversial issue is whether one can replace the
use of probability in decision theory by other alternatives. • Causal decision theory

• Choice modelling
4.1 Probability theory
• Constraint satisfaction
Advocates for the use of probability theory point to: • Decision making

• Evidential decision theory

• the work of Richard Threlkeld Cox for justification
of the probability axioms, • Game theory
• the Dutch book paradoxes of Bruno de Finetti as il- • Multi-criteria decision making
lustrative of the theoretical difficulties that can arise
from departures from the probability axioms, and • Operations research

• the complete class theorems, which show that all • Optimal decision
admissible decision rules are equivalent to the
• Decision quality
Bayesian decision rule for some utility function and
some prior distribution (or for the limit of a se- • Preference (economics)
quence of prior distributions). Thus, for every de-
cision rule, either the rule may be reformulated as • Quantum cognition
a Bayesian procedure (or a limit of a sequence of
such), or there is a rule that is sometimes better and • Rationality
never worse.
• Secretary problem

• Signal detection theory

4.2 Alternatives to probability theory
• Small-numbers game
The proponents of fuzzy logic, possibility theory,
quantum cognition, Dempster–Shafer theory, and info- • Stochastic dominance
gap decision theory maintain that probability is only one • Two envelopes problem
of many alternatives and point to many examples where
non-standard alternatives have been implemented with
apparent success; notably, probabilistic decision theory
is sensitive to assumptions about the probabilities of vari- 6 References
ous events, while non-probabilistic rules such as minimax
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normative) 210. doi:10.1109/TSSC.1968.300114. Reprinted
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• Arthur, W. Brian (May 1991). “Designing Eco- theory)
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8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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