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Julie Leaton Spanish II Review Media UnitMay 8, 2017

Target age popula on:

Eighth and ninth grade Spanish II students

Objec ves

World language standards

3.1 Making connec ons

I can iden fy and/or apply selected informa on and skills from other content areas in experiences
related to the target language and cultures.

4.1 language comparisons

I can iden fy basic gramma cal structures of the target language and compare these structures to my
own language such as tense, gender, word order, and agreement.

Na onal Educa onal Technology Standards

1. Crea vity and Innova on Students demonstrate crea ve thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innova ve products and processes using technology. Students:
a. apply exis ng knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2. Communica on and Collabora on Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collabora vely, including at a distance, to support individual learning
and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
digital environments and media.
b. communicate informa on and ideas effec vely to mul ple audiences using a variety of
media and formats.
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
5. Digital Ci zenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology
and prac ce legal and ethical behavior. Students:
a. advocate and prac ce safe, legal, and responsible use of informa on and technology.
b. exhibit a posi ve a tude toward using technology that supports collabora on, learning, and
produc vity.
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. exhibit leadership for digital
ci zenship.
6. Technology Opera ons and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and opera ons. Students:
a. understand and use technology systems.
b. select and use applica ons effec vely and produc vely.
c. troubleshoot systems and applica ons.
d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

Descrip on of assignment
Julie Leaton Spanish II Review Media UnitMay 8, 2017

This unit is a beginning of the year review of the major Spanish I topics. The students will be placed into
7 groups of 2-4 students (depending on class size). Each group will be given a vocabulary and
gramma cal concept that they will have to teach to the rest of the class. To do this, they will have to
create a mul media project for the grammar and the vocabulary, create an ac vity for the class to
prac ce, and a way to evaluate their classmates’ learning. Each of the seven groups will have 1 class
period to present their vocabulary and grammar units.


This assignment will be a beginning of the year Spanish II unit to review the major Spanish I concepts.

Technology and supplies to be used:

1. Computer
2. Smartboard
3. Student Chromebook with video camera app.
4. An online classroom program or email (I use Google classroom).
5. A basic video edi ng app for the Chromebook.
6. The electronic worksheet or post the instruc ons on the Smartboard.
7. A paper copy of the cri que worksheet.
8. A copy of the textbook.

Expecta ons

For this assignment, I would expect my students to work collabora vely to:

1. Create a visual presenta on to teach their assigned vocabulary.

2. Use their technology to photograph, video, and create ac vi es to do in class.
3. Work in a respec ul manner teaching their lesson.
4. Demonstrate strong understanding of the assigned vocabulary and grammar.
5. Upload the assignment onto Google classroom.

Time Frame and loca on (50- minute class)

Day 1 (in classroom)-

1. 5-10 minutes to break into groups and explain the assignment.

2. 5 minutes to organize themselves.
3. 35-40 minutes to look up their vocabulary words and plan their visuals.

Day 2 (in classroom or outside)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to create photos for their vocabulary words using their Chromebook cameras.

Day 3 (in classroom)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to use pictures to create visual presenta on (slideshow, collage, Aurasma, etc.)

Day 4 (In classroom)-

Julie Leaton Spanish II Review Media UnitMay 8, 2017

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to create vocabulary assessment (Google forms, Kahoots, etc.)

Day 5 (In classroom)-

1. 5-10 minutes to assign groups their grammar points and explain assignments.
2. 40-45 minutes to research their grammar point and plan for their media produc on.

Day 6 (In classroom)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to create visuals for the Grammar ac vi es.

Day 7 (In classroom)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to create media project to explain gramma cal point (video, slideshow, etc.)

Day 8 (In classroom)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to create class gramma cal assessment (Google forms, Kahoots, etc.)

Day 9 (In classroom)-

1. 5 minutes to discuss project and answer ques ons.

2. 45 minutes to finish up all ac vi es, create 10 test ques ons about their topic, and prepare for
the presenta ons.

Days 10-18 (In Classroom)-

1. Each group will give their presenta ons to the class. The class will complete all assessment
ac vi es and evaluate the presenta on.
2. If there is me, we will discuss their evalua ons.

Day 19 (In classroom)-

1. We will review to clear up any confusion and misunderstandings. Students will complete review

Day 20 (In classroom)-

1. Students will take a 28- ques on wri en assessment. Test ques ons will be chosen by the
teacher based off of the ques ons submi ed by each group.


For this unit, my students will be assessed four different ways.

1. Peer assessment: Students will assess their classmates’ projects with the worksheet seen
below. For this evalua on, I am using the idea of 2 stars and one wish discussed in Media
Literacy is Elementary. (Share, p. 188) Each student will put down 2 good things about each
Julie Leaton Spanish II Review Media UnitMay 8, 2017

groups video and one thing that they can improve on. The class will discuss what they come
up with. This will give my students a chance to cri cally analyze each video on how it is
produced, the ease of understanding and ways that it can be improved.

2. Group assessment of their classmates: The students will create ac vi es that they will
complete in class to evaluate how well their classmates learned from their presenta ons.

3. Teacher assessment: I will evaluate the students’ projects using the rubric as seen below. I
will evaluate their work on how well they did on the visual and audio of the video, their
visuals, their explana on, and how professionally they presented the informa on.

4. Forma ve Assessment: I will create a 28-ques on test with ques ons chosen from the test
ques ons that each group will submit on their topic.

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