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- fl/ul!obnp ftlul!op!J fl/u5birn/J €I lfmmemoriol l!Jrl/JIT- &Jdtit,

- ~ ast ~iUltt Jure «xprts.s mruilt~ Ji Jp'
~ l)ribo.t.e <fccles1111nicallp llnttrnational q:ommum oncll a,nme.flataral ~

l}edaration of 'acrust

\I lll'r.:.I\. thi: .1nL1l'111, Jc:1urc. ,ilmng111,d. ind1gu1ou,. u1, 111c. I 11111g. nJ mo,1h1tl· \ lnorr, h
.\111cm .1n. .l.l\\h,1r;1 1111,il \ lu, h1ruh 11 (:int.I the ant'll:nt ch: 1uri: nbong1n,rl mJrgemiu, J 111 nl'
1111ng 11.rt11r,1I 11111or, 111 the lunu . JI North 1\rnuil .1 North11t:,t \mnem. ,1,nh 1\ Jriru I h,
N111 thg.ll, ), .in: the· I rtl\l e,1q1u, lll lh i, l k Jun; I ll ic, iJ\ lll:J II) (.'()Jlllll l\\lOlled I , r re,, l ru, 1
Ja11hur,1 I Iii.ii i\ lu, lnr.ih I I ,, the I xe~u111r. ~clllor. Claimant. ( ,rantor. I ru, tor ant.I hi:reh 1
dc,1gn.1tt·~ :.ill hendici:iric:s n l ,ill , .,iJ tru,t .1,,i:1-.. Whcrc.c., J,,"hJr.t I lilal \l u, hrrah I I JnJ the
dl', 1g1w1cd 1'. h>tll , 111' her LIHlllsing. 111 prnpnu r er;ona , u, ; un,. ,mu m solo proprro. ,ire the
l ru~rc:c, lnr the nff~n,, or Lh" I).; Jure Eccksr.~ tii.:all) l ,rn1miss1oncd I ru, 1 op,.111 the IJnJ, 0 1
Nn11h J\mcnea. North" c, 1 Amcxem. \Jorth J\fm:a, I he Nonhg.i te.
lk it ~ 110\\ 11 th:it. ll!l duty • or allegiance . i, 01H:d 10 Jll ) other Gn1 crnmenl. CORl'OR..\ f ION.
or oubide p,1rtil'S - wlw arc 1101 nam..:d 111 thrs I n.1s1 C'11n1t:r, cl~ . ,, hi Isl th.: n,lll1eJ Moon,h
,\ 111..:ric:m N.11io11:il~ Ari.: th..: n:..:1p1cnl\ ol thi, vast c, tatc 1ru, 1 hcndi1~. they ,lr<.: ul, o the rull)
,·nt itleJ rec1picn1s or the s,,id 1rw,1 a~,els (dcscrihcd hc:rcinl, and th.:ir heir... assign, . and later
n.1111,·d benr liciuries h:11.: 1:xclu:\ive u,age ul / 10 1hc langrhlc J-'Sd s rnade c11·ailabk therei n)
I his ·· l'rtilf i( ionnl . Pure Vasi !:state l; xpress Tn.i~l-- is .icll\'e and functroning in the pattern lo
11here rru, 1O\\els 11 ill be conve~cu hy o tinal 1cs1a111cn1 and / or declara tion 10 benefici,irr es. \\ h<,
~hall hc..:orn..: the ···1ruslec··. rh,s express 11'\J, t 1s crc;11cJ b) the Cnnslitutwnal ..rig.hi to
conlr:ict", 11 hic h ..:.1111101 be Jbridgcd, and 1s protected undi:r known kderall) cnforce.1hle
"c11ntract Ju" s··. und not subjccl lo contrJI)' slatui:s. nrJn.mccs. codes. l,r an~ ot' lhc: , uh, equl'nt
subordinate laws pa\\eJ b~ any of the sc1crnl !STA I r- LEG ISLATlJR!:.SJ .
This 1rus1 is not subjc,110 ILl 'Gl:-. L1\ l'I VE CON"! RO I or 1ts ' REs; I RI C'T IO/\S]. or the
conslrn1111s or PROB,\ TE law, nor Jocs 11 rel). or depend on any jSTA f UTES j. and e:-- isis
entire!) wi thin !ht: ·'realm of equity... having a ~cparale and dis1ine1jundical pcr~onalll)
11)19' truB't 19' unallt nablt anb malirna!Jle.

Mad.: pu rsuant to the /.odi:ie Constitution IJ\J\ 222 1411. filed 111 the Libr:il) of Congr1:ss UN Re,.
6 1/:!9:i•Dcclaration of th e Right.- nr lnd1 gcnou~ Peoples. UN Re:,. 60/1 --17 Human R_ights Ln11 .

:£-mission S>tatr111ent:
Spr riL i, la w. law is nature. nature is tribal (fami ly), tribe (f:unrly). is glwerr1111l'nt. In 1hc
"Mudahay Mudayh Mushrrah El Immemorial Trust' "hich 1s un .,bnrigin:il ccclcs,,Lst1call)
internn1ional commrssion.:d divine nJt ural a1,'Tc:Cmen1 the or autochllrnn peopk:, e11· the i'- lnJbitc
Moor I Ol mec D1.:ccndents. and w,l!> crt.:.ited on: 3 Si~a'ban 1441:§aq:. [27 r,.tARCH. 2020 CCV] .
and b) these onic lcs cun1:.u111:d hcri:111111. 11 hrch define the Ancestral b t<>tcs of the Al l\ l:t!!hrib ;\I
,\ qsa. Amcxcm !At North. Suu1h. Centr:il Amc:ricnn/ Moonsh Empire ]. ~

The pnmt11') obJcc1i, e of the T ru, t, i, to acquire ond in, c,1 111 tangible '·n·al .. ,1, scts. and sccur..:
wealth • lor 1hr postait> nr ]'clUJ hil t\l J!)llcll Jtlu ~l)tl'cli) Q:I (free 11hi1c so,cricgn. natural nnd
hum:.111): her cJirecl. and the 111dircc1 he irs. or tl!,sign, or her estate.

fH':! Ol -OOOv0000-1..ftljHffl Q;Jt 0000003_E fCl<lf,111011 of l!:rusr

<!:rr11f1r b Pom 111ru1 · 70l!)0 160000 I09'.)66526
/ ,!,,'1

~,11/ubaljop ,11/ubapb ,11/uJl[Jirab (t/ .Jlnrm,nwrfa/ (/{rt1J11~ •
- ~ait «state l)urt €:q,ress ~ rust~
~ ~ribalt l!lcrltll'iaJiticallp 3Jnternatio nal qj;omm111'lioncb 1B1umc Jllarural • · .,,,.

I he m..uling locJtlOn of the rcspons1hlo.: p,tn) .

M oorish Nat ional Republic Federal Governmen t

Empress Jawhara Hilal Mushirah El
c/o: scarpa street 011e-zero-four-e1ghHix
Near [Las Vegas Nevada territory (89178-9998)]
Non-Oomc~ 11c Non-Rc\1dc nt1JI \!on-SuhJctl

I h,· c1Ti:c11, c ucat1l,n d,11c of tl11:, Tru~t. in C.\ l\tc111:,· :J\ nf 3 , ltu ' ha n 1-l-l I ,, hich 1' the
cqui, ,tlcn1 ol [~7 march. 20'.!0 CCY[

i!'hr 111 risb1 C11011 of this eJJtntr - l.rnb (n1r a nb umrrr), ,1 11b pl111s-1c,1l s 1rn1t11 rrs) · 1!1 w,111111 11111
Jflorocrn n ,111,rslr,11 l1111bs of 91 jtloroc.

~ utograpfJs' anb ~Pil ls'

U_, special appc..irJJ1cc. in honor. the divine being. le111prr!l'S' Jfnu,IJ;, rn j[)l (,1{ :!-lll11 s l11rnlJ Cel. Jtfim, ~

thJt ,he is the natural \\llrnan di\ inc being herein named. c;,.i~ting in her own propna pcr,ona. meeting th.:
· IJ\\ o l C\ ukncc· as n:qum:d and defined in ' identity", nnirmcd hy lawlul. sub:,tJntiH: right: by hc:irthrigl11:
and re-rccri, cl~" (edged - being lm1full y qualified and competent 10 c, ccute this document.
thcrdore place In) hJnd and seal thereto.


J!Jap:¥3 .fllont!f.~
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l / I ,,
I .1111 : !._/, I ~/~ , .
Clo ur ol ~ bJl1.11• Jllt1bJ1•h Jllu11i1rah € 1 Jl1111urmo1111 ri:ru,i. fnbihJr~ l!J•l~I .tll11sl11rJh \!:I
111 un 1m.' L1rrso11 1 jjUI 1uns frrr .rnb ~otnrr1a11 UJltllr 111oonsll JUtrru.rn n.11100.11
J u lou , '"'' OlllfllJ tUr J rrurlllllllS .111 11g l 11s n tt ltHb Jf JII LIOIOIS Ill l111tr 1111 11( L/(0 lllllt
/ 11ort11ur,st .1111t~c111 11orll1 11111rr1<J rhr 11ortll o,11r

/ t' ·~ /t / •- 1
W 1111rss:
'" l,l(G Llfl.1 prrSOUJ ,u1 ru n / J IIIO!):fil Ph 0 111111.l IUr.1 rr,r nt,lllllS
l ll riatirs nrrr1( rtt-:»1 111 pou,11 fn fllllt, 111111r pro tunr

Jfl:;;ll!:11. 00(I000004_ jl1Jllftl!C1!. 0000003 Drchm111011 of ~rus l 1:lntJr 2

1!:rr11hrb Dornmrnt 70 I00 I60000 I090GG:i2G

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