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20 Interesting Facts You're #12

Too Lazy to Google Backdrop (telón de fondo)

Intro: #11

Barrage of questions … (bombardeo de..) Algae (Alga)

Scratching your head… (Rascarse la Rinsing (enjuague/enjuagar)

Yawn (bostezar)
Goosebumps (Piel de gallina)
Throughout (por todas partes)
Utterly (Absolutamente)
Why does a brook babble?
#18 (arroyo/parlotear, balbucear)

Slushy (Medio derretido /sentimentaloide) Stream (arroyo/riachuelo/corriente)

Blood vessels (Vasos Burst (reventar)

Swell up (Hincharse)
Motion sickness (mareo)
Stabbing (Adj. dolor agudo / [n]
Dizziness (mareo/vertigo)
Seasick (marearse)
Carsick (mareado)
Glowing sun tan (Brillante/bronceado)
Prick (pinchar)
Acquainted (Familiarizado)
Heals (curar)
Rely on (Contar con [depender de])
Spot (mancha/localizar)
Toasty (tostado)
Tidbits (chisme Uk)
Merge over (Unirse/fusionarse)
Debris (escombros/restos)
Gross (asqueroso)
Perch (Posarse/percha)
Settling (fijar/establecer)

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