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Alexandra Briane R.



Never settle for less

My grandmother taught me to never settle for anything less than great.

“There is no room for mediocrity if anyone wishes to be excellent”, she always says as a reminder in
between daily conversations. When I was little, I thought these things were for school works, grades and
making ordinary things beyond such value. But as I grow old, I never knew it could mean for something

I stood up one morning and realized that I deserve far better love more than anything else. It was then that
I told myself I will not settle.

I will not settle for loneliness because loneliness is a state of mind and it is not a void to be filled up by
someone else.

I will not settle for someone who will never give me the second look. If anything, I deserve the set of eyes
who will dare look at me even on days when I don’t feel anything close to beautiful.

I will not settle for anyone who puts me last on their list or considers me as the least favored option.

I will remain for someone who has the ears to listen, a voice that could speak to me with honesty, and
hands that can hold me tight and will never let go.

I promise so to myself, that I will not stand by for a fleeting kind of love but will hang around, even if it
takes forever, to find the other half I longed and hoped for.

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