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46__ RIZAL AND HEROICTRADITIONS, A Sons of Non Dein a federal state for the Visayas, and to invite the Muslims of Maguindanao 2nd Sulu to join the Revolution and establish 2 similar stare organization. Aguinaldo was pursuing Rizal's 1890 idea ofa federal republic covering the archipelago, which ‘explains why the flag of the Revolution and the First Republic hhad che three scars within the triangle, representing Aguinaldo's image of the major island groups constituting the archipelago asa federation, The advantages ofa federal form of government can be gleaned from the experiences of other countries chat operate under sich a system like Canada, Germany, Australia, Austria, the United States, Switzerland, Mexico and, closer to home, Malaysia, ‘Aederalrepublicestablishesewosetsofgovernmentthe federal and the state, Bach state has the righ, for insance, co establish its own executive, legislative and judicial systems cogeher wish ts police and tax systems. These instcuions coexist with the federal government system, which, among othets, controls the federal armed fores and foreign affairs In the evene ofa system falure in one, the other system exiss eo help meet emerging problems, resulting ina more enhanced protection of rights and liberties Tina federal foem of government the central fedesl government is limited co a ser of specicaly enumerated powers, leaving sovereignty over the rest in the hands of the republics constinaene seates. Power is, therefore, decentralized and devolved among the people. And since the people ae che ones who will be more directly affected by public policies, ch seater degree of popula decision making and is, therefore, more ‘empowerment leads t0 a democratic. ‘Within the general power-sharing scheme between the federal and the state governments, each state is able to develop and implement public policies congruent with che local eraditions and aptitudes of its constituents. Ths allows nor only for diversity and differences in public policies among states bue their peaceful coexistence, in eur lessening dictation from the"imperal’ capes. RIZAL The Fel a Ii a federal republic the setes are in a better position to rely on local talents and resources in pursuing thei development goals ‘This minimizes the bureaueratie constraints imposed by appoinced “mandatins’ of centeal auchorities under a unieary government, ‘Stare exceutives can filly mobilize che energies of selPreliance and initiative and liberate themselves from the mendicaney of patronage politics engendered in our experience with imperial’ Manila. Furthermore, self-reliance and initiative can anleash greater competition between and among the constituent states of the sepublieas wel asin che national and global economy. Competition is a great motivator and engine of progress. Although unbridled competition can lead to ruinous rivalries, che moderating hand of the federal government can check cis negative tendency. A federal republic able to gover its citizens and self beter than a unitary government. In addition to the greater devolution of power t0 the constituent states, which maximizes citizen participation in decison making, the existence ofthe various states balances and checks he will ofsigificane minorities or temporary ‘majorities in the fedeeal capital rom pursuing objectives inimical t9 the exseence ofthe union. Ar che same time, ie provides additional buffer against the rise of one-man rule, which is easier under a unitary government led by a domineering president or prime Furthermore, greater decentralization nd devolution of power to the states in a federal republic lessen demands for secession on account of the “imperial” capitals neglece or high-handedness in handling the affiies of a particular region or community. The tnistence and weight of federal forces,on the other hand, discourage eattemist factions within «state from pursuing the unwarranted dismemberment ofthe union. Lastly a federal republic ensures a more effective and adequate representation for regional or rural ateas that lack the population tnd wealth essential for “gravitas” in national decision-making, Bach state, for instance, has a signifiean, if not equal, vote and represeneation in a federal senate, unlike in he powerful Philippine

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