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autoencoders ----> dimention reduction

autoencoders uses
Data Compression
Image Search

Temporal data ---->RNN

Recursive Neural Tensor Networks ---->speech recognition

RTNS -----> vectors

sequence of our put --->true

All the Visible Layers in a Restricted Boltzmannn Machine are connected to each
other----> false

Why is the Pooling Layer used in a Convolution Neural Network?-----> Dimention


Restricted Boltzmann Machine expects the data to be labeled for Training.-----


What is the best Neural Network Model for Temporal Data?--->RNN

What is the method to overcome the Decay of Information through time in RNN known
as----> Gating

The measure of Difference between two probability distributions is know as---> KL


All the neurons in a convolution layer have different Weights and Biases----> false

A Deep Belief Network is a stack of Restricted Boltzmann Machines----- true

What are the two layers of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine called----- visible &

Recurrent Network can input Sequence of Data Points and Produce a Sequence of

A _________________ matches or surpases the output of an individual neuron to a

visual stimuli.---- convolution

Name the component of a Neural Network where the true value of the input is not
observed ----- Hidden layer

A Shallow Neural Network has only one hidden layer between Input and Output
layers-----> true

_______________ is a recommended Model for Pattern Recognition in Unlabeled Data

------> cnn
Prediction Accuracy of a Neural Network depends on _______________ and
______________.----->weights & Bias

What is the difference between the actual output and generated output known
as------>output modulus****

Data Collected from Survey results is an example of ___________________.

----->Structred data

The rate at which cost changes with respect to weight or bias is called
__________________. gradient

Gradient at a given layer is the product of all gradients at the previous

layers-----> True

________________ works best for Image Data.-----> Convolution net

Recurrent Networks work best for Speech Recognition. ------> true ****

Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression are used for solving
___________________ problems.-----> classification

Neural Networks Algorithms are inspired from the structure and functioning of the
Human Biological Neuron.-----> true

In a Neural Network, all the edges and nodes have the same Weight and Bias
values.-----> false

Process of improving the accuracy of a Neural Network is called


Recurrent Neural Networks are best suited for Text Processing------> true

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