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Cuptor UAM 5512 DLT Oven AGM5511DTTL arctic INSTRUCTIUNI DE UTILIZARE OPERATING INSTRUCTION ‘V& rugéim s& cititi mal intél manualul de utilizare! Stimate client, ‘V8 mullumim pentru cd afi ales un produs Arctic, Sperm s& obtineti cele mel bune rezultate de pe urma folosiri produsului nostru care a fost fabricat utizénd o calitate superioara si 0 tehnologie modem. Prin urmare, va rugam 38 citi cu atentie intregul manual ce utilzare si documentele Insattoare ale acestuia inainte ce utiizarea produsulu $i si le péstrali pentru consulta uiterioare.. in cazul in care predali produsul altcuiva, precal si manualul de utilizare Resoectall toate avertizarile sl informatile din manualul de utiizare Retineti ca manualul de utilizare se aplica $i pentru alte medele. Diferentele dintre modele vor fi identificate in manual Explicatia simbolurilor in manualul de utlizare sunt utilzate urmatoarele simbolur Informalt importante sau recomendan ute cu privite la utilizare Avertisment de situatii periculcase cu privre la viata si proprietate. R Avarlisment de go electric A Avertisment de rst de incendiu. ( ‘Averlisment de supratele ferbinh Arcelik AS. Karoagiac caddesi No:2-6 34445 Silliice/Istanbul/TURKEY c€é Made in TURKEY i Instructiuni importante si avertismente privind siguranta si mediul inconjurator FS Siguranta general... Siguranta la lucrul cu gazul. Siguranta instalatiloralectrce.... Siguranta produsulul Domeriu de ullizare Sigurenta copillor Depoatarea a dese a produsull vec Depozitarea la degeuri a materialelor de ambalare . 4 Informatii generale Prezantare generala Continutul pachetului. Specificall tehnice: Tabelulinjectoareler... Instalare inainte de instalare. Instalarea si conectar Adaptarea la tipul de gaz folosit. Transportul ulterior... Pregat Sfaturi pentru economisirea energie Prima utilizare. ‘Curatarea initiala a aparatulvi Incélzrea inilialé Utilizarea plitei 20 Informatti generale despre prepararea alimentelor. 20 Ulilizarea pitelor.... 20 Utilizarea cuptorului 22 Informati generale referitoare la coacere, fips si prepararea la atl... 2 Ufilzarea cuptorului cu gaz 23 Tabelul duratelor de preparare 23 Uiilzarea gril-ului eu gaz... 24 Tabelul duratelor de preparare 2 intretinere si curatare 26 Informati generale 26 Curdterea piel. 26 Cures panculi de cont 26 Curdteres cuptorul..... 26 Demontarea ug cuptorulu a Demontarea geamului interior al ui ar inocuirea kimpi cuptorutui 28 5 Remedierea problemelor 29 3/RO privire la siguranta care va vor ajuta sa va protejati impotriva riscului de vatamare corporala sau pagube materiale. Nerespectarea acestor instructiuni va duce la anularea oricarei garanti. Siguranta generala e Acest produs poate fi utilizat de catre copii cu varsta peste 8 ani sau mai mari si persoane cu capacitati fizice, senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau lipsa de experienta si cunostinte, daca sunt supravegheati sau instruiti cu privire la utilizarea produsului intr-o maniera sigura si inteleg pericolele implicate. Acest produs nu este destinat pentru jocul copillor. Curatarea gi intretinerea nu vor fi efectuate de catre copii fara supraveghere. ¢ Acest aparat nu este destinat utilizarii de catre persoane (inclusiv copii) cu capacitati fizice, senzoriale sau mintale reduse, sau lips de experienta si cunostinte necesare, exceptand cazul in care sunt supravegheali sau instruiti. Acest produs nu este destinat pentru jocul copiilor nesupravegheati. 4/RO Daca produsul este inmanat catre altcineva pentru uz personal sau in scopuri de utilizare second- hand, manualul de utilizare, etichetele produsului, documente importante si componente trebuie de asemenea inmanate impreuna cu acesta. Anu se amplasa produsul pe 0 pardoseala acoperita cu covor. In caz contrar, lipsa fluxului de aer sub produs va conduce la supraincalzirea parlilor electrice, Acesta va cauza probleme produsului, Procedurile de instalare si reparatii trebuie efectuate de catre agenti de service autorizati. Producatorul nu este réspunzator pentru daunele rezultate din procedurile efectuate de catre persoanele neautorizate care pot anula si garantia. Inainte de instalare, cititi instructiunile cu atentie. Nu folositi produsul daca este defect sau prezinta defecte vizibile. Dupa fiecare utilizare verificati daca butoanele produsului sunt Inchise. Siguranta la lucrul cu gazul Lucrarile la echipamentele si Tetelele de gaz pot fi efectuate numai de persoane calificate autorizate. Inainte de instalare, asigurati-va ca aparatul este reglat pentru parametrii retelei locale de gaz (tipul si presiunea gazului). Acest aparat nu este conectat la un sistem de evacuare a gazelor arse. Aparatul trebuie instalat si conectat conform reglementarilor in vigoare. Se va acorda o atentie deosebita reglementarilor in vigoare privind ventilatia; vezi Inainte de instalare, pagina 14 Utilizarea unei masini de gatit cu gaz produce !caldura, umiditate si gaze de combustie in incaperea in care este instalata. Asigurati-va ca bucataria !este bine ventilata in special cand folositi aparatul: mentineti orificiile de ventilare naturalé deschise, sau instalati un dispozitiv de ventilare mecanica {hota}. Utilizarea prelungita si intensiva a aparatului poate necesita ventilare suplimentara, de exemplu prin sporirea turatiel ventilatorului hotei. Echipamentele si retelele de gaz trebuie verificate periodic pentru a asigura functionarea corecta a acestora. Regulatorul, furtunul si colierul acestuia trebuie verificate periodic gi inlocuite la perioadele recomandate de producatorul acestora sau cand este necesar. Curatati regulat arzatoarele, Flacara trebuie sa fie albastra si uniforma. Aparatele cu gaz necesita o combustie corecta. in cazul unei combustii incomplete, este posibil sa se genereze monoxid de carbon (CO). Monoxidul de carbon este un gaz incolor, inodor si foarte toxic, ce poate produce moartea chiar si in doze foarte mici © Solicitati de la compania distribuitoare de gaze informatii cu privire la numerele de urgenta si masurile de sigurantaé ce trebuie luate la detectarea mirosului de gaz. Masuri de luat la detectarea mirosu- lui de gaz ¢ Nu folositi flcari deschise gi nu fumati. Nu actionati butoane electrice (de ex. intrerupatoarele becurilor, soneria etc). Nu folositi telefoane fixe sau mobile. Pericol de explozie gi intoxicatie! © Inchidet! toate robinetele aparatelor cu gaz gi gazometrelor. © Deschideti usile si ferestrele. © Verificati strangerea tuturor tuburilor si conexiunilor, Daca simtiti in continuare miros de gaz, pardasiti locuinta. SIRO ¢ Avertizati vecinii. © ~Chemati pompierii. Folositi un telefon din afara locuintei. © Nu reveniti in casa decat dupa ce vi se confirma ca nu exista pericole. Siguranta instalatiilor electrice ¢ Daca produsul are o defectiune, nu trebuie folosit decat dupa ce este reparat de catre un agent de service autorizat. Pericol de electrocutare! © Conectati produsul numai la o priza/linie impamantata cu tensiunea gi protectia indicata tn “Specificatil tehnice". impamantarea trebuie efectuata de un electrician calificat la folosirea produsului cu sau fara transformator. Compania noastra nu igi asuma raspunderea pentru daunele survenite in urma ‘impamantarii neconforme cu normele locale. © Nu spalati niciodata produsul turnand apa pe acesta! Pericol de electrocutare! * Nu atingeti niciodata stecherul cu mainile ude! Nu trageti de cablu pentru a-| scoate din priza, ci apucati de stecher. * Produsul trebuie scos din priza in timpul instalarii, intretinerii, curatarii si reparatillor. incazul deteriorarii cablulul de alimentare, acesta trebuie inlocuit 6/RO- de producator, de agentul sau de service sau de 0 persoana cu calificari similare pentru a evita pericolele. Aparatul trebuie instalat astfel Incat sa permita deconectarea totala de la reteaua electrica. Separarea trebuie sa se realizeze fie printr-un stecher, fie printr-un comutator incorporat in instalatia electrica fixa, conform normelor de constructii. Suprafata din spatele cuptorului se infierbanta in timpul utilizarii. Asigurati-va ca racordurile de gaz / electricitate nu ating suprafata din spate; in caz contrar, racordurile se pot deteriora. Nu striviti cablul de alimentare intre uga cuptorului si rama; nu 1 trasati peste suprafetele fierbiniti. ‘in caz contrar, izolatia cablului se poate topi, putand provoca scurtcircuite si incendii. Lucrarile la echipamentele si retelele electrice pot fi efectuate numai de persoane calificate autorizate. ‘in cazul unei defectiuni, opriti produsul si deconectati-I de la reteaua de electricitate. Decuplati siguranta de la panoul electric. Asigurati-va ca siguranta are capacitatea adecvata pentru acest produs. Siguranta produsului e AVERTISMENT: Aparatul si piesele sale accesibile pot deveni fierbinti in timpul folosirii. Evitati atingerea elementelor fierbinti. Copii mai mici de 8 ani trebuie tinuti la distanté sau supravegheati continuu. © Nu folositi produsul cand logica sau coordonarea va sunt afectate de alcool si / sau medicamente. © Aveti grija cand preparati retete care includ bauturi alcoolice. Alcoolul se evapora la temperaturi mari si poate provoca incendii deoarece se va aprinde in contact cu suprafetele fierbinti. © Nu lasati materiale inflamabile langa produs, deoarece partile laterale ale acestuia se pot incalzi in timpul utilizarii. ¢ Intimpul folosirii, aparatul se infierbanta. Evitati atingerea elementelor de incalzire din interiorul cuptorului, ¢ Asigurati-va ca orificille de ventilare nu sunt infundate. © Nu incalziti cutii $i borcane inchise in cuptor. Presiunea acumulata in cutie/borcan poate provoca explozia acestuia. ¢ Nu amplasati tavi de gatit, recipiente sau folie din aluminiu direct pe partea inferioara a cuptorului, Caldura acumulata poate deteriora partea inferioara a cuptorului. Nu folositi substante de curatare abrazive sau raclete metalice ascutite pentru a curata geamul usii cuptorului, deoarece acestea pot sa zgarie suprafata si pot sa duca la spargerea geamului. Nu folositi sisteme cu aburi pentru a curata acest aparat, deoarece exista pericol de soc electric. {Varlaza in functie de model.) Amplasarea corecta a grilajului $i tavii pe ginele metalice Este importanta amplasarea corecta pe sine a grilajului si / sau a tavii. Culisati grilajul sau tava intre cele 2 sine si asigurati- va ca este stabila inainte de amplasarea alimentelor {consultati figura urmatoare). TRO j © Nu folositi produsul dacé geamul usii este demontat sau crapat. © =Manerul cuptorului nu este un uscator de prosoape. Nu agatati rosoape, manusi sau produse extile similare cand folositi unctia grill cu usa deschisa. ¢ Folositi manugi de cuptor termoizolatoare cand introduceti sau scoateti alimente in/din cuptorul fierbinte. © Plasati hartia de copt in interiorul vasului de gatire sau pe accesoriile cuptorului (tava, gratar etc) impreuna cu alimentele si apoi introduceti-le in cuptorul reincalzit, Eliminati bucatile hartiei de copt in exces pentru revenirea riscul de atingere a elementelor de incalzire ale cuptorului. Nu utilizati niciodata artia de copt la o temperatura de utilizare mai ridicaté decat valoarea indicata pe aceasta. Nu lasati hartia de copt direct pe aza cuptorului. © AVERTISMENT: Asigurati-va ca aparatul este oprit inainte de a inlocui lampa, pentru a evita ericolul de soc electric. B/RO ¢ Jnchideti capacul numai dupa ce plitele sau arzatoarele s-au racit. Capacul trebuie sa fie uscat inainte de deschidere, pentru a evita scurgerea apei in spatele cuptorului sau in interiorul acestuia. ¢ Aparatul nu trebuie instalat in spatele unei usi decorative pentru a evita supraincalzirea, © Produsul trepuie amplasat direct pe podea. Nu trebuie amplasat pe un soclu sau piedestal. e AVERTISMENT: Prepararea nesupravegheata pe plita a alimentelor cu ulei sau grasime poate fi periculoasa si poate provoca incendii. Nu incercati NICIODATA sa stingeti un incendiu cu apa, ci opriti aparatul, apoi acoperiti flacdra cu un capac sau cu 0 patura contra incendiului e ATENTIE: Procesul de gatire trebuie supravegheat. Un proces de gatire de scurta durata trebuie supravegheat tot timpul. @ AVERTISMENT: Pericol de incendiu: Nu depozitati obiecte pe suprafetele de galit. Pentru a preveni incendiile; © Asigurati-va ca stecherul este conectat corect la priza pentru a nu face scantei. ¢ Nu folositi cabluri deteriorate, taiate sau prelungitoare; folositi cablul original. ¢ Asigurati-va ca stecherul nu este umed sau ud. © Asigurati-va ca racordul la gaz este montat corect si nu exista scurgeri. Domeniu de utilizare © Acest produs este destinat uzului casnic. Se interzice utilizarea comerciala. ¢ Acest aparat este destinat numai gatitului alimentelor. Nu trebuie folosit pentru alte scopuri, de exemplu pentru inealzirea incaperilor. e Nu folositi acest produs pentru incalzirea farfuriilor sub grill, pentru uscarea stergarelor si carpelor de vase etc. pe maner sau pentru incalzirea incaperilor. ¢ Producatorul nu este responsabil pentru pagubele provocate de utilizarea sau manipularea incorecta. © Cuptorul poate fi folosit pentru dezghetarea, coacerea, prajirea si prepararea la grill a alimentelor. Siguranta copiilor «@ AVERTISMENT: Componentele accesibile se pot Infierbanta in timpul folosirli. Nu lasati copii sa se apropie de aparat. « Ambalajele pot fi periculoase pentru copii, Nu lasati ambalajele laindemana copiilor. Depozitati la degeuri toate ambalajele conform standardelor de mediu. ¢ Produsele electrice si/sau pe gaz sunt periculoase pentru copii, Nu lasati copiii sa se apropie de produs in timp ce functioneaza si nu ii lasati sa se joace cu acesta. ¢ Aveti la dispozitie un sistem suplimentar de protectie impotriva atingerii usii cuptorului. Aceasta piesa trebuie montata cand in apropierea cuptorului se afla copii mici. ¢ Nu amplasati pe aparat obiecte pe care copiii ar fi tentati sa le apuce. ¢ Nu amplasati obiecte grele pe usa deschisa si nu permiteti copiilor sa se aseze pe aceasta. Pericol de rasturnare a cuptorului sau de deteriorare a balamalelor. Depozitarea la deseuri a produsului vechi Conformitate cu Directiva WEEE si depozitarea la deseuri a produsului uzat: ‘Acest produs respect Directiva UE WEEE (2012/19/UE}, Produsul este marcat cu un simpel de. clasilicare pentru deseuri electrice gi electronice (WEEE), Acest produs a fost fabricat folosind piese si materiale Ge inalta calilate, care pot fi refolosite $\ reciclate, Nu ‘depozitali produsul uzat impreund cu gunoiul menajer la sfarsitul duratei sale de functionare, Duceti-| la un centru de colectare pentru reciclarea echipamentelor electrice gi electronice. Luati legétura cu autoritétile locale pentru a ata informatii despre aceste centre de colectare, Conformitate cu Directiva RoHS: Produsul pe care |-ati achizitionat respecta Directiva UE RoHS (2011/65/UE). Nu contine materiale liunditoare $i interzise specificate in Directivé g/RO Depozitarea la deseuri a materialelor de ambalare © Materielele de anbalare sunt periculoase pentru copii. Pastrati materialele cle ambalare intr-un loc sigur, a care copii ru ay acces. Materialele de ambalare ale produsului sunt fabricate din materiale reciclabile. Sortati-te si cepozitati-le la sdegeuri in mod corect. Nu le depozitati mpreund ‘cu gunoiul menajer. 10/RO Prezentare generala 1 Capac superior § Tava 2 Panou de comandé 6 Gril 3 Usa frontals 7 Placa arzater 4 Maner Buton lamp Avcdtor normal Stanga spate Arzator auniliar Stinga fata Arzator rapid Dreapta fat Arzator normal Dreapla spate Cronometru mecanic Buton cuptor Buton aprindere en eanans 14/R0 Continutul pachetului ;ccesorile furnizate pt varia fn funie de adeul produsulut. Este posiil ca unele cesori descrise in manuel de utilzare && nu fe furizate cu produsul dvs. 1. Manual de utilizare 2. Tava de cuptor Folosita pentru produse ce patiserie, alimente congelate si frioturi mari, 3.” Grliaj metalic Folosit pentru fipturi si pentru amplasarea pe gina doritd a alimentelor care vor fi coapte, fripte 4, Amplasarea corectd a grilajului gi tavii pe ginele telescopice {Aceasta caracteristicd este optionala. Este posibil ca aceasta sa nu existe la produsul avs.) Sinele telescopice simplificd intraducerea si socaterea Evilor si grlajului metalic. CAnd folesiti tava si grilajul metalic imareuna cu sinele telescopice, asigurati-va ca lamelele din 12/R0, zona din spate a ginei telescopice sunt lipite de Folie de protectie a butoanelor Folosité pentru preparerea la gril cu usa Cuptorului Geschisa, Acesta protejeaza panoul de control si butoanele impotriva calduri si reziduurilor, Specificatii tehnice [ GENERAL a Dimensiuni exterigare (i a mettre 850 mmyv/500 mm/500 mm. RTeuneteociin L_putere fotala Tip cal sectune “rin HN i 3x0,7 mn? | Gateuprle prots gar Tip/presiune gaz | Sonsar tolel de gaz Conversiefipvpresiune gaz Lampé interioar’ E Songun eerie ge Consum gaz cuptor ISpecitcatile tehnice se pot mocitica fara preaviz in sconul ‘mbunatatiri cali produsulu ustatile din acest manual au doar rol plicaty, find pasibi| s& nu tie identice ou produsul dy. Tabelul injectoarelor_ loile dectarale pe etichetele produsului sau in documenta insojitoare sunt obfinute in onditi de laborator, conform standardelor in vigoare. Aceste velori pot varia in tunctie de condltile de utilizare gi de medi Radio 208 pita = Tip gaz / Presiune | gaz LS 20/20 mar G 30/28-30 mbar i alip gaz 7 Prestune gaz G 20/20 mbar [SS0ee so iiee oes 13/R0 Hinstatar Produsul trebuie instalat de o persoand callficata, conform reglementaritar in vigoare. in caz contra, garantia va fanulata, Producaterul nu fs asum rspunderea pentru daunele produse in urma fectuatil pracedurlor de catre persoane neautorizate i poate anula garenlia *egatirea instalatilor eletrice si de gaz in ederea install produsulul consttuie esporsabilatea clientului . " PERICOL: \ Produsultrebuie instalat in conformitate ou ate reglement&rie locale prvind instelatile de gaz si/ sau electicitate / PERICOL: \ inainte de instalare, verificall vizual daca orodusul nu este deteriora. Daca este deterorat, nu ilinstalat, Produsele deteriorate sunt perculoase. Inainte de instalare Pentru @ asigura crrculatia aerului prin onifcilte de ventllare de sub aperal, recomandém instalarea aparatului pe 0 suprafaté duré, astiel incat picicarele sa nu se afunde in covor sau in alle suprafele moi Podeaua bucatariei trebuie s& poata sustine greutatea alimentelor. 7 : i | s | g : a Tg e| Elon: © | mmm > 3 mS = Aiieli'amplasa corpuri de mobilé pe ambele pal ale aparatuli, cu conditia mentineit une! distante de 400mm fata de obiectele de 14/RO ceasupra si de 6mm fat de obiectele cin lateral. © Aparatul poate fi instalat $i far obiecte de mobilier in jur. Lasati o distant de minim 750 mm deasupra supratetei plitei © (Decdi urmeaza sé montali 9 hota deasupra masini de gaiit, citi instucfiunile procucdtorului hotel cu privire la nditimea ce montare (min 650 mmm) + Aparatul se incadreazé th clasa 1, putand fi amplasat cu spatele gi o latur’ lipite de peretit bucétariei, mobilier de bucalarie sau echipamente de orice dimensiune. Mebilierul de bucdtarie sau echipamentul de pe cealalta laturai Nu poate fi mai mare decat aparatul, © Mobilierul de oucatarie de langa aparat trebuie ‘8d fie rezistent la cldura (min. 100 °C) Aerisirea camerei Toate incaperile treduie sa aiba 0 fereastra care se poate deschide, sau echivalentul, iar in unele inc&peri poate fi necesara gi o aerisire deschis permanent, Aerul din inc’pere este folosit pentru alimentarea arderii, iar gazele rezuitate in urma arderii sunt emise direct in incdpere. Ventilarea adecvata este esenliala yentru utilzarea in siguranta a gparatului Incaperile cu ugi s/sau ferestre cu deschidere directa in afara cladirii Usile sau ferestrele cu deschidere directa in afara ciadirii trebuie 8 aiba o deschicere total pentru aerisire conform cimensiunilor speciticate in tabelul de mai jos, bazate pe puterea totala 2 gazului din aparat (consumul total de gaz al aparatuiui este indicat in tabelul de specificatii tehnice al prezentului manual al utiizatorulul). Dacé\ usile si/sau ferestrele nu au a deschidere totald pentru aerisire corespunzéitoare Consurmulul total de gaz al aparatulu! conform specificatilor din tabelul de mai jos, atunci tn incapere trebuie sd existe un orificiu suplimentar fix, in scop de aerisire, pentru a asigura respectarea carintelor privind ventilatia minima totala in cazul consumului total de gaz al aparatului. Printre orticile fixe de ventilare se pol numéa orificille pentru c&ramizile de ventilatie existente, dimensiunea orificiului instalatiei hotel de aerisire etc, | Consum | | Ort Lea on 0-2 se 34 6. Set. 19-14.5 inek meee 13-15.5 eet rr eeeee: 17-9 hu instetati produsul nga frigidere sau congelatoare, Caldura emisa de produs va fspori consumul de energie al agaratelor de racire, — Produsul trebuie transportal de cel putin dova persoane. * — Progusul trebuie amplasat direct pe pocea. Nu trebuie amplasat ge un soclu sau piedestal. ‘incdperile fara usi si’sau ferestre cu deschidere directa in afara cla Daca incéperea in care este instelat aparatul nu are 0 usa saul o fereastra care se deschide cirect calre mediul exterior, irebuie instalate alte produse care furnizeaza Clar un orificiu fix, neajustabil gi deschis in permanenta\ astfel incat sii fie respectate cerintele minime totale privind orificiul de ventilatie pentru consumul total de gaz al aparatului, dupa cum se indicé mai sus. De asemenea, trebuie respectate normativele corespunzatoere privind constructille. Daca incéperea sau spatiul interior contine mai mult de un aparat cu gaz, alunci trebuie s8 existe zona ‘suplimentara de ventilatie in plus faté de cerinta orevézuta in tabelul anterior, Dimensiunea zonei suplimentare de ventilatie trebule sa fle corespunzéitoare normativelor aplicabile celorlalte aparale cu gaz, Trebuie sé existe un spatiu minim de 19 mm le partea inferioaré a usii — care se deschide cétre interior — in ‘ncdperea in care este instalat produsul. Trebuie s4 va asigurati cA nu exist articole cum ar fi covoarele si alte acoperiri de pardoseala etc, care sa afecteze acest spatiti la inchiderea usii, There should also be @ minimum clearance of 10mm ‘on the bottom edge of the door that opens to the inner environment in the room where the appliance is installed. You must ensure that items such as carpets and other floarcoverings etc., do not affect the clearance when the door is clos: Masina de gatit poate fi instalata intr-o pucatarie, buciitirie-sufragerie sau intr-un dormitor-su‘ragerie, ‘insa nu poate fi instalata intr-o incapere in care se afla cad sau un dus. Magina de galt nu trebuie ingtalata ‘ntr-un dormitor-sufragerie mai mic de 20m°. Nu instalali acest eparat intro incéipere subterandi, cu exceptia cazului in cere are cel putin un perete cu deschidere deasupra nivelului solului. Instalarea gi conectarea Produsul trebuie instalat si racordat conform regulilor de instalare in vigoare. hu apucati de usa si/sau de maner pentru a tidica sau muta produsul, Usa, méneul sau balamaiele se pot detecta Racordul electric Conectati produsul la o prizi cu impamantare protejata de 0 siguranta de capacitate adecvata, conform datelor din tabelu| "Specificatii tehnice”. Impamantarea trebuie efectuata de un electrician calificat, in momentul folosirii produsulul cu sau far& transfermator. Compania noastra nu igi asumé rasounderea pentru caunele survenite in urma folosii produsului f3ra a instalalie de impéméntare in conformitate cu normele locale. AK PERICOL: ‘Produsul trebuig conectat la reteaua electrica Huma de 0 petsoand califcats si autoizata Perioada de garantie a produsuluiinoeoe ‘uml dup’ instalarea corect’ Producatorul nu isi asun’ réspunderea pentru daunele produse in urma efectuari procedutilor de cétre persoane neautorizate JK PERICOL: / “Cablul de alimentare nu trebuie presat, indsit, strivit cau atins de piesele ferbint ale pprodusulu in cazul in care cablul de alimentare este deteriarat, trebuie inlacuit de un electrician calificat. in caz contrar, exist pericol de goc electric, sourtetcvit sau incendi! Parametr rejele electrice trebule $8 corespunda parametilor specifica pe elicheta cu tipul orodusuli Plécula de identficare poate (| vizula dupa eschiderea capacului inferior sau este amplasat’ pe paretele posterior al aparatulu, in functie de tipul acestula. Cablul de alimentare al procusului trebuie s& respecte valorile din tabelul "Specificatiltehnice”. [Stecherul cablului de alimentare trebuie sa fie tusor accesinil dupa instaiare (nul trasati ideasupra plitel). 15/RO [n timpul cabliri, respectati normele jationale/locale cu privire la electricitate § lositipriza si cab ul adecvate pentru cuptor. Incazul in care timitele de putere ale produsului depagesc capacitatea de transport 2 curentului przeviniai de alimentare, produsul trehuie conectat direct print-o ingtalatie electric fixé, 18 utiizarea unel prizedini de alimentare cu curent. "PERICOL: ‘nainte de a efectua Iuorari la instalatia. lectic®, deconectati produsul de ta pri. Pericol de electrocutare! inlrocucefi cablul de alimentare in priza, Racordarea la gaz ~PERICOL: Produsui poate fi conecta la reteaua de gaz umai de o persoana calificata gi autorizati, Pericol de explozie sau intoxicale in cazul reparatilor efectuale de persoane necalificatel Producatorul nu igi asuma raspunderea pentru daunele produse in urma efectugrii procedurilor de cétre persoane neautorizate. \ PERICOL: Tnainte de a incepe lucrarile Ie instalatia de jaz, oprti alimentarea cu gaz Pericol de explozie! ‘+ Coniifie gl valorle de reglare a gazulul sunt indicate pe etichete, rodusul este echipat pentru gaze naturale (GN © Instalatia de gaze naturale trebuie pregatita ‘inainte de instalarea aparatului. © Instalatia de gaze naturale trebuie s8 se termine culo conducté flexibilé astupaté. Reprezentatul de service va demonta dopul th timpul racordrii si va conecta produsul folosing un racord dreot. © Asigurati-va cA rebinetul conductei de gaze naturale este ugor accestbil, © Pentru a utiliza ulterior produsul cu alt tp de gaz, apelali fa un agent de service autorizat pentru efectuarea conversiel. \ | PERICOL: \, Furtunul de gaz nu trehuie presat, indoit, strivit| sau atins de piesele fierbinti ale produsulu Deteriorarea furtunului de gaz poate provoca exaloal Tmpingeli produsul spre peretele bucateriel Reglarea picioarelor cuptorului 16/RO Vibratile pot provoca deplasarea recipientelor de Galil. Acest pericol poate fi evital prin echiliorarea procusului in plan orizontal. Peniru siguranta proprie, asigurali-va ca produsul este echilibrat rotind cele patru picisare sialining procusul cu supratata mobilierului Verificarea finala 1, Verificati functionarea sistemului electric. 2. Deschideti alimentarea cu gaz. 3. Verificati fixarea si strangerea corecta a instalatiel de gaz 4__Aprindeti arzétoarele si verificati aspectul flacarii. Flecara trebuie sa fle albastra si s& aiba o forma regulata. Daca flacara este galbuie, eriical asezarea covecté a capacului arzatorului sau curatati arzatorul, Adaptarea la tipul de gaz folosit ERICOL: nainte de a incepe lucrarile la instalatia de gaz, oprti alimentarea cu gaz Pericol de exolazie! Pentru a modifica tipul de gaz folosit, schimbati toate injectoarele si reglal) toate robinetele in pozitia de cebit redus. Schimbarea injectoarelor arzétoarelor 1. Scoateti capacul si corpul arz3torului 2. Degurubati injectoarele rotindu-le in sens anti orar. 3. Montatiinjectoarele noi 4. Verificati fixarea si strangerea corecta a tuturor conexiunilor. Pozitiainjectoarelor noi este marcata pe fambalaj sau in tabelul de la Zabel! Jinjectoarelor, pagina 13 (@eriaz in funotie de model) (La uniele arzétoare de plite, duza ¢ Jacoperita cu 0 piesa melalica. Aceasta piesa metalica trebuie scoasé pentru ‘inlocuirea duzei 1 Dispoaitiv de supravegnere a flicail (7 functie de model 2 Aprindere electra 3 Injector 4 Arzitor 1u exceptia unor situatti speciale, nu incercati ‘4 demontati robinetele arzatoarelar. schimbarea robinetelor poate fi efectuata numai de personal de service autorizat. Reglaj debit gaz redus pentru robinetele plitei 1. Aprindeti arzitorul care trebuie reglat si rot utonul la putere minima. 2. Demontati butonul ce pe robinet. 3. Folositi o surubelnita de dimensiuni adecvate ,__ pentru a actiona gurubul de reglare a debitului. in cazul GPL (butan - propan} ratiti suruul in sensul acelor de ceesoric. in cazul gazului natural, roti 0 singura data gurubul in sens contrar acelor de ceasornic. » Tndltimea normata a unei flaca drepte in pozitia flacéira mica trebuie sa fle de 6-7 mm. 4, Daca flacira este mai inalta, rotiti gurubul in sensul acelor de ceasomnic. Daca este mai mica, Tatil in sens invers acelor de ceasornic, 5. Ca verificare finala, rotiti robinetul in pozitia flacara mare gi flacér mica $i verificati daca _ flacéra nu se stinge. in functie de tipul robinetului de gaz al aparatului dumneavoastr’, povitia surubului de reglare poate varia. 77 Surlib de regiare debituia ‘Schimbarea injectorului grill-ului 1. Deschideti usa din fata. 2. Degurubati surubul de fixare @ arzatorului indepértali arzatorul 4. Degurubati injectorul rotindu-| in sens invers acelar de ceasornic. 5, Montatiinjectorul nou, Reglarea debitului redus pentru cuptorul cu gaz Verificarea periodica a regiajului este extrem de important pentru funclionarea corespunzatoare a cuptorului. Pentru siguranta maximd, instructiunile din acest manual trebuie urmate cu alentie Aprindeti erzétorul care trebuie reglat si rotiti bbutonul la putere maxima. Inchideti usa cuptorului gi asteptati 10 - 15 minute inainte de a efectua reglajull. 3. Seoaleti butonul, 4. Dupd 15 minute, rotiti butonul la flacdra mi & 8 1 S31 5. Reglaii flacira aot surubul 7 de pe robineiul cuptorului., Rotiti surubul in sensul acelor de ceasornic pentru a reduce flacara, sau in sens contrar acelor de ceasornic yentru a méri flacara, [Baca debitul de gaz de cuptor nu poate ti eat cu elimingrea buton, vé rugam $8 liminati panjile cuptorulul necesare (pe panoul de control, placa de arziter etc) si pci setati detitul de gaz de cupror 17/R0 Pac’ temperatura cuptoruiui cregte ejustcat, opti cuptorul gi apeati ka un fagent de service autorizat pentru a repara termostatul cuptoruli Schimbarea injectorului cuptorului 1. Desurubati suruburile de fixare a peretelui din 2 Desurubali cele 2 suruburi 2) ale suportului _Sijectorl ~ i i j i i i i i i i i i i j L 1 18/RO ~Suportulinjectoui 2 Suub Extrageti suportulinjectorului 4, Degurubaliinjectorul ratindu-1 tn sens invers acelar de ceasornic: 5._Montatiinjectorul nou. f0.ac8 ati schimbat tioul gazulu, rebuie s& schimbati i plicuta de identiicare care indicé pul gazului ‘olosit de eparat Butan/ propan Gaze naturale ‘Strange{i complet Slat surubul surubuln sens orar. [ou 0 jumatate de ture Transportul ulterior Pastrali culia originald a produsului gi transportali-in aceasta, Respectati instructiunile de pe cutie. Dac& nu aveti cutia originala, ambalati predusul in folie cu bule sau tn carton gros si lipiti-1 cu banca aceziva, + Pentru a preveni deteriorarea usii cuptorului de clre grilgjul si tava din interior, agezalio fasie de carton in interiorul usii cuptorului, in dreptul tévilor. Lipili cu bandé adezivé usa cuptorului de pereli lateral, * Asigurati capacele erzéitoaralor si suparturile pentru recipiente cu band adeziv Nu apucati de uga sau de maner pentru a ridica sau mut produsul Nu amplasatiobiecte oe orodus; muta in porte vericala erificati espeotul general al produsului pentru f2 determina dacé nu a fost deteriorat jn timpul ansporiului, Epregatiri Staturi pentru economisirea energiei Urmatoarele informatii va vor ajuta sé pretejati mediul ‘ncon|urétor gi sa economisiti energie: * — Folositi recipiente de culeare inchisa sau emailate in cuptor, deoarece transferul de caldura va fi mai eficient. © La prepararea mancérurilor, preincdlziti cuptorut daca se specifica in manuelul de utilzare sau in reel’. © Nudeschideti frecvent uga cuptorului in timpul ati © Incercati pe cat posibil sa gatiti simultan mat muite feluri de méncare in cuptor. Puteti si amplasati © — Galili succesiv mai multe feluri de mancare. Astfel, nu va fi necesar s3 preincalzili din now cuptorul. © Decongelati alimentele congelate Mnainte de ale gati. ‘© Folositi revipiente ou capac pentru prepararea mancérurilor. In lipsa capacului, consumul de energie poate creste de 4 or © Selectali arzétoru’ in funelje de dimenstunea bazei recipientulu utilzat, Alegeti recipiente de dimensiune adaplati la mancarea preparalé. Recipientele mari necesita mai mult energie Prima utilizare Curatarea 4 a aparatului uprafata poate fi deteriora’ de unit ftergenti sau materiale de curalare. lu flositi obigcte ascutita, prafur / creme de curatare sau detergenti agresiv 1. Indepértati toate ambalajele. 2. Stergeti suprafetele aparatulul cu o cared umeda sau cu un burete umed, apoi uscali-le cu o carpa. ate doua recipiente pe grilalul metalic. Incalzirea initiala Incdiiti produsul timp de circa 30 de minute, apo! oprit-|. Astfel vor fi arse gi indeadrtate eventualele reziduuri sau oelicule rémase dupa fabricatie. -AVERTISMENT _Supratetele fierbint provaeca arsuri! Prodlusul se poate ‘nfierbénta fn timpul uti ari, Nu atingeti areatoarele terbint, interiorul cuptorului,arzétoerele ete, Tineli copili la inta. Folosifi manusi de cuptor termizolatoare cand introduceti sau scoatet alimente in/din cuptorul ferbinte. Cuptor cu gaz 1, Scoateti toate tive si grilajele din cuptor. 2. inchideti usa cuptorulu 3. Selectati flacdra maxima i cuptor; vezi Utilizarea cuptoruksi Cu gaz, pagina 28. 4, Lasati cuptorul sd functioneze circa 30 de minute, 5. Optiti cuptorul; vezi Utilzarea cuptorui’ cu gaz, pagina 23 Cuptor cu grill 1, Scoateti toate tavile si grilajele ain cuptor. 2. Selecta) flacéra maxima tn cuptorul cu grill; vezi Utiizarea gril-ulsi cu gaz, pagina 24. 3. Lasati cuptorul sé functioneze circa 30 de minute, 4. Opriti gril-ul; vezi Ltitizarea grit-ulut cur az, pagina 24 Este posibil ca timp de céteva are dupa prima pornire, cuptorul s4 emita fur gi mirasuri cesta este un fenemen normal. Yentilati bine incdperea pentru a elimina ‘umul gi mirasurle vial inpalerea dlreoté a tumuli gia mirosului emis. 19/RO GUtilizarea plitei. Informatii generale despre prepararea alimentelor Nu umplefi vasele oe mai mult de 0 treime cu ulei. Nu Risati Nesupravegheata plita c&nd tncalziti uleiul, Uleiul supraincalzit poate provaca incendii, Nu incercafi sa stingeti eventualul incendiu cu apa! Daca uleiul s-a aprins, acoperili-| cu 9 péiturd ignifugé sau cu o c&rpa umed. Oprit plita daca este posioil si telefonati fa pampier. A © Uscati alimentele pe care urmeazi sé le pret ‘inainte de a \e ageza in uleiul inealzit. Dezghetati complet alimentele fnainte de a le praji. * Nu acoperifi vasul in care incailziti uleiul, © — Asezati cratitele gi tigaile estfel ca manerele acestora sa nu fie deasupra plilei, pentru a evita ‘inferbantarea acestora, Nu agezal) pe plté recipiente instabile, care se pot rasturna usor. * — Nu puneti pe zonele de gatit pomite ale plitel recipiente si tigai goale, Acestea se pot deteriora, * — Produsul se va deteriora dard porniti zonele pentru gatit fard a ageza pe ele recipient, Opriti Zonele de galit dupa ce ali terminal de gatit, © Nuagezati recipiente de plastic sau aluminiu pe supratata plitei, aceasta poate fi fierbinte. Nu folositiastfel de recipiente pentru pastrarea alimentelor. © Folositi numai recipiente cu fundul plat. © Puneti cantitati adecvate de alimente in recipientele pentru gétit. Astfel preveniti varsarea acesiora si nevoia de a curata lite. Nu agezati capacele recipientelor de gatit pe zonele de gait Asezati recipientele in centrul zonelor de git. Mutati recipientele ce pe 0 zona de gatit pe alta ridicdndu-te; nu le trageti pe suprafata plitei. Gatitul cu gaz * — Dimensiunea recipientului $i a flacarii trebuie s fie similare, Potriviti flacara neat s4 nu depageasca haza recipientului gi centrati recipientul pe suport. 20/RO Aono Arzator normal 18-20 om Arzitr ausiliae 12-16om Arzitor rapid 20-22 om Arzator normal 20-22 cm reprezinta diametrul recomandat al recjolntelor amplasate pe argitoarele respective. ‘Simbolul cu fiacdré mare ingica puterea maxima de gatire, iar cel cu flacéra mica indica puterea minima In pozitia oprit (sus}, arzétoarele nu sunt alimentate cu gaz. Aprinderea arzatoarelor pe gaz 3. 4 #) Ardéloarele pe gaz sunt aprinse cu + @jutorul butoanelor de aprindere, Tineti butonul arzéitorului apasat. Rotiti-l in sens anti orar spre simbolul flacara mare. Apasati scurt butonul de aprindere. Repetati procesul pandi cénd flacéra se aorinde Reglati flacdra dupa caz. Oprirea arzatoarelor pe gaz Rotiti butonul arzitorulul tn pozitia opt (cea de sus) Sistemul de siguranté pentru oprirea gazului (pentru modelele cu componenta termica) i i j Leena 1. Sistem de siguranté pentru oprirea gazuui Apasafi sutonul si roti n sens anti-orar pentru aprindere Sistemul de siguranta pentru oprirea gazului are rolul de a preveni exploziile cauzate de scurgerile de gaz. © — Dupa aprinderea gazului tineti outonul asasat ‘inca 3-5 secunde pentru @ activa sistemul de siguranta. © Daca gazul nu se aprinde dupa epasarea gi eliverarea butonului, repetati procesul tinénd butonul apasat timp de 15 secunde. i PERICOL: 7 Eliberati butonul dacé arzétorul nu s-a aprins in 15 secunde. Asteptati cel putin + minut inate de a inearcal din nou. Perical de aoumulere a gazului si de exoloziel 21/R0 GUtilizarea cuptorului Informatii generale referitoare la coacere, fripturi si prepararea Ia grill AX | AVERTISMENT ly Suprafetele ‘ierbint provoacd ersuri rodusul se poate infierbanta in timpul utlizaril. Nu atingeti arzatoarele fierbinti, interiorul cuptorului, arzétoarele ete. [inet copia distant Folositi ménugi de cuptor termoizolatoare cand introduceti sau scoateti almente in/din cuptorul fierbinte ~ PERICOL: Atenfe la deschiderea usi cuptoruli, Jeoarece pot iegi aburi. Aburii evacuali vl pot opdiri mainile, fata gi sau ochii Sfaturi pentru copt * — Folositi recipiente din metal sau aluminiy cu strat anti aderent sau forme din silicon termorezistent. ° — Utilizati adecvat spatiul de pe raft © Amplasat forma de copt in millocul raftulul. © Selectati pozitia corecté a raftului inainte de a porni cuptorul sau grill-ul. Nu schimbati pozitia raftului in timp ce cuptorul este fierbinte. ‘© Mentineti usa cuptorului inchis. Sfaturi pentru fripturi ‘Veli obtine rezultate mai bune daca tratati inainte de gatire pull irtregi, curcanil intregi sau bucatile mari de carne rosie cu dresinguri, cum ar fi sue de lamaie gi piper negru © Pregararea carnil cu Gage dureaza cu circa 15- 30 de minute mai mult cecat prepararea unei ouctti de came de aceeasi cimensiune fara oase. + — Fiecare centimetru de grosime a c&mii necesita aproximativ 4 - § minute pentru preparare. © LAsati carea in cuptor timp de circa 10 minute dupa incheierea perioadei de preparare. Astfel, sucurile se vor distribul mai bine in friptura gi nu vor curge la Bierea acestela © Pestele trebuie amplasat o¢ raftul mijiociu sau inferior, tntr-un recipient termorezistent. Sfaturi pentru prepararea la grill Carnes, pestele si puiul prenarate la gril se rumenesc rapid, au o crusta frumoasa gi nu se usucé. Feliile de carne, frigéruile gi cérratii sunt ideale pentru 22/RO prepararea la gril, precum gi lequmele cu continut ticcat le apa, cum ar fi rosiile si cepete. Distribuiti alimentele care trepuie preparate la rill pe grilajul metalic sau in tava de copt cu Grilaj metalic, estfel inca spatiul ocupat sé nu Cepageasca dimensiunea elementului de ‘inedlzire. © Culisati grilaiul metelio sau tava de copt cu grlaj metalic | nivel! dorit al cuptorului. Daca folositi grilajul metalic, culisati tava de copt pe sina de jos pentu a colecta grasimea. Pentru a simplifica curdlarea, adugali puna apa in tava de copl. ‘Alimentele inedecvate pentru orepararea la grill pot prevoca incendii. Preparat la gril numai alimente care rezisté la c&ldurd intensa Nu amplasafialimentele prea departe ‘in zone din spate a gril-ului. Aceasta Montafi scutul termic, ‘Scutul termic este folosit pentru prepararea la grill cu usa cuptorului deschisi. Avesta protejeazé penoul de control si butoanele impotriva cAldurii si reziduurilor. 1. Deschideti usa cuplorului si amplasali scutul termic pe stifturile de su’ panoul oe control A > Cu seutul termic montat, usa cuptoruli réméne deschisa. Cuptorul cu gaz poate fi utiizat prin interrmediul outonului acestuia. In pozitia Oprit {sus}, alimentarea cu gaz este oprita. Pornirea cuptorului cu gaz Flacdira cupterului cu gaz se aprinde folosind butonul de aprindere. 1. Deschideti usa cuptorului. 2. Mentineti apasat butonul cuptorului i ratiti-1 in sens contrar acelor de ceasornic. 3. Apasali butonul de aprindere, apoi eliberal+| 4, Menfineti aodsat butonul cuptorului pentu 3 - 5 secunde, » Repetati procesul pana cand gazul se aprinde. 5. Mentineti apasat butonul cuptorulvi pentry inca 3 = 5 secunde. Verificali daca gazul s-a aprins. 6. Reglati la temperatura / nivelul dort. 7. In cazulin care curentul electric este intrerupt, aprinceti gazul cu bricheta din orificiul de __aotindere. Onifieiu aprindere Utilizarea functiei de alarma 12 i (i 9 | | L 15 i 60 «20 L 9 i ‘Alarma nu infiuenteazé Tuneiille cuptorului. Are doar rol de avertizare, De exemplu, 0 puteti folosi cnc trebuie sa intoarceti mancarea in cuptor la un anumit interval. Ceasul cu alarmd va emite un semnal dupa scurgerea perioadei alese. Setarea ceasului cu alarma 1. Rofiti putonul ce reglare a curatei fn sensul acelor de ceasomic pentru a alege durata alarmei. 2. Butonul se ve roti in sens contrar acelor de ceasornic la sfarsitul duratel ce gale gi va fi emis semnalul sonor. Ceasul cu alarma nu apreste cuptorul Foti butonul Functie in sens contrar icelor de ceasornic in pozitia oprit pentru pri cuptorul. Tabelul duratelor de preparare Prima sina a cuptorului este cea inferloara, . “ PERICOL: < Pericol de comprimare a gazului gi de expioziel Nu incercat sa aorindeti gazul mai mutt de 75 secunde, Dacd arzatorul nu se aprinde in 15 secunde, inchideti obinetul si asteptal 1 minut. Ventilaiinedperea inainte de a reincerca apxinderea arzatorului, Pericol de comprimare a gazului ide explazie! Oprirea cuptorului cu gaz 1. Rotiti butonul cuptorului in pozitia inchis {sus} Semificatia nivelurilor gazului sarciné maxima admisé pentru tava cuptorulu }é kg (8,8: Io} Jintervalele din acest tabel sunt arientative. cestea pot varia in functis de temperatura, orosimee gi tipul almentelor, precum si de preferintle dis. culinare 23/R0 Amplasati recipientele pe o hértie de copt pentru a preven’ stropirea bazei cuptorului gi a-l mentine curat, Coacerea gi prepararea fripturilor Alen Pelee SS RO oe Bao COMB. = Da OBO Pascinté cu mare 10 min, 1 25 30min, ait Ton i 30.40 ‘idm i 550 Sion ie ist = 20-20 ee rind dw 300m. peat + Den Caine te pasate 3.40 min peta g + 25 min ome fs eae Toe Peg iG-nin 3 35.45 rn EE araaieeo Tm See ae aor Prive 19mn 4 035 mi pao Sh ie * ev buona de consol in pod 27 func docantlate”htucie co dmercune Utilizarea grill-ului cu gaz povceremnnnny i Gril-ul poate fi actionat folosind butonul Grillin pozitia oprit (gus}, gazul este oprit Usa cuptorulul treouie sa ramané ceschisa in timpul folosiei gi-ulu 1 Areator gill .AVERTISMENT \ Supratetele fierbint provacd arsuri! Nu lésati ‘opi $2 se apropie de produs Usa cuptoruluirAmne usor inclinaté cnd este complet deschisa; astfe, v8 pratejeaza de eventyalele stropiri Pornirea grill-utui Flacéra grill-ului se aprinde folosind butonul de aprindere. 1. Deschideti use cuptorului, 2. Mentineti apdsat tutonul si rotit-l in sensul acelor de ceasornic spre simbolu| grill-ului, 3. Apdsali scurt butonul de aprindere, » Repetali procedura pana cand flacdra se aprinde. 4, Mentineti apdisat butonul inca 3-5 secunde. 5, Asigurali-vé cd grill-ul este aprins, 6. Daca electricitatea este intrerupta, aprindeti arzatorul grill-ului cu ¢ bricheta sau un chibrit, 24/RO ERICOL: Pericol de comprimare 2 gazului si de exploziel| Nu incercali s& aprindeli gazul mai mult de 15 secunde. Daca arzatorul nu se aprinde in 15 secunds, inchideti robinetul gi agteptati 1 minut. Ventilal| incéperea inainte de a reincerca aprinderea arzatorului, Perico| de comprimare 2 gazului gi de explaziel Oprirea grill-ului 1. Rotiti outonul grill-ului in pozitia Oprit (cea de sus). Alimentele inadecvate pentru preperarea la grill pot provoca incendi. Preparati \a grill numai alimente care rezista la caldura intensa. Nu amplasali alimentele prea departe ‘zona din spate a grl-ului. Aoeasta este cea mal fierbinte 20nd, iar alimentele grase se pot Tabelul duratelor de preparare intervalele din acest tabel sunt orientative, \estea pot varia in functie de temperatura, rosimea gi tpul aimentelor, precum si de preferintele dvs, culinare Prima sind a cuptorului este cea inferioard Prepararea la grill cu Yaz Aliens sep ae ms Prijre poduse panficals 3.10 ih Lae Mee nG Gi GRAND oye Tea o ewes Ta nea e ees eee aE eae Meee ES: Pipe, gnc start ouc8i de ier. |i pe oro Asta 30.250 Pasi ies ae Gea ane = Sees spartsasleriogsaa Tau partes glk Pegi in gesnat [aise ca Sea Elena Pizza Amplasata in partes. inferioara a tai pentru il Mee, | Ere ee, “ = SS reard s rompartinentdiegricumit in functie de dimensiune resp. grosime 25/R0 Hintrejinere si curdjare Informatii generale Curatati produsul regulat pentru a-i prelungi durata de {unetionare gi a evita problemele frecvente de func fionare. \PERICOL: \ Beconectat eparatul de le priza Tnainte ds a ineepe curdjarea sau intrefinerea acestu'a, Pericol de electrocutare! . » PERICOL: , L2sali produsul sa se raoeasca inainte de urdere. Suprafejele fierbiny| provoacé arsuril * — Curalati bine produsul dupa fiecare folosire. Astfel, reziduurile pot 4 indepartate mai ugor, evitindu-se arderea lor la urmétoarea utilizare a aparatului © Curdtarea produsului nu necesité substante de curétare speciale. Pentru curatarea produsului folositi apa cald& cu lichid de spalat vase, un urete sau 9 cdrpa meale, apoi stergeti-I cu 0 carpa uscala. * — Uscati cuptorul in interior dupa ce il curatati slergeti imediat Ichidele varsate sau scurse, © Nu folositi substante de curdjere care contin acid sau clor pentru curatarea manerului $i suprafetelor din ote! inox. Folositi o carp mole cu detergent lichid fneabrazi) pentru a curata aceste plese, slergand intr-o singuré directie * — {Aceast caracteristica este optionald. Este posibil ca aceasta sd nu existe la produsul dvs.) Nu folesiti spatule metalice sau substante abrazive pentru curatarea capacului de sticla. Suprafata de sticla se poate deteriora, upralata poate fi deterioraté de uni letergenti sau materiale de curatare. lu folosit obigcte ascufte, prafur / creme de curiae sau deteraenliegresiv Ju folositisisteme cu aburi pentru a curata est aparat, deoarece exist perical de goo lectric. 26/RO Curatarea plitei rate cu gaz Scoateti si curdteti suporturile pentru recipiente gi capacele arzétoarelor. 2. Curdtati plita. 3. Puneti la loc capacele arzatoarelor asigurandu-va a sunt in pozitia corecta, 4, CAnd montati grilajele superioare, aveti orijd sa asezat! suporturile pentru recipiente astfel Incdt arzatoarele sa fie centrate. Curatarea panoului de control Curatei panoul de contal si butoanele avestuia cu 0 Arp’ umeda, apoi steryeli-le cu 0 carpa uscala Nu demontatati butoanele pentru a curata panoul de comand. Panoul de ccmanda se poate deteriaral Curatarea cuptorului Pentru a curata peretele lateral (Aceasté caracteristica este optionald. Este posibil ca aceasta sd nu existe la produsul dvs.) 1. Demontali sectiunea frontal a gratarului lateral trgAndu- in directie opusd falé de perete. 2. Scoateli complet grétarul lateral trigndu-l spre cis. Pereti cu strat catalitic (Aceasté caracteristica este optionald. Este posibil a aceasta sd nu existe la produsul dvs.) Peretti interiori laterali (A) si/sau perelii din spate (2) ai produsului dvs. pot fi acoperiti cu email catalitic. Perelii cataliici au culoarea mata deschis3 si suprafala poroasé, Peretii catalit cuptorului nu trebuie curatati. Suprafata poroasa a peretilor cataliticl se Curata singur prin absorbtia si conversia grsimii scurse (n vapor $i dioxid de carbon). Curatati uga cuptorului. Pentru curatarea Usii cuptorului, folositi apa calda cu lichid de spalat vase, un burete sau o cérpa moale, apoi stergeti-c cu 0 carpa uscata. lu folositi substante de curatare abrazive dure au palete metalice ascutite pentru a curéta isa cuptorulul. Acestea pot zgaria suprafata si distruge sticla Demontarea usii cuptorului 1, Deschideti usa frontala (1), 2. Deschideti clemele balarnalelor {2) stanga si a m 1 2 3 1 Usa frontala 2 Balama 3 Cuptor 3. inchideti usa pe jumatate. 4. Demonia uga trigénd-o fn sus pentru ao scaate din balamale. E‘ectuall in ordine inversd etapele procesulul fie demiontare pentru a monta uga, Nu uitai sé jochideti clemele batsmelelor duo’ montarea la loc asi Demontarea geamutlui interior al u: {Aceasta caracteristica este optionala. Este posibil ca aceasta sa nu existe la produsul dvs.) Geamul interior al usii cuptorului poate fi demontat pentru curatare. 1. Deschideti usa cuptorulu Surub Profil Geam interior Fanta din plastic 2. Desfaceti gurubul (1) cu 9 surubelnita 3. Scoateti proflul 2} care fixeaza geamul interior (3). 4, Reasamblati apoi uga; amplasati panoul de sticla (3} In fantele cin plastic (4) gi asamblali profiul Rona 27/R0 inlocuirea lampii cuptorului | AX | PERICOL: ‘nainte de a inlocui lampa cuptorului, asigurati 8 produsul este deconectat de la priza gi ‘cit pentru a evita socurle electrice Supratetele fertint provoacd arsuri ampa cuptorului esta un bee electrie special, are rezisté pana la 300 °C. Yori Specificai fetice, pagina 13 pentru detali, Limpile pentru cuptor pet fiobtinute de la agentii de senice autorizati PPozitia Kimo poate fi diferté fat de figura |Lampa utilizaté in acest produs nu este indicaté pentru iluminatul camerei. Scopul Hlestinat al acestei kimpi este de a sprijini utilizatorul in vizualizarea produselor alimentare, moileutizate in acest produs trebuie sa Fezste la condiqi fiice extreme cum ar fi lemperaturi de peste 50 °C. Dacd cuptorul dv. este dotat cu o lampa rotunda: 1. Deconectal! produsul de a pri 28/RO 2. Rofiti capacul de sticla tn sens contrar acelor de ceasornic pentru a-1 demonta, 4. Daca lempa cuptorului prezentala in figura ce mal jes este de tio (A), scoateti-o prin rotirea indicat siinlocuiti-o. Dac este de tip (B), trageti si scoateti-o precum se indica in figura si inlosuiti-o, © Cand piesele ce metal se incalzesc, se dilata g si pot emite zgomote, >>> Acest lucru nu reprezinia 0 defectiune. * — Siguranta retell electrice este defecta sau decuplata. >>> Verificafi tabloul de sigurante. Daca este cazul, fnlocuiti-le sau cupiati-te. . Produsul ‘nu este conectat la o prizd (mpaméntat3). >>> Verificati conexiuinea stecherulist, ia Fe prbitics scdnaus ta Spencer a de aprindere, © Aparatul nu este alimentat cu curent. >>> Verificafi tablou! de siguranje. * Oranu este selalé. >>> Setati ora. © Robinetul principal. de gaz este inchis. >>> Deschidefi rabinetul de gaz. Conducta de gaz este indoita. >>> Montafi corect conducta de gaz. © Arzétoarele sunt murdare. >>> Curdfati componentele arzatorului. © — Arzatoarele sunt ude. >>> Uscali componeniele arzatorului, © ~~ Capacul arz&torului nu este amplasat corect. >>> Amplasafi corect capacul arzétorutui, © Robinetul de gaz este Inchis. >>> Deschidet! robinetul de gaz. © —_ Butelia de gaz este goala (daca se folasegte GPL). >>> >>> inlocuili cilindrul de gaz. isle ul i clipeste sau simbolul c © Aintervenit o pana de curent, >>> Regia ofa / Opriti aparatul si porniti-t din nou, igentul de service auterizat sau dezlerul de la care ali cumparat produsul. Nu incercati sa reparati pe cont propriu produsul defect. 29/R0 Nida! See _OnySyN viisisia | [elelletl eid |c z OF TO RHSHNAE eu J OGLE 00:60 -YiequwEg OD:02 - C0580 -HOUIA - UN] Linjady 3p injnquag je aseuorjoury ap jnureiiolg auOIROOA Bneales yede WuNU ELLE GLO - 2260 Wwogajatiuoy eneaja: jade spun £ S09 - S20 unjade ap jujueg waoquigd “pnp ‘See9 ‘O1g Wy spgueseg O41 S BSB9 SO1I8S IEAUED DES OLLOUY Ballas ap eneajay aajAias 319343D 30/RO “Saunw NOU. | sabed "Z Yy 1a “66 a8 sven OR Sti ante doped ‘25 14 “eh su “i won BARS ONYNL | SuvW VIVE | sents yeni OUED Gt apie "9°98 "1d “iq BaseyH ~_ dened "198 ‘01 301g ‘eiquiesea zz “bg dpied 'g ‘os “pau ‘k id NS ~ yee ae 9014 UE FepeT YL Sig “Hassnseg t Vas! yssuov) Yil “NUSASS SvuVO. “tb ~_Asdnr USN 31/RO Please read this user manual first! Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing this Arctic product, We hope thal you get the best results from your product which has been manufactured with high quality and! state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, please read this entire user manual ‘and all other accompanying decuments carefully before Using the product and keep it as a reference for future use. If you handover the praduct to someone else, give the user manual as well. Follow all warnings and information in the user manual. Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models. Differences between madels will be identified in the manual. Explanation of symbols ‘Throughout this user manual the following symbols are used. Important information or useful hints about usage. Warning of hazardous stuations with regard fo life and propery. R Warning of electric shock p Warning of sk of fire. i Waring ov hot surfaces Arcelik AS. Karaagac caddesi No:2-6 34445 Sutlice/Istanbul/TURKEY c€é Made in TURKEY for safety and environment 4 General safety Safety when working with gas. Electrical satety Product safely intended use ... Salety for children. Disposing of the old product. Package informatio General information 10 OVERVIEW soos Package contents . Technical spectfications .. sess 12 Injector table 12 Installation 13 Before installation installation and connection Gas conversion Future Transportation... Preparation 18 Tips for saving energy 18 Initial use. First cleaning of the stare Initia! heating How to use the hob General information about cocking Using the hobs.. How to operate the oven General information on baking, roasting and grilling21 How to use the gas oven.... Cooking times tab How to operate the gas gil Cooking times tab Maintenance and care General information Cleaning the hob... Cleaning te contol pene Cleaning the OV@N os Removing the oven dear Removing the door inner glass Replacing the oven lamp... a 22 23 24 25 25 20 25 20 26 26 7 5 Troubleshooting 28 SVEN epg instructions that will help protect from risk of personal injury or property damage. Failure to follow these instructions shall void any warranty. General safety © This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. © The appliance is not to be used by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction. Children should be supervised and ensure they do not play with the appliance «= If the product is handed over to someone else for personal use or second-hand use purposes, the 4/EN user manual, product labels and other relevant documents and parts should be also given, e Never place the product on a carpet-covered floor. Otherwise, lack of airflow beneath the product will cause electrical parts to overheat. This will cause problems with your product. e Installation and repair procedures must always be performed by Authorised Service Agents. The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from procedures carried out by unauthorised persons which may also void the warranty. Before installation, read the instructions carefully. © Do not operate the product if it is defective or has any visible damage. e Ensure that the product function knobs are switched off after every use. Safety when working with gas e Any works on gas equipment and systems may only be carried out by authorised qualified persons who are Gas Safe registered. © Prior to the installation, ensure that the local distribution conditions (nature of the gas and gas pressure) and the adjustment of the appliance are compatible. This appliance is not connected to a combustion products or evacuation device. It shall be installed and connected in accordance with current installation regulations. Particular attention shall be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation, See Before installation, page 13 The use of gas cooking appliance results in the production of heat and moisture in the room in which it is installed. Ensure that the itchen is well ventilated: keep natural ventilation holes open or install a mechanical ventilation device (mechanical extractor aod). Prolonged intensive use of he appliance may call for additional ventilation, for example increasing the level of the mechanical ventilation where resent Gas appliances and systems must be regularly checked for proper unctioning. Regulator, hose and its clamp must be checked regularly and replaced within the eriods recommended by its manufacturer or when necessary. Clean the gas burners regularly, he flames should be blue and urn evenly. Good combustion is required in gas appliances. In case of incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide (CO) might develop. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, adourless and very toxic gas, which has a lethal effect even in very small doses Request information about gas emergency telephone numbers and safety measures in case of gas smell from you local gas provider. What to do when you smell gas Do not use open flame or do not smoke. Do not operate any electrical buttons (e.g. lamp utton, door bell and etc.) Do not use fixed or mobile phones. Risk of explosion and toxication! Open doors and windows. ur off all valves on gas appliances and gas meter at the main control valve, unless it's in a confined space or cellar. Check all tubes and connections for tightness. If you still smell gas leave the property. Warn the neighbours. Call the fire-brigade. Use a telephone outside the house. Do not re-enter the property until you are told it is safe to do so. Electrical safety If the product has a failure, it should not be operated unless it SVEN 6/EN is repaired by an Authorised Service Agent. There is the risk of lectric shock! nly connect the product to a grounded outlet/line with the voltage and protection as pecitied in the “Technical pecifications”. Have the rounding installation made by a ualified electrician while using e product with or without a ansformer. Our company shall jot be liable for any problems rising due to the product not ing earthed in accordance with e local regulations. lever wash the product by preading or pouring water onto it! here is the risk of electric shock! Never touch the plug with wet ands! Never unplug by pulling on the cable, always pull out by ‘olding the plug. he product must be disconnected during installation, maintenance, cleaning and repairing procedures. If the power connection cable for he product is damaged, it must e replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. he appliance must be installed so that it can be completely disconnected from the mains oo nw geg¢omasdscaa supply. The separation must be provided by a switch built into the fixed electrical installation, according to construction regulations. e Rear surface of the oven gets hot when itis in use. Make sure that the gas/electrical connection does not contact the rear surface; otherwise, connections can get damaged. ¢ Do not trap the mains cable between the oven door and frame and do not route it over hot surfaces. Otherwise, cable insulation may melt and cause fire as a result of short circuit. © Any work on electrical equipment and systems should only be carried out by authorised and qualified persons. ¢ Incase of any damage, switch off the product and disconnect it from the mains. To do this, turn off the fuse at home. © Make sure that fuse rating is compatible with the product. Product safety ¢ WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements. Children less than 8 years of age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised. Never use the product when your judgment or coordination is impaired by the use of alcohol and/or drugs. Be careful when using alcoholic drinks in your dishes. Alcohol evaporates at high temperatures and may cause fire since it can ignite when it comes into contact with hot surfaces. Food Poisoning Hazard: Do not let food sit in oven for more than 1 jour before or after cooking Doing so can result in food oisaning or sickness. Do not place any flammable materials close to the product as he sides may become hot during use. uring use the appliances ecomes hot. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements inside the oven. eep all ventilation slots clear of obstructions. Do not heat closed tins and glass jars in the oven. The pressure that would build-up in the tin/jar may cause it to burst. Do not place baking trays, dishes or aluminium foil directly onto the bottom of the oven. The heat accumulation might damage the bottom of the oven. Do not use harsh abrasive Cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass. Do not use steam cleaners to clean the appliance as this may cause an electric shock. (Varies depending on the product model.) Placing the wire shelf and tray onto the wire racks properly It is important to place the wire shelf and/or tray onto the rack properly, Slide the wire shelf or tray between 2 rails and make sure that it is balanced before placing food on it (Please see the following figure). Do not use the product if the front door glass removed or cracked. Do not use the oven handle to hang towels for drying. Do not hang up towel, gloves, or similar textile products when the grill function is at open door. Always use heat resistant oven gloves when putting in or removing dishes into/from the hot oven. Place the baking paper into tl cooking pot or on to the aven accessory (tray, wire grill etc) together with the food and then insert all into the preheated oven. Remove the excess parts of the baking paper overflowing from the accessory or the pot in order to prevent the risk of touching the oven’s heating elements. Never use the baking paper in an operating temperature higher than the indicated value for the baking paper. Do not place t baking paper directly on the base of the oven. WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the lamp to avoid tl possibility of electric shock. Do not close the top cover before the hotplates or burners coo! down. Wipe the top cover dry before opening it in order to avoid water o oO 3 B/EN leakage to the rear and inner sections of the oven. The appliance must not be installed behind a decorative door in order to avoid overheating. Product must be placed directly on the floor. It must not be placed onto a base or a pedestal. WARNING: Unattended cooking on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may result in fire, NEVER try to extinguish a fire with water, but switch off the appliance and then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire blanket. CAUTION: The cooking process has to be supervised. A short term cooking process has to be supervised continuously, WARNING: Danger of fire: Do not store items on the cooking surfaces. Prevention against possible fire risk! Ensure all electrical connections are secure and tight to prevent risk of arcing. Do not use damaged cables or extension cables. Ensure liquid or moisture is not accessible to the electrical connection point. To prevent gas leakage ensure that the gas connection is sound. Intended use e This product is designed for domestic use. Commercial use will void the guarantee. © This appliance is for cooking purposes only. It must not be used for other purposes, for example room heating. e This product should not be used for warming the plates under the grill, drying towels, dish cloths etc. by hanging them on the oven door handles. This product should also not be used for room heating purposes. ¢ The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage caused by improper use or handling errors. ¢ The oven can be used for defrosting, baking, roasting and grilling food. Safety for children © WARNING: Accessible parts may become hot during use. Young chilcren should be kept away. ¢ The packaging materials will be dangerous for children. Keep the packaging materials away from children. Please dispose of all parts of the packaging according to environmental standards. e Electrical anc/or gas products are dangerous to children. Keep children away from the procuct when it is operating and do not allow them to play with the product. e An adcitional protective means to avoid contact with the oven door is available. This part should be fitted when young children are likely to be present. © Do not place any items above the appliance that children may reach for. When the door is open, do not load any heavy object on it and do not allow children to sit on it. It may overturn or door hinges may get damaged. Disposing of the old product Compliance with the WEEE Directive and Disposing of the Waste Product: BR _— This product complies with EU WEEE Drectve (2012/1 9/EU)}. This product bears a classification ‘symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product has been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which can be reused and are suitable for recycling. Do not dispose of the waste praduct with nermal domestic and other wastes at the ‘end of ils service life. Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn about these collection centers. Compliance with RoHS Directive: ‘The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive (201 1/65/EL). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specified in the Directive. Package information Packaging malerials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations. Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities. SEN Overview Tray § 6 7 Top lid ‘Wire shelf Control panel Front door Handle 2 3 4 Burner plate Lamp button 1 2 a 4 5 6 a 8 Normal burner Rear left Andliary burner Front left Repid burner Front right Normal burner Rear right Mechanical timer Oven kneb ignition button 1O/EN Package contents ‘coassories supplied can vary depending on he product model. Nat every accessory iescribed in the user manual may exist on your product. 1. User manual Wire Shelf ‘Used for roasting and fer placing the food to be baked, roasted or cooked in casserole dishes to the desired rack, 6. Knob protection sheet Used! for grilling with the oven door open. Protects the control panel and buttons against heat end soling i si 2 4, Placing the wire shelf and tray onto the telescopic racks properly (This feature is optional. It may not exist on your product.) Telescopic racks allow you to inslall and remove the trays and wire shell easily. ‘When using the tray and wire shelf with telescopic racks, make sure that the pins at the rear section of the telescopic rack stands against the edges of the wire shelf and tray. 14/EN Technical specifications [ GENERAL: a External dimensions height Tr width / depth) 850 mmv/500 mev/500 mm. Notagey Raterey ocr r rect a ema ve site runnin Total power consumption 16 Paseo zoe ieh Cable tyoe / section rnin HOSW-T8 9x0, ia om Ee i ie [EZHOarP : Gas type / pressure NG G 20/20 moar | Total gas torsumption eo kW Converting the gas © 3028-30 mbar Normal purer. - inner lamp Li Gwar Cor Gas cons jumption of oven’ echnical specifications may be changed ithout prior notice to imorove the quality of he product igures in this manual are schematic and may ot exactly match your product flues stated on the product labels ar in the HHocumentation accompanying itare obtained in laboratory conditions in accordance with relevant standards, Depending on operational and environmental conditions of the product, these values may vary Injector table | Position ob zone: Gas type pressure / Gas | 626/20 riba G 30/28-30 mbar 2 Ee il gE 4 RGAE eee eee G 20/20 moar 105 rape a ace Te 12/EN Einstaition Product must be installed by a qualified person in accordance with the regulations in force, The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from procedures carried out by unauthorized persons which may also void the Preparation of location and electrical and gas fnstalltion forthe praduct is under custamer’s \, The product must be installed in accordance ith all local gas and/or electrical regulations. | AX DANGER: \ Prior to installation, visually check if the oroduct nas any defects on it Fo, do not have it installed Damaged products cause risks for your safety Before installation To ensure that critical air gags are maintained uncer the appliance, we recommend that this appliance is mounted on a solic base and that the feet do net sink into any carpet or soft flooring. The kitchen floor must be able to carry the weight of the appliance plus the additional weight of cookware and bakeware and food. if the range is placed on a base, measures have to be taken to prevent the appliance slipping from the base. ‘The appliances must not he installed behind a decorative door in order to avold overheating ().750 mm min LL! mm mir + 400 min min, ¢ — Itcan be used with cabinets on either side but in order to have a minimum distance of 406mm, above hotplate level allow a side clearance of 100 mm between the appliance and any wall, partition or tall cupboard. © Ihcen algo be used in a free standing position Allow a minimum distance of 750 mm above the hob surface. = (}lfa cooker hood is to be installed above the cooker, refer to. cooker hood manufacturer’ instructions regarding installation height (min 650 mim) + The appliance corresponds to device class 1, |.e. it may be placed with the rear and one side to kitchen walls, kitchen furniture or equioment of any size, The kitchen furniture or equipment on the other side may only he of the same size or smaller. + Any kitchen furniture next to the appliance must be heat-resistant (100 °C min}. Room ventilation All rooms require an openble windows, or equivalent, and some rooms will require a permanent vent as well. The air for combustion is taken from the room air and the exhaust gases are emitted directly into the room. Good ventilation is essential for safe operation of your appliance. Rooms with doors and/or windows which open directly to the outer environment ‘The doors and/or windows that open cirectly to the ‘outer environment must have a total ventilation opening of the dimensions specified in the table below vohich is based on the total gas power of the appliance {total gas power consumption of the appliance is shown in the technical specification table of this user manual}. If the doors and/or windows do not have a {otal ventilation opening corresponding to the total gas ‘cansumotion of the appliance as specitied in the table below, then there must definitely be an additional fixed ventilation opening in the roam to ensure thal the total minimum ventilaton requirements for the total gas ‘consumption of the appliance is achieved. The fixed ventilation opening can include openings for existing airbricks, extraction hood ducting opening dimension elo. “consumption (A) 6. sae: 40-11.5. alice meres 13-15.5, eet rr eeeee: 17-9 Rooms that do not have openable doors and/or windows that open directly to the outer environment if the room where the epoliance is installed does not have a door and/or a window that opens directly to the ‘outer environment, other praducts shall 5¢ sought that definitely provide a fixed nonadjustable and non- closable ventilation opening which meets the total minimum ventilation opening requirements for the total gas consumption of the appliance as indicated in the above table.Also the appropriate building regulations advise should be followed. Where a room or intemal space contains more than one gas appliance, additional ventisation area shall be provided on top of the requirement given in the table above. Size of additional ventilation area shall be appropriate to regulations of olner gas appliances: ‘There should also be & minimum clearance of 1amm an the bottom edge of the door that apens to the inner environment in the room where the appliance is installed. You must ensure that items such @s carpets: and other flocrcoverings etc., de not affect the clearance when the door is closed The cooker may be located in a kitchen, kitchen/diner ‘or a bedt-sitting roam, but net in a roam containing a bath or a shower, The cooker must not be installed in a bed/-siting room of less than 20m?. Do not install this appliance in a room below ground level unless itis open to ground level on at least one side. Installation and connection Product can only be installed and connected in accordance with the statutory installation rules. }o not install the product next to refrigerators 1 freezers. The heat emitted by the product il increase the energy consumption of cooling appliances Camy the product with af east two persons. Product must be placed directly on the floor. I must not be placed onto a hase or a pedestal. 14/EN [Co not use the door andor handle to earry or move the product. The door, handle or hinges: get damaged. Electrical connection Connect the product to a grounded outlet/ling protected by a miniature circuit braxer of suitable ‘capacity as stated in the "Technical specifications" table. Have the grounding installation made by a qualified electrician while using the product with or without a transformer. Our company shall not be liable for any damages that vill arise due to using the product without a grounding installation in accordance with the local regulations. «AX DANGER: . The product must be connected to the mains supply only by an authorised and qualified person, The product's warranty period starts only after correct installation, Manufacturer shall nat ne held responsible for damages arising trom procedures carried out by unauthorised persons. “FR DANGER: FV \ The cower cable must not be clamped, bent or rapped or come into contact with hot parts of the product. A damaged power cable must be replaced by a qualified electrician, Otherwise, there is risk of electric shock, shart circuit or fire! ‘The mains supply data must correspond to the data ‘specified on the type label of the product. The rating plate is either seen when the door or the lower cover is ‘opened or it is located at the rear wall of the unit cepending on the unit type Power cable of your product must comply with the values in "Technical specifications" table. Power cable plug mast be within easy reach ter installation (do not route it above the hob) rile performing the wiring, you must apoly sth the national/ocal electrical regulations Jand must use the appropriate socket outietline and plug for oven. in case of the product's power limits are out of current carrying capably of plug and socket outetline, the product must ne connected through fixed electrical installation directly without using plug and socket cutietfine , DANGER: \, Before starting any work on the electrical ‘nstallation, disconnect the product from the mains supply. There is the risk of electric shock! Connect the power cable into the socket, Gas connection . DANGER: / Product can be connected to gas supply system only by an authorised and qualified jerson ar technician with licence Risk of explosion or toxication due to unprofassional repairs! Manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from prooedures carried cut by unauthorised or unlicensed persons. | AX DANGER: Ly ‘Before starting any work on the gas ‘nstallation, disconnect the gas supoly There is the risk of explosion! Gas adjustment conditions and values are stated cn labels (orion type label). four product is equipped for natural gas (NG) Natural gas instalation must be prepared before installing the product There must be 2 pipe Piping advised to be ouyed from a licensed installer, must comply with local gas standard, at the outlet of the installation for the natural gas connection of your product and the tip ofthis pipe must be closed with a blind plug. Serie Representative wil remove the blind plug during connection and connect your product by means of a straight conection device (coupling). Make sure that the natural gas val is readily accessiole if you need to use your product later with a different lype of gas, you rrust consult the Authorised Service Agent for the related conversion procedure. J DANGER: ‘The gas hose must not be clamped, bent or ‘zoped or come into contact with hot parts of the product. ‘There is the risk of explosion due to damaged as hose, * Push the product towards the kitchen wall. + — Adjusting the feet of oven Vibrations during use may cause cooking vesse's to move. This dangerous situation can be avoided if the product is level anc balanced, For your own safaty please ensure the product is level by adjusting the four feet at the bottom by tuming left or right and align level with the work top. Final check 1. Check electrical functions, 2. Qpen gas supply. 3. Check gas installations for secure fitting and tightness. 4__ Ignite bumers and check appearance of the flame Flame must be blue and have a regular shane. the flame is yellowish, check if the burner cap is seated securely or clean the burner. Gas conversion "DANGER: Before starting any work on the cas instalation, dscorect the gas supply There is the risk of explosion! Tnorder To change your appliance’s gas hpe, change all injectors and make flame adjustment for all valves al reduced flow rate position. Exchange of injector for the burners 1. Take off bumer cap and bumer body, 2. Unscrew injectars by turning the caunter- clockwise, 3. Fitnew injectors, 4. Check all connections for secure fitting and tightness. New injectors have their position marked \n their packing oF injector table on [njeotor ible, page 12.can be referred to [Varies depending on the product model )) JOn some hob burners, the injector is covered with a metal piece. This metal ‘cover must be removed for injector replacement 15/EN Spark plug injector Burner 2 3 4 Inless there is an abnormal condition, do not tempt to remove the gas bumer taps. You st call an Authorised service agent or ‘technician with licence if itis necessary 10 change the taps. Reduced gas flow rate setting for hob taps 1. Ignite the burner that is to be adjusted and turn the knob to the reduced position. 2, Remove the knob from the gas tap. 3. Use an appropriately sized screwdriver to adjust the flow rate adjustment screw. For LPG (Butane - Propane} turn the screw clockwise. For the natural gas, you should tum the screw counter-clockwiseonce. » The normal length of a straight flame in the reduced postion should be 6-7 mm Ifthe flame is higher than the desired position, turn the sorew clockwise. IFitis smaller turn anticlockwise, 5, For the last contr, bring the burner bath to high- flame and reduced positions and check whether the flame is on or off, Depeniding on the type of gas tap used in your appliance the adjustment screw position may vary. 1 Flow rate adjustment screw @ %3 1 Flow rate adjustment screw 1G/EN Exchange of injector for the grill Open frent door. Unscrew fastening screw of the burner. Remove burner. Unscrew injector by tuming counter-clockwise direction, Fit new injector. Romo For the appropriate functioning of the oven re- checking the by-gass acjustment is extremely important. In order to provide maximum security to the user these operations have to be done wilh care, 1 2 3 4 Ignite the burner that is to be adjusted and turn the knob to the high flame pesition Close the oven door and weit for 10 to 15 minutes until the oven becomes readly for adjustment, Take out the knob Alter 1 minutes, adjust the oven to the lowest flame postion. Sel the flame lenglh to 2 fo 3 mm by means of the screw 7 on the oven tap. Turning in clockwise direction reduces the flame, turning counter- clockwise increases the flame. gas flow rate of oven cannot be set with removing knob, please remove the jreeded oven paris (contra panel, bumer plate ete.} and then set the gas flow rate of oven. the temperature of the oven increases ininiendedly, turn off the oven and call the fauthorised service agent or technician with licence to have oven thermostat repaired Exchange of injector for the oven Unscrew fastening screws of the back wall injector holder Screw Pull cut the injector holder. 4. Unscrew injectorby turning to counter-clockwise direction 5. Fit naw injector. i the gas tyoe of the unit is changed, then the rating plate that shows the gas type of the unit must aiso be chenged Butan/propan Natural gas Tighten the screw by [Loosen the screw tuming it clockwise until {1/2 round the end. as. Future Transportation Keep the product's original carton and transport the product in it. Follow the instructions on the carton. If you do not have the original carton, pack the product in bubble wrap or thick cardboard and tape it securely * To prevent the wire grill anc tray inside the oven from damaging the aven door, place a sirip of cardboard onte the inside of the ven door that lines up with the position of the trays. Tape the ‘oven door to the side walls. * Secure the caps and pan supports with adhesive tape + De not use the door or handle to lift or move the product. Do nat place any objects anto the product and move it in upright position [Check the general appearance of your product for any damages that might have occurred luring transportation. 17/EN EPreparation Tips for saving energy The following information will helo you to use your appliance in an ecological way, and to save energy. * Use dark coloured or enamel coated cookware in the oven since the neat transmission will be better * While cooking your dishes, perform a preheating ‘operation if itis advised in the user manual or cooking instructions, © Donot open the door of the oven frequently during cooking, © Try te cook more than one dish in the oven at the same time whenever possible, You can cook by placing two cooking vessels onto the wire shelf. * — Cook more than one dish one after another. The oven will already be hat, © Defrost frozen dishes before cocking them. * — Use pots/pans with cover for cooking, If there is no cover, energy consumption may increase 4 times. © Select the bumer which is suitable for the bottom size of the pol to be used. Always select the correct pot size for your dishes. Larger pols require more energy. Initial use First cleaning of the appliance ne surface might get damaged by some fetergents oF cleaning materials, Jo ot use agaressive detergents, cleaning owdlers/creams or any sharp objects during clearing Deo not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp ‘metal serapers to clean the oven door glass since hhey can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass 1. Remove all packaging materials 18/EN 2 Wipe the surfaces of the appliance with 2 damp lath or sponge and dry with a cloth Initial heating Heat uo the product for about 30 minutes and then switch it off. Thus, ary production residues or layers vail be burnt off and removed VAs may be hot wien its in use. Never JARNING it surfaces cause bums! touch the hot burners, inner sections of the oven heaters and etc. Keep children away. Always use heat resistant oven gloves when putting in or removing dishes intotrom the fot oven Gas oven 1 2. 3. oe Take all baking trays and the wire gill out of the oven. Close the oven door. Select the highest fiame of the gas oven; see How to use the gas oven, page 21. Operate the oven about 30 minutes. Tum aff your aven; See How to use the gas oven, page 21 Grill oven 1 2 3. 4, Take all baking trays and the wire gill out of the oven. Select the highest flame of the grill oven; see How io operate the gas gril, page 23, Operate the oven about 20 minutes. Tum off your gril; see How to operate the gas gril, page 23 Smoke and smell may emit for a couple of hours during the inital operation, This is quite Jrormal, Ensure that the roam is well vent ated ta remove the sake and smell. Avoid directly inhaling the smoke and the smell that emits. GHow touse the hob General information about cooking Never fill the pan with oil more than one third of it, Oe not leave the hob unattended when heating oil. Overheated oils bring risk of fire. Never attempt to extinguish a possible fire with water! When oil catches fire, cover it with a fire blanket or damp cloth. Turn off the hob if it is safe to do 0 and call the fire department. A * Before frying foods, always dry them well and gently place into the het oll. Ensure complete thawing of frozen foods before frying. © Donot cover the vessel you use wien heating oll * Place the pans and saucepans in a manner so that their handles are not over the hob to prevent healing of the handles. Do not place unbalanced ang easily tilting vessels on the hob © Donat place empty vessels and saucepans on cooking zones thal are switched on, They might get camaged. © Operating a cooking zone without a vessel or saucepan on it will cause damage to the prod. Tur off the cooking zones after the cooking is complete, © As the surface of the product can be hot, do net out plastic and aluminum vessels on it Such vessels should not be used te keep foods either. * Use flat bottomed saucepans or vessels only. * Put appropriate amount of food in saucepans: and pans. Thus, you will net have to make any unnecessary cleaning by preventing the dishes. from overflowing, Do mot put covers of saucepans or pans on cooking zones: Place the saucepans in a manner so that they are centered on the cooking zone. When you went to move the saucepan onto another cooking Zone, lift and place it onto the cooking zone you want instead of sliding it. Gas cooking * Size of the vessel and the flame must match each other. Adjust the gas flames so that they will not extend the bottom of the vessel and center the vessel on saucepan carrier. Normal burner 18-20 em Auniliary burner 12-16em Rapid burner 20-22 em Normal burner 20-22 om is list of advised diameter of pots to be used on related burners. Large flame symbol indicates the highest cooking power and small fame symbol indicates the lowest ‘cooking power. In tumad off position (top), gas is not supplied to the burners. Igniting the gas burners Aono 2 Gas burners are ignited with ignition | buttons. 1. Keep burner kneb pressed. 2. Tum itcounter clockwise to large flame symbcl. 3. Press and release the ignition button. Repeat the procedure until the released gas is ignited. 4, Adjust it to the desired cooking power. Turning off the gas burners ‘Tur the knob to off (upper) position. 1S/EN Gas shut off safety system (in models with thermic component) | Asa counter measure | against blow out due to fluid | overflows al bumers, safety mechanism trips and shuts i i j off the gas. 1. Gag shut off satety Push the knob inwards anc! tun it counter clockwise to ignite. * After the gas ignites, keep the knob pressed for 3-8 seconds more to engage the safety system. © Ifthe gas does not ignite aiter you press and release the knob, repeat the same procedure by seeping the knob pressed for 15 seconits. DANGER: Release the bution if the bumer is not ignited ithin 15 seconds, Wail at least 1 minute before irying again. There is the risk of gas accumulation and exolosian! 20/EN GiHow to operate the over General information on baking, roasting and grilling | JX WARNING | \ Tot surfaces cause burns! oduct may be hot when itis in use. Never touch the hat burners, inner sections of the ‘oven, heaters and ete. Keep children away. Ajways use heat resistant aven gloves whan putting in or removing dishes intorfrom the hot oven | AX DANGER: \ Be careful when opening the oven coor as eam may escape Exiting steam can scald your hands, face and/or eyes. Tips for baking Use non-sticky coated appropriate metal plates ‘or aluminum vessels or heat-resistant silicone moukis * — Make best use of the space on the rack. * Place the baking mould in the middle of the shelf. © Select the correct rack position before Liming the oven or grill on. Do not change the rack. position when the oven is het. © Keep the oven door closed. Tips for roasting Treating whole chicken, turkey and large piece of meat with dressings such as lemon juice and. black pepper before cooking will increase the cooking performance © [ttekes about 15 to 30 minutes longer to roast meat with bones when compared to roasting the same size of meat without bones. * Each centimeter of meat thickness requires approximately 4 to S minutes of cooking time. * Let meat rest in the oven for about 10 minutes atter the cooking time is over. The juice is better distributed all over the roast and does not run out when the meat is cut. * Fish should be placed on the micidle or lower rack in a heat-resistant plate. Tips for grilling ‘When meat, fish and poultry are grilled, they quickly gel brown, have a nice crust and do not get ary. Fiat pieces, meat skewers and sausages are particularly suited for grilling as are vegetables with high water content such @s tomatoes and onions. * Distribute the pieces to be grilled on the wire shelf or in the baking tray with wire shelf in such ‘away that the space covered dows not exceed the size of the heater Slide the wire shelf or baking tray with gril into the desired level in the oven. If you are grilling on the wire she slide the baking tray to the lower rack to collect fats. Add some walter in the tay for easy cleaning Foods that are not suitable for griling carry the risk of fire. Only grill food which is suitable for intensive grilling heat. Do not place the food too far in the back of the grill. This is the hottest area and fatly food may catch fire. Install knob protection sheet. Knob protection sheet is used for grilling with the oven coor open. Protects the control panel and buttons against heat and salling. 1. Open the oven door and place the knob pretection sheet onto the oins under the control panel. ® i : oe » When knob protection sheet is installed, aven doar remains open. How to use the gas oven Tihe gas oven is operated by the gas oven coniral knob. In off pesition (top) the gas supply is Off. ‘Switch on the gas oven The ges oven is ignited with the ignition button 1. Open oven door, 2. Keep gas oven control knob pressed and turn it counterclockwise. 3. Press ignition button and release it again 21EN 4, Keep the gas oven control knob pressed for 3 to 5 seconds. » Repeat the process until the emanating gas is ignited. 5. Keep the gas oven control knob pressed for another 3 to & seconds. Be sure that gas has. ignited and flame is presert. Select the desired baking power/ gas mark. If there is no electricity, ignite the gas with the ga __lignter from the ignition contre! hole. NO + Ignition control hole F JX DANGER: / \. There is the risk of gas compression and Pexplosion! Do not attempt to ignite the gas more that 15, seconds. lf the bumer is not ignited within 15. seconds, turn off the knob and wait for 1 minute. Ventilate the room before reatiempting| to ignite the burner. There is the risk of gas compression and explasian! Switch off the gas oven 1. Turn gas oven control knob to off position top). Gas level temperature chart fear (4 = = 22/EN Using the clock aterm a 4 60g 0 ‘The alarm clock has no influence on the functions of the oven, Itis only used as a warning, For example, this is useful when you want to turn food in the oven at a certain point of time. Alarm clock will give a signal ‘once the lime you sel is over Setting the alarm clock 1. Turn the Time Adjustment knob clockwise to determine for how long the alarm will sound. 2. The knob will tum counterclockwise at the end of the cooking time and the alarm will sound, Alarm clock does not tum off the oven umn the Function knob counter clockwise off position to tum off the oven. Cooking times table Ist rack of the oven is the bottom rack. iaximum jaad capacity of oven tray: 4 kg H8.8 Ib) The timings in this chart are meant as a guide. imings may vary due to temperature of fond ickness, type and your own preference of cooking Stand dishes on a baking sheet to prevent spileges conto oven base and help keep oven clean, Baking and roasti foes Apple ie [Sia Mathes Pie Pasi 60). 80 min. per 450 & 430 min Cee pean “0. min per a50G 4 25 mln : Jee “nin Bae on aces 0m 30.350 Stina = ee ‘Gil is operated with Gril control knob, position (top), gas is not supplied. Oven door must remain open while griling Hol surfaces may cause burns! Keep children away from the product, Oven door remains slightly inclined when opened full and thus, possible splashes to not reach you ‘Switching on the grill Gas grill is ignited with the ignition button. 1. Open the oven door. 2. Keep the knob pressed and turn it clockwise to the Grill symbol 3. Press and release the ignition butten, » Repeat the procecure until the gas is ignited, 4. Keep the knob pressed for 3 10.5 seconds more. 5. Make sure that the grill is ignited 6. If the electricity is cut-ot, ignite the grill burner with a lighter or match, ere is the risk of gas compression and hexplosion! Do not attempt ta ignite the gas more that 15, seconds, If the burner is not ignited within 15, seconds, turn off the knot and weit for minute, Ventiate the roam before reattempting| to ignite the burner. There is the risk of gas compression and explosion! Switching off the grill Tum the Gril control knod te Off upper} position. Foods that are not suitable for griling carry the risk of fire. Only grill food ‘which is suitable for intensive grilling heal. Do not place the food too far in the back of the grill. This is the hottest area and fatly food may catch fire. 23/EN Cooking ies table coaking Grilling with gas grill i eeieenese he timings in this chart are meant as a guide. mings may vary due to temperature of food, thickness, type and your own preference of st rack af the oven is the bottom rack. Tossing o bread pode j-th alinal, nak Sodas Bei Aan He le a ot hobs, aero see, ike ee, (Chicken wih wie rack i upturred postion Ape N i occ 20.25 min ie 1oe are ee minced i Rabe eipgiieh oor o reer as Done: Pied inthe ase ofthe gril an. ‘depending on size resp. thickness cree ee 24/EN Maintenance and care _ General information Service lite of the product will extend and the oss\bilty of proolems will decrease ifthe product is cleaned! at regular intervals LAN : DANGER: \ Disconnect the praduct from mains supply lore starting maintenance and cleaning works, There isthe risk of electric shack! DANGER: Allow the product to cool down before you Jean It Hol surfaces may cause burns! © Clean the product thoroughly after each use. in this way it will b¢ possible to remove cooking residues more easily, thus avciding these from burning the next time the appliance is used * No special cleaning agents are required for cleaning the product. Use warm water with weshing liquid, a soft cloth or sponge to clean the product and wipe it with @ dry cloth. © Always ensure any excess liquid is thoroughly ‘wiped off after cleaning and any spillage is immediately wiped dry. © Donot use cleaning agents that contain acid or chloride to clean the stainless or inox surfaces ang the handle. Use a soft clath with a liquid detergent {not abrasive) to wipe those parts clean, paying attention to sweep in one direction. * (This feature is optional. It may not exist on your product.) Do not use solid metal scrapers or abrasive cleaning materials to clean the glass cover. Glass surface can get damaged. he surface might get damaged by some letergents or cleaning materials. Do not use aggressive detergents, cleaning Dowiders/oreams or any sharp objects during cleaning. Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since tey can scratch the surface, which may result i shattering of the glass Po not use steam cleaners to clean the popliance as this may cause an electric shock, Cleaning the hob Gas hobs 1. Remove and clean the saucepan carriers and bummer caps. 2. Clean the hob. 3. Install the burner caps and make sure thal they are seated correclly. 4, When installing the upper aris, pay attention to place the saucepan carriers so that the burners are centered. Cleaning the control panel Clean the contro! panel and knobs with a damp cloth and wipe them dry. D0 not remove the control buttons/knabs to lean the contol panel [Control panel may get damaged! Cleaning the oven To clean the side wall (This feature is optional. It may not exist on your product.) 1. Remove the front section of the side rack by pulling it in the opposite direction of the side wall 2. Remove the side rack completely by pulling it towards you. Catalytic walls (This feature is optional. It may not exist on your product.) ‘The inner side walls (A) and/or the rear wall (B) of your product may be coated with catalytic enamel. Catalytic walls have a light matte colour and a porous surface. Catalytic walls of the oven should not be cleaned, Porous surfaces of the catalytic walls are automatically cleaned by absorbing and converting the spilled oil (steam and carton dioxide’. 25/EN [Stens carried out during removing process: should be performed in reverse order ta install tie door. Do not forget to olose the clips at the’ hinge housing when reinstalling the door, Removing the door inner glass {This feature is optional. It may not exist on your product.) ‘The inner glass panel of the oven door can be removed for cleaning. Clean oven door To clean the oven door, use warn water with washing liquid, a soft cloth or sponge to clean the product and wipe it with a dry clath Don't use ary harsh abrasive cleaners or sherp etal scrapers for cleaning the oven door. hey could scratch the surface and destroy the| glass. Removing the oven door 1. Open the front door (1). 2. Open the clips at the hinge housing (2) on the Screw: Profile Inner glass pane Plastic slot Take cut the screw(1} with a screwdriver Take cut the prefile 2} than hold up te inner glass 8 4. Then group the door again, put the glass pane (3) to the plastic slots (4) and group the profile. on sano 1 Front door 2 Hinge 3 Oven, wn $28 Move the front do to hall-ay Remove the front door by pulling it upwards to release it from the right ang left hinges. 26/EN 1 Replacing the oven lamp | AX DANGER: Before replacing the oven lamp, make sure hat the product is disconnected from mains ‘and cooled down in order to awoid the risk of an electrical shock Hot surfaces may cause burns! [The oven lamp is a special electric light bulb hat can resist up to 300 °C. See Technicat Ispecifications, page 12 for details, Oven lamps} can be obtained from Authorised Service Agents or technician with licence, [The lamp used in this appliance is not suitable for household room illumination, The intended fourgose of this lamp is to assist the user to see foodstuffs, he lamps used in this appliance have to ithstand extreme physical conditions such as temperatures above 50 °C. If your aven is equipped with a round lamp: Disconnect the product from mains. 2. Tum the glass cover counter clockwise to remove 3. Ifyour oven lamp is of type (A) shawn in the figure below, remove it by rotating as shown and replace il Hit is of type (B), pull and remove it as shown in the figure and replace it, a 4, Install the glass cover. 27EN + When the meta parts ere heated, they may expand and cause noise. >>> This is not a faut. Product does not operate. * — The mains fuse is defective or has tripped. >>> Check fuses in the fuse box. if necessary, replace or reset them. Product is not plugged inte the (grounded) socket. >>> Check the plug connection. i" spa No current, >>> Check fuses in the fuse box. i Time ig rot set. >>> Set the time, = Bumers are dirly. >>> Clean burner components, * — Bumers are wet. >>> Dry the bumer components. © — Bumer cap is not mounted safely. >>> Mount the bummer cap propery. © — Gas valve is closed. >>> Open gas valve. Gas cylinder is empty (when usi 6 product and switch it on remedy the trouble although you have implemented the instructions in this section. Never atternpt te repair a defective product yourself 28/EN 585.3002.81/R.AB/25.10.2017

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