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Essays Written by Our 8th Grade Students

MY DAILY ROUTINE Anton Morozov Every person on the planet has his own life and
obligations. Some of them have a difficult life and other an easy one, but that
depends on the jobs they have. Mine is very complicated and I have free time “Once
in a blue moon“, but when I have some free time I write poems like this one. Now I
will start to write about my daily routine. My day starts as an ordinary morning. I
tidy my bed, brush my teeth, take a shower, have breakfast bla bla ... The
breakfast is the best time to communicate with your parents. When we sit down we
start talking about our dreams and about whether, that dream is a message from the
future. After we share our thoughts every one of us goes to work (except me). I sit
down and start doing my homework. After two hours practicing my lessons I start
phoning all my buddies. At one p.m I go to school where I study so hard, that when
I come back from there I feel dizzy. At school I am very serious (well, sometimes
to be honest) and I am concentrated on my work. After a day of hard work at school
I go home and relax. When my head calms down me and my family sit down for dinner
and share our daily work and experience throughout the day. At half past eight I
turn on the TV and watch “Big Brother”. My favorite person is Naiden but that is
not important. At eleven o’clock I go to bed and start dreaming about my next day
and pray to be alive. As I said before, every man has his own life, but some of
them dream of it. I dream of a world full of peace and no war. I wish that my days
are happy and lovely. Do not worry about the past; pray that you will be alive

MY DAILY ROUTINE Bozhidar Madzharov A lot of people have different daily routines ,
but I think that is one of the most exciting daily routines . So I get up at six
o’clock early in the morning , because I have a lot of things to do during my day .
First I have a cold shower , because I am sill sleepy when I get up , then I eat
and watch my favourite morning show with Slavi Trifanov . At half past nine I go to
the gym and practise my muscles hard . At half past twelve I go back to home and
have a shower again . At half past one I go to the parachute jumping base . At
three o’clock we are in the sky and do our first jump for the day . When we finish
with the parachute jumps . At four o’clock I go to my bunjy jumping base , because
I have some students who want to learn how to bunjy jump . When I finish my work at
half past six , I go home and call my girlfriend tell her that I love her . Then I
have dinner and watch television . At ten o’clock I go to bed . Now I am ready for
my daily routine again , because I like my job and my life.

MY DAILY ROUTINE Dilyana Borisova My day is not very funny. I think it is really
boring, but I want to tell you about it and you can tell me what you think. First I
get up at eight o`clock, but sometimes I am sleepy. Then I make the beds - mine and
my sister`s bed, tidy the room and go to the bathroom to brush my tooth and then I
go to the toilet. At half past eight I have breakfast and watch TV. At nine o`clock
I start to do my

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Essays Written by Our 8th Grade Students
homework. When I finish with my homework if I have free time I play o n my
computer, or watch TV, or listen to music. At quarter to twelve I have lunch and
then I get ready for school. When I finish school at twelve - five past six or ten
past seven p.m. I go home and play o n my computer or go out with my friends. Then
I have dinner with my family and we watch TV. After dinner I help my mum to clear
the table. Then I go to my room and listen to music. At half past eleven I go to
sleep. This is my daily routine. I hope you like it!

MY DAILY ROUTINE Georgi Petrov It would be a pleasure for me to tell you about my
daily routine. It’s exciting and fun. My daily routine starts at 8 o’clock a.m.
when I usually get up. I stay in my bed till 9 o’clock while I’m playing on my
cellphone’s games.After that I get up go to he bathroom take a bath or only wash my
teeth and face.I get dressed by ten but sometimes I play on the computer naked
(only in boxers).Some days when I have something to study I leave the PC and
study.At half past twelve(12:30) I pack my bag put my books in it and go to the PC
club,I wait half an hour and go to the bus station.When my bus arrives I get on it
and go to school.I have six or seven school lessons of 40 minutes and I get out of
school by 6 or 7 p.m.I wait for my bus get on it and get off it on my stop and go
to the PC club to see who’s there,stay 10 minutes and go home. So that’s my daily
routine I hope you like it!

MY DAILY ROUTINE Nickolay Milchev Everybody has a daily routine, but my daily
routine is more interesting. I would like tell you about it. Every morning I get up
at half past seven and have a shower. At eight o’clock I have my favourite
breakfast – two eggs with bacon and orange juice. After breakfast I go walking with
my dog in Central park. After this I go home to relax and listen to Bulgarian
national music. At half past twelve I watch the news on TV, because I am interested
in events all over the world. At two o’clock I go to the swimming pool and teach
the little children to swim. After this I go shopping food for my dog, but he is
very pretentious and eats special food and I go by plane to buy dog food. After I
go home I have lunch. At quarter past five I talk with my mother who lives abroad.
At six o’clock I go to the French course and study the interesting French language.
At quarter to seven I leave the course, go home and have dinner. After this I go to
a bar with my friends and we chat and drink beer. When it is ten o’clock we go to a
disco and we have fun. I love my life because I have an interesting daily routine.

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Essays Written by Our 8th Grade Students
MY DAILY ROUTINE Pavel Baykoushev I would like to tell you about my day. Sometimes
my day is very boring but sometimes it is very happy. When we have two or three
lessons. My day starts from the bed. Usually I get up at half past eight and turn
on the TV. I watch television about ten minutes. After that I go to prepare my bag
and go back in front of the TV. I watch television five or ten minutes more and
after that I go to breakfast. Sometimes I should make the breakfast because my
sister can’t cook but sometimes my grandmother makes it. When I have breakfast I go
to do my homework and learn my lessons. I do it until eleven o’clock. After that I
watch “Spin City” on television. “Spin City” is a comedy. After that I have lunch
and until quarter to one I clean my teeth, get dressed and argue with my sister. At
one o’clock I leave home and at five to one I get on the bus for school. In the
school I meet my friends and do tests. At quarter to seven I leave the school and
get the bus for home. When I go back home I have dinner. After that I watch
television until eleven or half past eleven and after that I go to sleep. That’s my
day. Usually when I am at home I am bored but at school it is greater fun. This is
my weekday. During the week I sleep more and I don’t learn.

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