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Design And Development Of Web Based E-Commerce

Application For Logo Sales “Tokologo” Using Codeigniter

Teguh Cahyono, ST.,M.Kom1, Nur Chasanah, S.Kom., M.Kom2, Teguh Khairmyanto
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Jenderal Soedirman University
e-mail: teguhcahyono@gmail.com1,,

The logo is the face of a company. Companies even willing to spend a lot of money for the
purposes of designing and making a logo to be able to get the perfect logo. This application was
built to facilitate and connect a company or business entity that needs a perfect logo with the logo
designers. This application helps and makes it easier for companies and business entities to find the
perfect logo for them and make purchases of the logo. The purchasing process is done by auction
technique. Companies or business entities that need a logo determine how much they budget for the
logo they want, then the designers who are interested in these costs can design the logo in accordance
with the demand and then sell it at a predetermined price. The right price and quality of design can then be
considered for the selection of logos to be purchased by companies who want the logo. The designer whose
logo is chosen will be paid by the company or entity according to the price set by the designer..

Keywords: e-commerce, logo, codeigniter

1. Introduction
Today, in the middle of increasingly fierce Based on these problems, this research
business competition, logo is one of the keys to a makes an e-commerce application that can
company's success, because through the right logo, facilitate sales transactions and purchase of logos,
a company can get the attention of the public so that so companies or business entities that are looking
people want to know more about the company. To for logos can easily obtain a logo without the need
get a logo, the company or business entity must to have trouble finding a designer first. This e-
first find the logo designer and then pay the logo commerce application uses auction techniques in
designer to create a logo for them. the sales and purchase process. The logo seeker can
determine the budgeted costs to pay for a logo, then
The problem that then arises is the
designers who are interested in the logo search
difficulty of finding a designer to create a logo
offer can offer a logo design that has been created
design. In addition, the problem that also arises is
based on the needs of the logo seeker and then
the complexity of the cost reimbursement process
determine the price themselves. Then the logo
that must be resolved by the company or business
searcher only needs to purchase the logo he wants.
entity for the designer. This happens because there
If the logo searcher wants to make a revision of the
is no standard price for the logo. Regarding
logo he has bought, the logo searcher is given the
determining the price is based on an agreement
opportunity to revise the logo 2 (two) times.
between the company or business entity looking for
Making this application is expected to solve the
a logo with a logo designer. In the process of
problems that have arisen in the process of
determining the price will require a lot of
obtaining a logo for a company.
consideration because in the process there will be
bargaining before reaching an agreement. 2. Literature Review
Sometimes from price agreements that result from 2.1. Definition of Design And Developement
disadvantaged parties. The logo designer is the 2.1.1. Design
party who often loses the agreement on the price of According to Ladjamuddin (2005)
the logo, because the agreed price is usually not design is an activity that has the aim to
comparable with the number of revisions to the design a new system that can solve the
logo that has been made. Because, logo seekers problems faced by companies obtained from
certainly want the best logo that can be obtained at the selection of the best alternative system.
a minimal price. 2.1.2. Developement
According to Pressman (2002) develope
or developing a system is an activity that

creates a new system or that replaces an According to Simarmata (2010), web-

existing system based applications are software systems that are
Therefore, it can be concluded that based on World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
design and developement is an activity of technology and standards.
designing and develop a new system that can
solve the problems that have been analyzed 3. Research Method
previously. This research uses the waterfall method.
2.2. Application This method is a systematic method and consists of
According Supriyanto (2005) is a five stages. The following are the stages of the
program that has the activity of processing waterfall method.
commands needed to carry out user requests with 1. Requirements Definition
specific objectives. This stage aims to formulate and define user
The application is the result of the needs for making applications, so that
implementation of the design of a system that is application development can be carried
translated into a particular programming language. out on target and produce applications that
The application was built to be able to facilitate effectively solve existing problems. This
certain jobs. stage, begins with an analysis of the needs
2.3. E-Commerce in application development. The needs
According to Jony Wong (2010) e- analysis consists of the following
commerce or electronic commerce is the buying, activities.
selling and marketing of goods and services a. Study Of Literature
through electronic systems such as radio, television Study Of Literature is an activity carried
and computer networks or the internet. out to obtain information needed in the
E-Commerce can be defined as any form design and construction of applications by
of trade in goods and services carried out using studying the literature relating to the
electronic system media application to be designed and built. The
2.4. Logo literature used in this study is attached to
Surianto (2009) defines that logos come the bibliography.
from Greek, which is logos which means word, b. Observation
thought, speech of reason. In designing the Tokologo application,
The logo serves as a means to show self-identity observation and analysis of similar
and also a sign of ownership. Logos are also used applications can be carried out to assist in
to communicate information such as value and the development and determination of
quality. features that will be designed for the
Tokologo application. The draft
2.5. Web Application Framework observation plan that will be carried out in
According to Budi Raharjo (2018), Web this study can be seen on the appendix
Application Framework is a collection of code in page.
the form of a library and tools that are integrated c. Inverview
in such a way as a framework (framework) in order Interviews were conducted with a logo
to facilitate and accelerate the process of finder and a logo designer to obtain user
developing web applications. needs for the application to be built. The
draft interview to be used in this study can
2.6. Database be seen on the attachment page
According to Indrajani (2015), a database
is a data set that is logically interconnected and 2. System and Software Design
designed to obtain the data needed by an The stages allocate the requirements or
organization. The database functions as a storage system specifications that have been obtained
of data in an information system. The database is by building the entire system architecture.
managed using DBMS software. Software design involves identifying and
describing the abstractions of fundamental
2.7. Unified Modeling Language (UML) software systems and their relationships.
According to Munawar (2005) Unified At this stage the system design is based on
Modeling Language (UML) is one of the most the results of defining the needs that have
reliable tools in the world of object-oriented system been obtained at the previous stage. The
development system design uses use Case diagram,
Sequence Diagram, and entity relationship
2.8. Web Based Application diagram

3. System Implementation 4.2.1. Use case and sequence diagram

At this stage, software design is realized
as a series of programs or program units.
Programming is done using the PHP
programming language, HTML, CSS, and
Codeigniter framework.

4. System Testing
Each program unit or program is
integrated and tested as a complete system to
ensure that software requirements are met.

5. Maintenance
This is the longest cycle phase. The
application is installed and used practically.
Maintenance involves correcting errors that
are not found in the early stages of the life
cycle, increasing the implementation of
system units and improving system services
when new requirements are discovered.
In addition, backups of application data
are also performed to anticipate future data
damage or loss. Data backup is done using
online storage, and also uses an internal hard
drive. Picture 1. Tokologo’s use case diagram

Based on the use case in Figure 8, the system has

4. Results twenty cases, from three different users. The
4.1. Requirements Definition following is an explanation and description of the
Based on the results of the needs analysis case in tokologo use case.
obtained from literature studies, observations of
similar applications, and interviews with users, it is 1. Case Cari Logo
formulated that the application to be built can carry Is a case related to the process of starting
out the following processes : a logo search by a logo searcher. The following is
a scenario of the case search logo.
1. Perform a logo search based on needs and 1.1. Cari Logo Scenario
funds provided by the logo finder, make Actor : Pencari Logo
revisions to the logo, and make a purchase Description : Actors carry out the
of the logo process of starting a logo
2. Perform logo sales, upload logos and Initial Conditions : Aktor sedang login aplikasi
upload the final logo file.
Table 1. Cari Logo’s Scenario
4.2. System and Software Design
At this stage the application design is done
by referring to the results of the needs analysis that
has been done. The design of the application is
done using use Case diagrams, sequence diagrams,
and entity relationship diagrams

Actor’s Action System Response

1. 2. Showing form Actor’s Action System Response
Click the cari logo determine budget 1. Click the view 2. Showing the
menu detail button on the description page of
3. 4. Save the logo search the logo search
Fill out the form request needs
and press the save 3. Click the 4. Showing the
request button submit logo tab submit logo form
5. Showing the 5. Fill in the 5.
needs description submit logo form, Save the logo and
page check the statement showing the search
6. 7. to understand and room
Fill the form Save a description comply with
description needs of needs applicable
and click the save regulations, then
description button click the submit

Picutre 2. Cari Logo Scenario Sequence Diagram

Picutre 3. Jual Logo Scenario Sequence Diagram
2. Jual Logo Case
Case is related to the process of offering 4.2.2. Entity Relationship Diagram
the sale of a logo by a designer to a logo seeker. To describe the data contained in the
The following scenario is in Case selling logo. application being built, as well as the relationship
2.1. Jual Logo Scenario between these data, then entity relationship
Actor : Desainer diagrams are used. The following entity
Description : Actors make sales offers relationship diagram application is built, which can
for logo seekers who are be seen in the picture below.
looking for logos.
Initial Conditions : Aktor sedang login
aplikasi, dan sedang
berada pada halaman
jual logo.

Table 2. Jual Logo’s Scenario

Picutre 4. Entity Relationship Diagram

4.2.3. Interfaces
1. Page Jual Logo Interface Design
This page is the page that appears when
the logo designer clicks on the c menu. This page
is an interface created by referring to the Case Sell
Logo. The following is the interface design of the
sell logo page which can be seen in the image

public function jual_logo()

il' => $this->session-

Picture 5. Page Jual Logo Interface Design >db-
2. Page Tentukan Anggaran Interface Design
This page is the page that appears when >row_array();
the logo searcher clicks on the search logo menu. if
This page is an interface created by referring to the Picture 8. Jual Logo Code Snippet
($cekdesainer!==NULL) {
Case Search Logo. The following is an interface 4.3.2. Tentukan Anggaran Implementation
design page set budget which can be seen in the This page $pencarianlogo['penc
is a page that implements a
picture below arianlogo']=
budget-determined interface$this-
design. This page
appears when the logo finder accesses the search
logo menu.>PengelolaanPencarian()-
The following is an image of the
implementation of determining the budget.
iner', $datauser);

Picture 6. Page Tentukan Anggaran Interface


4.3. System Implementation

4.3.1. Jual Logo Implementation
It is a page that implements the logo sale Picture 9. Tentukan Anggaran Implementation
interface design. The following picture is the
implementation of jual logo. The process on this page occurs in the PencariLogo
controller, which is the search_logo function. This
function displays a view that contains a budget
form and a logo search package option. After the
logo searcher fills in the form and selects the
package, and presses the save request button, it will
perform the save_appointment function. The
following is tentukan anggaran implementation
code snippet

public function cari_logo()

Picture 7. Jual Logo Implementation {

The process that occurs is to display all data from
the logo search in progress and display it. The >get_where('pengguna',['Ema
following is the jual logo code snippet il' => $this->session-

Picture 10. Tentukan Anggaran Code Snippet
IDPengguna' =>
if (


4.4. System Testing Incorrect Incorrect Accepted

Testing is done by referring to existing data logo size or
cases. there are twenty cases from three different inputting format
users. The following are the results of application Menam Pressing Display the Accepted
testing which can be seen in the table below. pilkan the logo logo page
logo menu sold sold
Table 3. Testing Result terjual
Menam Pressing Displaying Accepted
Goods Testing Detail Output Conclus pilkan the logo logo page
Testing ion logo menu offered
Login Data is Display Accept ditawar offered
correctly Home ed kan
Incorrect Login Failed Accept 4.5. Maintenance
data inputted ed At this stage, maintenance of applications
Logout Press the Display the Accept that have been built. Maintenance includes
logout Login Page ed checking application features every 3 (three)
button months. If any damage is found to the application
Daftar Data is Display the Accept features after checking, it will immediately repair
correctly Login Page ed the application.
Incorrect Registration Accept 5. Conclusion
data inputted failed ed 5.1. Conclusion
Edit Data is Data Saved Accept Based on the discussion above, several
Profil correctly ed conclusions are drawn:
inputted 1. Design and Development of e-commerce
Application "Tokologo" logo sales are
Incorrect Data Failed Accept
carried out by using the concept of object-
data inputted to Save ed
based programming that is using a
Data is Display Accept
Foto codeigniter framework
correctly Home ed
2. The "Tokologo" logo sales e-commerce
application facilitates the logo finder to
Incorrect Incorrect file Accept
describe the logo seeker's needs and desires
data inputted size or ed
when conducting a logo search, so that the
logo offered later by the logo designer will be
Menam Menu Shows the Accept
in accordance with the wishes and needs of
pressing the menu of ed the logo seeker.
Cara way it works how it
Kerja 3. The "Tokologo" logo e-commerce sales
works application facilitates the logo finder to
Menam Menu Display the Accept
describe the logo seeker's needs and desires
pressing admin ed when conducting a logo search, so that the
Kontak admin contact
Admin logo is offered later by the logo designer will
contacts menu be in accordance with the wishes and needs
Hapus Press the Selected Accept of the logo seeker.
Permoh delete key application ed
onan 4. The e-commerce application "Tokologo"
deleted logo sales has been running well as seen from
Akhiri Press the The selected Accept the results of the application testing on page
Pencari delete key search is no ed
6 which shows all the features are running
longer according to their functions.
Konfir Press the Confirmatio Accept
masi payment n Successful ed
Pembay confirmation
aran button
Hapus Press the Selected Accept
Desaine delete key designer ed
r deleted
Jual Data is Displays the Accept
Logo correctly search room ed
inputted page

5.2. Suggestion
Suggestions that need to be considered for future
application development include:
1. Integrate applications with a third party
payment system, so that the payment process
can be more efficient.
2. The payment process for logo search
packages and logo purchases will be better if
it is made in one payment process, so that the
payment process carried out by the logo
searcher can be more efficient
3. If there is a logo uploaded by a logo designer
on a logo search for a logo searcher, it will be
better if a notification is given on the logo
search homepage.

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