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(A) The constructive test; whose objective is to build/complete a story about

the provided stimulus. The instruction is to complete the story.

(B) The Association test; the person is asked to tell the first word or thought
that comes into their minds. It is usually done to see the consumer’s
vocabulary whether they remember certain product categories from
certain brands.
Seeing the apple company’s symbol on the laptop would remind me of the
apple brand as my first thought.

(C) It’s a Completion test; where the subject is given an incomplete sentence
and is asked to complete it.
(D)It’s an Expressive test; the participant/subject is asked to draw out a
specific picture or any other situation in which how they draw that picture
is assessed instead of what they draw. In this, the subject is asked to draw a

1) Children aged 2 years were administered ‘Sentence-Completion-Test’
in order to identify behavioral problems.
Sentence completion test is not the most efficient method of testing
children aging 2 year old. Because this test would lack the face validity
for children because 2 year olds won’t be able to comprehend what the
test is and the items that the test involve. They won’t even be
physiologically nor psychologically prepared.

2) A “True’ and “False’ response based test was administered on a low

literate sample.
Again it’s not the most efficient method and it lacks face validity
because the low literate people won’t be able to comprehend what the
test is and what items mean. Since they wouldn’t be able to
comprehend the items so they won’t be motivated to answer the
questions. It’s always best to use projective tests for low literate people
because they are about projecting what one feels and that there’s no
right or wrong answer in projective tests. Using projective tests would
be more efficient when testing low literate people instead of this
dichotomous test.

(A) The examiner prepared to take a test using paper-pencil, computer, eye
scanner and verbal responses at the same time.
if the administrator does all these 4 things at the same time the it might get
confusing to handle even for him which can make the test administration
difficult for the examiner. If the examiner gets confused then he can make
mistakes in scoring the results and if results get messed up then that can
affect the entire research.

(B) As soon as the examiner entered the room, he started distributing the
test forms and told the participants that they have only 5 mins to
complete the 50 item test.
The administrator did not give out adequate directions. He should have
specified how the test is set up.
He did not notify in advance about the test.
5 minutes are too short for a 50 item test. Should have provided more time.
Or should have taken the test which was easy to set up that would have
taken less time considering he has given only 5 minutes for it, than to give
out a 50 item test.

(C) After the test was administered, the examiner started calling the scores of
the participants along with their names.
Confidentiality and privacy of the participants and their scores must always
be protected in the tests. Calling out the participants’ names and their
scores would make participants uncomfortable and they may not take part
in any other research in the future.
(D) During the test administration, the examiner continuously issued time
and item difficulty warnings to the participants.
To make sure to get accurate results, we must always keep the other
variables constant. The administrator should have kept the environment
quiet and there should have been no distractions. If we always keep on
warning participants about the time running short so it will create the test
anxiety amongst participants and if participants feel anxiety so the test
might not generate the accurate results.

Submitted by: Sayed Saleh Muhammad Shah

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