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Home/Travel Full Body Isometric Program

No Equipment needed
On off days – perform 30-60 of steady state conditioning – hike, walk, bike, run,
play a game…BE ACTIVE

Warm-up Daily:
1. RPR
2. GPP x4:00
3. Lunge Series x1 ea

Perform Same Exercises every day:

Exercises 1. Split Squat Hold – PUSH KNEE FORWARD
elevate front foot/can place back foot up
On bench/chair or couch for more quad stretch
2. Pushup Hold – in between 2 chairs – get a good stretch
3. Wall Squat Hold
4. Dead Hang Hold (pullup bar) – can put feet on box if needed
OR Y Hold on floor
5. 1 Leg Bench Hamstring Iso Hold
6. V Sit – Feet Down
7. Plank – arms straight

Day 1- METHODICS COUNTUP , 5 sec. on – 5 sec. off, 10 sec. on – 5 sec. off, 15

Sec. on – 5 sec. off, continue in this manner until reaching
50 seconds on

Day 2- METHODICS ISO’S 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off – 20x without breaks


10 sets - 10 fast reps to the ISO POSITION
for a 20 second hold, then immediately repeat for the 10 sets;

Day 4 – METHODICS 5 minutes each exercise and each side when necessary;
Rest as needed. Accumulate 5 min total per exercise

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