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UQ Physiotherapy Clinics March 31 2015 Page: 1

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 31/3/15

Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia Aksel Nichlos
User: zkubuthu Pswd: bfghiltv


1. Quad stretch Stand in front of a chair/wall, hold onto it with one hand and keep your body upright.

Grab the top of one ankle with one hand and pull your foot towards your buttock.

You should feel a gentle stretch down the front of your thigh.

Hold the stretch keeping lower back still and return to initial position.

Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, performing 4 times a day, every day on both legs.

2. Single Leg Bridge -Start in lying

-Lift 1 leg up and resting on a chair.
-Slowly push through the other leg and lift your bottom up of the ground
-Hold for 20 sec at the top of the movement
-Slowly lower yourself back down, maintaining control of the movement.

-Keep breathing and don't use your arms to help with the exercise
-Repeat with other leg in the air

Try to keep your hips level as much as possible

Perform 10 each side in the morning and night.

3. Squats Incorporate squats and leg press into your gym regime if you can. The following
principles also apply to the leg press exercise.

- Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps in each session

- Perform 3 sessions per week.
- Remember, we are aiming for control, not necessarily strength.

4. Vastus Lateralis Foam Rolling Place the roller on at your hip and take a side plank position with your other leg in
front for support.

Roll the entire outside of your leg from your pelvis right down to your knee in an up
and down motion. When you reach a particularly sore spot hold the foam roller there
until you start to feel the discomfort fade. Just like we performed in clinic.

Do this for 1 minute, on each leg. 4 days a week..

5. Single leg swing throughs 1. Perform standing with your leg straight
2. Stand on your right leg with your foot facing forward for 30 seconds
3. Swing your left leg backwards and forwards - remember not to look and maintain
control of the movement.

Please perform this exercise throughout the day rather than one point. Aim for at
least 10 on each leg.

Prepared by: MSSI Clinic MSClinic1 61 7 3365 2232 © Physiotec 1996-2015. All rights reserved.

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