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Urban poor deserve more

The British miner has not been seen in
the most favourable light of late. Little
has been heard about him beyond
ABHIMANYU GIROTRA reports of strikes or threatened strikes,
demands for shorter hours with exorbi-

f someone were to ask my family tant wages, and proposals under the
whom they are missing the most guise of nationalisation to expropriate
during this lockdown even though every other interest in the mineral wealth
everyone is confined together, of the country except that of manual
unanimously they would point to our workers. In the old days he was an object
cooks and maids. Chances are most of popular sympathy; now he is begin-
households are missing them, eager- ning to be looked upon as a potential
ly waiting for them to come back and tyrant. Coal-mining, being a key industry,
even praying that they remain safe. is an object of socialist intrigue, and the
Our cooks, maids, drivers, deliv- mischief-making of the Labour extrem-
ery boys, construction workers, ists has not improved the miner’s reputa-
plumbers, carpenters etc. are our life- tion. All the more welcome, therefore, is
line and keep India going. These the picture which our correspondent
migrant workers in order to keep their “Northumbrian” has given of the other
lives going, migrate to cities from vil- side of the miner’s character. True,
lages. Census 2011 pegs the total “Northumbrian” speaks on the strength
number of internal migrants in the of experience which is five years old, and
country at a staggering 139 million. A these five years have made a difference to
large number of them live hand to the miner as to everybody else; but, as
mouth and can easily slip back into “Northumbrian” remembers him, he was
poverty when faced with even a single the best miner, as he has since proved
contingency like a lockdown. himself one of the best soldiers, in the
The lockdown almost ceased world. It is refreshing in these days to
their livelihoods and they ran to the hear a boast of how much a worker can
safety of their villages. We all saw produce. We need not enter into any
heart-wrenching images of migrant comparisons between the outputs of
workers battling hunger and fatigue, British and Indian miners. Even a British
even walking hundreds of kilometers miner might find the work in this climate
to reach their village where they could different from that in Northumberland.
get food and a roof. They are the It is enough here to note our correspon-
“Urban Poor”: Marginalized and dent’s testimony to the capacity of the
exploited. British miner in his own land.
The political class ignores them
because they don’t count as votes. NEWS ITEMS
States deem internal migration as a
problem and a burden on urban
infrastructure. Trade unions are AFP BARUIPUR RIOT
ambivalent as they do not represent
significant political gains for them.
at Rs 178 under the Act, only Rs 2 more
than the amount declared two years
our children see the light of the day.
First and foremost, for any bene-
biggest source states, followed closely
by MP, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarak-
many are focussed on migrant work-
ers as these people are always mov- CASE
Irony is that India’s growth story is ago. Taking inflation into account, this fit to trickle to these migrants they hand, Jammu and Kashmir and West ing. The liaison office could be a good Mr. J.N. Mitter, Deputy Magistrate of Ali-
propelled by internal migration, and translates into a decline in real wages. need to be identified. Each state Gov- Bengal; the major destination states starting point for NGOs to reach this pore, after a protracted hearing has dis-
India will continue to grow as internal In 2020, four new codes are likely to ernment should maintain a migrant are Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, segment. posed of the case in which one Santo
migration increases. Just like migrants be introduced with an uber mission population register so in times of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. As we work on the above areas it Dewan and three other rich landowners
brought globalization to the world to improve ease of doing business in need, fiscal help can be extended to To extend it further these centres is important to realize that these jobs of Baruipur were charged with rioting
these internal migrants became the India. The codes will regulate wages; them as it is being done now for “rural could become the middlemen are finite in nature. India unlike China and causing grievous hurt to Porleas Sir-
unnamed backbone of India and industrial relations, working condi- poor” through direct deposits in Jan between employer and the worker. is not a manufacturing hub so has lim- dar, a rival landowner and his men. The
brought prosperity to urban cities. tions and social security. Dhan Yojana bank accounts. To pro- Since enforcement of wages, safety itations on how many of these migrant evidence showed that a dispute arose
Their toil ensures skyscrapers While these codes go a long way tect the interests of migrant workers and well being are low priorities for workers it can absorb. With the advent between the parties regarding the pos-
stand, metros get built in the most to attract employers they pay lip ser- in the destination state, each source opportunistic employers, these offices of automation these jobs will decline. session of a big plot of land which was in
unimaginable places, toilets at air- vice to migrant workers. Hiring and state should have a liaison office in could be the official destination for It is vital that the Government realizes the actual possession of the com-
ports shine and groceries get deliv- firing of contractual workers will now the destination state. The idea is sim- employers to find workers and for this and sets up safety nets to take care plainant’s party. One day the accused
ered in a jiffy. But prosperous India be much easier for employers. Only ilar to a country that has embassies of workers to get their paychecks. Imple- of these migrant workers whose sweat along with others, armed with swords
has failed them. Low wages, no safety firms that employ more than 300 foreign countries to protect the inter- mentation would require strong inter- and toil makes India’s armour glisten. and spears went to take forcible posses-
net, unsafe work environments, dis- workers need government approval to ests of non citizens. state support and hotlines between If the Government can fight tooth and sion of the disputed land, when the
putes at worksites, non-payment, fire staff ( earlier limit was 100). These offices could function as states to resolve issues quickly. Inter- nail to provide citizenship for illegal complainant and his party came and
abuse, accidents and even death are Unionisation and strikes are almost registration centres, remittance shops, state support could ensure that the migrants of persecuted minorities remonstrated with them. A riot ensued,
just some of the occupational hazards banned. Minimum wages will now be insurance providers, arbitration and demand of each host state is known from neighbouring countries, it can in the course of which the complainant
these migrants have to live with. revised only once every five years, and disputes resolution centres. During in advance to the source state and it surely help these migrants who and some of his men were seriously
The Government has done little the code is unclear on payment for the current lockdown these offices could divert outflow of migrant work- already are Indian citizens but are per- injured. The magistrate found all the
to emancipate them. The landmark overtime work. India needs to do could have sent SOS alerts to migrants ers accordingly. We also need more secuted, oppressed and ill-treated. accused guilty and sentenced six
Code on Wages, which was passed on more for these unnamed heroes who to reach for pre-arranged transporta- NGOs to support the cause of these They indeed deserve more. months’ imprisonment.
2 August 2019, did little for the lives risk their lives, stay in makeshift hous- tion. These offices may not be in all “urban poor”. NGOs are generally
The writer, a management post-graduate from
and livelihoods of these workers. The
national floor minimum wage was set
es, and sacrifice the future of their
children only to ensure that dreams of
states but at the hotspots of migration.
For example, UP and Bihar are the
focussed on specific segments like
farmers, women, artisans etc but not
the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata,
works for Google. These views are personal.
Covid-19 response Somewhat similar views regarding
the likelihood of a significantly lower
Bombay, Apr 8
Some interesting statistics relative to the
last famine year appear in the newly

should be measured
fatality rate and the need for avoiding issued report of the railborne trade in the
sweeping counter-measures such as pro- Bombay Presidency. The year had had a
longed lockdowns have been expressed bad start owing to the mischievous late
by some other very senior scientists as rains in 1917, and agricultural operations
well including Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who were also interfered with by the terrible
was head of the Institute of Medical influenza epidemics. Agrarian traffic car-
Microbiology and Hygiene, Germany and ried by rail, exclusive of treasure and live
has corresponded with the German stock, declined 4.9 per cent but rose from
Chancellor for re-examining the 204 to 259 crores or 27.1 per cent in value
response. compared with the preceding year. The
Hence it is clear that there is a strong quantity of raw cotton carried increased
need for avoiding panic and panic-dri- 14.4 per cent over the preceding year and
ven draconian responses which also have was 12 per cent below the quinquennial
a tendency of curbing transparency and average, but its value was 36 per cent
contributing to the growth of authoritar- above that of the preceding year, and
ianism. Instead we need transparent, nearly three times the average.
democratic responses based on dialogue
with communities and scientists/experts
holding divergent opinions and under- THE MOSLEM
undersea glaciers
standing so that the best possible
responses, based on extensive research DELEGATION
rising (5) and the best understanding of the exist- In the House of Commons, Mr. H.A. Fish-
3 Sticky little ing knowledge base, can be evolved. Also, er, replying on behalf of the Secretary for
growths twist it is important to ensure that these India to Lieutenant-Colonel James, said
leg out of shape (8)
4 University dons
responses are based entirely in public members of the Caliphate or Islamic del-
brought up poor interest and are free from any narrow egation now visiting England had been
artist’s feeble motives of greed and domination. Unfor- officially received by representatives of
effort (4) BHARAT DOGRA decisions without reliable data. tunately, the response of the world has the Indian Government in England, but
5 Staring angrily at
Dr. loannidis says: “The current so far not lived up to these ideals and so such reception did not constitute an act

first person
shouting on the his is a time of almost unprece- coronavirus Covid-19 has been called a course correction is clearly needed. of official approval of the constitution of
phone (10) dented disruption of normal life at once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may Basically, we need a response where the delegation. As to whether the Gov-
6 Knowing when a global level. It was stated at a WHO also be a one-in-a-century evidence fias- such medically needed norms of social ernment of India would have been acting
student fails to
finish (6)
briefing on April 6 that more than co. At a time when everyone needs better distancing, quarantine, tests and treat- within its powers had it pointed out to
7 Transmuting a third of the world is currently under some information, from disease modelers and ment etc. are evolved which can co-exist the heads of the Mohammedan faith in
metal is primarily form of lockdown as a result of the Covid- governments to people quarantined or with the basic requirements of protecting India and in this country the sinister
his concern (9) 19 pandemic. Tens of millions of people, just social distancing, we lack reliable evi- livelihoods and food security of people. results liable to accrue from the inclusion
ACROSS 8 Concentrate less,
of legal proceedings(4)
getting left out,
including those living in some of the rich- dence on how many people have been While meeting special Covid-19 related of a revolutionary as the leader of the del-
19 Opiate isn’t derived
1 Oven with glowing
from this plant (10) hence missing est countries, are in a state of unprecedented infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who con- medical needs (particularly essential egation, the right hon. gentleman stated
exterior got very
22 Weakened and opening (7) panic. tinue to become infected. Better infor- medicines and equipment, protection that it was within the power of the Gov-
hot (7)
5 Aquatic animal’s
let guards empty 13 Surprising French In such a situation the most obvious mation is needed to guide decisions and needs of medical and sanitation staff ), ernment of India to point out anything
article about
tail appearing
latrine (8)
warning received
and important question is whether at a actions of monumental significance and life-saving medicines and services should they pleased.
23 Defect after
first in spring (7)
leader’s been taken by new witness (10) policy level the world has been able to monitor their impact.” continue to be available at least at the
respond in an effective and rational way. Further he says regarding the same level as before for other serious dis-
9 Importance 15 Letters providing
ill (6)
publication attached
to naked figure full
26 Interim agenda protection for Unfortunately, the answer is clearly in the adverse policy impacts of this serious eases and injuries as well as for materni-
owner of mobile
of sex appeal (9)
includes public
home? (5,4)
negative. On the plus side, there is huge shortcoming in world response, “Dra- ty and child-birth.
perception of
10 Fare from
company (5) 17 Auditor’s most scope for reducing distress if midway conian counter-measures have been Dr. Peter Goetzsche, Prof. of Clinical
Mexico via
27 Illustrate Greek appropriate passion policy corrections can be made at a adopted in many countries. If the pan- Research Design and Analysis at the Uni- Allahabad, Apr 8
America included
in high cost (5)
mathematician for another world level and in most countries. demic dissipates - either on its own or versity of Copenhagen recently made an Among the list of shipping arrivals at
auditor? (8)
11 High-pitched
moving his line,
18 Ration in the army? (7)
It hardly needs to be emphasized because of these measures - short-term interesting observation on the responses Bombay will be found the name of the
reflecting his
sound starts to
character (9) 20 Agents gripped by that the first step is to have a proper extreme social distancing and lockdowns of various governments to the ongoing Koenig Friedrich August, one of the relief
bother ladies
28 Setter’s cheering first half of writer’s understanding of the problem. This itself may be bearable. How long, though, pandemic. He said, “Our main problem is ships assigned to India by the Ministry of
aboard plane? (6)
12 Criticise article
when cycling (7) supplement (7) has been an area of much confusion. In should measures like these be continued that no one will get in trouble for mea- Shipping to mitigate passage congestion.
21 Introduce character
about the great
29 Set of terminals
providing opening
this context one of the most discussed if the pandemic churns across the globe sures that are too draconian. They will This steamer, we believe, is expected to
connects display to
and the good (8)
computer socket(7) for somewhat contributions has been written by a very unabated? How can policymakers tell if only get in trouble if they do too little. So, sail for England about the end of the
14 They start to lead lifeless hosts (6) senior scientist and a renowned expert they are doing more good than harm?” our politicians and those working with month and the whole of the accommo-
saint astray without DOWN
conviction (10)
24 Duckweed on this issue, Dr. John P.A loannidis. He is Dr. loannidis goes on to show how public health do much more than they dation on board will be available for civil-
reportedly forming
16 Divers may use
1 Second fight
large area across
Professor of Medicine and Professor of the prevailing fatality rate estimates are should do.” However, he adds that dra- ian and non-entitled military passengers.
perhaps upset
this spear hunting
more gentle the pond (5) Epidemiology and Population Health, likely to be exaggerated and the actual conian measures cannot be applied Whether all the berths available on this
fish (4)
children (7) 25 Form of insect life Stanford University School of Health. His fatality rate is likely to be much lower. As beyond a point and so we have to think ship have yet been allotted we cannot say,
18 Support visit to
delay postponement
2 Marine life in Papua New Guinea contribution, published on March 17 in panic conditions result mainly from high of different approaches which can be but competition for them is sure to be
finally disappearing (4)
STAT News, is titled ‘ A Fiasco in the Mak- fatality rate, there is actually scientific sustained. keen, and in view of the large numbers
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. ing’. evidence that much of this panic, and the still awaiting passages only those persons
The writer is a freelance journalist and author.
(By arrangement with The Independent, London) Essentially here he has stated that as resulting mental health problems, are not His recent books are ‘Planet in Peril’ and whose names have been registered with
the pandemic takes hold, we are making based on any hard evidence. ‘Protecting Mother Earth for Children. Messrs. Mackinnon Mackenzie and Co.


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