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1st Semester Final exam study guide

A. Know the following about the Renaissance:

1. Where did it start?

2. What were the causes of the Renaissance?

3. What is perspective?

4. What is the importance of the printing press?

5. What is important about Michelangelo, DaVinci, and Raphael?

6. Who was Machiavelli and why is he important?

B. Know the following about the Protestant Reformation

7. Who started the Protestant Reformation?

8. What were the results of the Protestant Reformation?

9. What were the beliefs of Martin Luther?

10. How did the Catholic Church respond to the Reformation?

11. What was Henry VIII’s role in the Reformation?

12. What were the beliefs of John Calvin?

13. What are indulgences?

14. What were the 95 theses?

C. Scientific Revolution:

15. What were the major characteristics of the scientific revolution?

16. What is the Galileo known for?

17. Why is Copernicus important?

18. What contributions did Isaac Newton make to science?

19. What is the heliocentric theory?

D. Age of Exploration:

20. What role did Portugal play in the Age of Exploration?

21. What role did Spain play in the Age of Exploration?

22. What role did Great Britain play in the Age of Exploration?

23. What advantages in technology made the Age of Exploration


24.What were the causes and results of the Age of Exploration?

25. What were the achievements of Christopher Columbus?

26. What was the main achievement of Ferdinand Magellan’s crew?

27. What is the Columbian Exchange?

28. Define circumnavigation.

29. Who was Hernan Cortez and why was he important?

30. Who was Francisco Pizzarro and why was he important?

31. What is mercantilism?

32. Who was King Affonso and why was he important?

33. What is the middle passage?

34. Which continent was most negatively impacted by the slave

35. What is the triangular trade?

36. What advantage did the Spanish conquistadors have over the
American Indians?

E. Enlightenment:

37. What were the main ideas of Enlightenment thought?

What did each of the following people believe?

38.John Locke

39. Thomas Hobbes

40. Jean Jacques Rousseau

41. Voltaire

42. What is meant by natural rights? And laissez faire?

F. French Revolution:

43. What were the causes of the French Revolution?

44. Which estate paid the most in taxes in pre-revolutionary France?

45. Know the order of the following events:

Execution of Louis XVI, Fall of Napoleon,Reign of Terror, Tennis Court
Oath, Storming of the Bastille
Define the following terms:

46. nationalism


48. What were the legacies of Napoleon?

49. Describe (briefly) Napoleon’s military conquests and defeats

50. What was the Congress of Vienna and what were its goals?

G. Industrial Revolution

51. What were its causes and why did it begin in Great Britain?

52. What is the importance of the enclosure movement?

53. What were the effects of urbanization?

54. What were the ideas/beliefs of Karl Marx?

55. What were the working conditions of the laborers like?

56. How did those conditions improve for workers?

57. Describe the advances in technology during the Industrial


58. What was Darwin’s theory of evolution?

59. How did it influence Social Darwinism?

Know the following terms:

60. suffrage

61. impressionism
62. realism

63. standard of living

64. romanticism

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