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Dakota State University 

College of Education  


Name: _​Samantha McKenna Brummer   

Grade Level: _​Junior Kindergarten​___ 
School: ​_​Hillcrest Elementary​____ 
Date: ​3/6/2020 
Time: ​8:50-9:30 
Reflection from prior lesson: 
Due to an assembly I was not aware of, our lesson yesterday was shorter and a little more 
hectic than planned. However, we were able to stay on track or be re-directed and get the 
majority of our work done. The students are doing very well writing the letter Ll within the lines 
and only a few of them seem to be having difficulty identifying the letter and identifying the 
sound it makes. During work time, I work to spend more one-on-one time with those students to 
give them more direct guidance and instruction.  
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:   
● JK Goal: Recognize letter sounds  
● K.L.1 - Print all uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters of the alphabet using correct 
Lesson Objectives: 
For our final lesson on the letter Ll, we will be working on coloring images that begin with 
the letter Ll as well as writing it on our own. The students will be showing their knowledge of 
letter sounds as well as identification and writing through both group work and individual work.  
Materials Needed: 
● Smartboard 
● Mini marker boards and markers 
● Activities 
○ Shade the pictures that begin with the letter L  
○ Practice writing  
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: 
The students and I have been working on spending more time talking about the letters 
and the sounds they make as well as practicing writing them. While I think it is important that the 
students work with the letters and practice writing it and identifying it, being able to spend time 
as a group doing activities is important as well. The students seem to be enjoying this shift and 
have been doing fairly well with spending more time on the carpet doing things as a group rather 
than going back to their seats to work the entire time.  
I have noticed that some of the students are having difficulty with letter sounds and 
names more than others and seem to struggle with differentiating what letter makes what sound. 
For example, if I ask the student if /o/ and /m/ make the same sound, they tell me that it does. 
Being able to not only identify the letters and write them but also differentiate between the letter 
sounds will be very important for their learning as they move forward.  
A. The Lesson 
1. Introduction (5 minutes)  
● Getting Attention 
○ Find the letter L video/game  
■ Pause the video on each scene. When students find the letter, have them 
put a thumb up 
■ Ask one student to come up and point to the letter Ll  
● Relating to past experience and/or knowledge  
○ What sound does the letter L make?  
○ Write capital L in the air for me. 
○ Write lowercase l in the air for me.  
● Creating a need to know  
○ Knowing our letters is important because without them we will not be able to read 
and write.  
● Sharing objective, in general terms 
○ Today we are going to keep working on deciding if a word starts with the letter Ll 
based on what we know about the letter’s sound. We are also going to be doing 
our Ll writing sheet to be hung on the wall to show how great our writing has 
gotten this week! 
2. Content Delivery (30-35 minutes)  
● Letter review  
○ Letter flashcards powerpoint 
■ Show students a letter and have them call out what it is (capital/lowercase) 
● Name letter and sound  
● Smartboard 
○ Have a group of students who are sitting respectfully come up and show how they 
write their capital L and lowercase l  
■ Students on the carpet should do it with them in the air 
● Activities 
○ Shade the image that starts with the letter Ll  
■ Go through images and name them  
■ Have students think to themselves if it starts with Ll or not - eyes closed 
(thumbs up/down for each) 
■ Students will color it in crayon 
○ Letter Ll tracing sheet 
■ Students may use a marker to do this 
■ This will need the student’s name and the date as it is hung in the room 
■ Students will trace the letters as well as write them on their own.  
● If you finish early, you can get a mini whiteboard and practice writing your capital L’s, 
lowercase l’s, and the Ll words we have thought of together.  
3. Closure (3 minutes)  
● Gather students back on the carpet 
○ What are some new Ll words we can add to our list? How do we know?  
○ We have talked a lot about the letter L this week. We talked about the sound it 
makes, what our capital L looks like and what our lowercase l looks like along with 
some words that begin with Ll. It is really important that we keep practicing our 
letters so that we can become awesome readers and writers!  
B. Assessments Used 
● Writing - Through a writing activity on their own, I will be able to assess student’s abilities 
to write capital L as well as lowercase l using their lines.  
● Sounds - through our discussion on the carpet as well as their independent work, I will be 
able to gather whether students are able to tell when words start with the letter Ll sound. 
We will discuss the sound it makes and words that begin with it as well as determine what 
images start with the letter Ll sound as well as practice it on our own.  
C. Differentiated Instruction   
● Remediation - one-on-one support can be given during work time to allow me to better 
know where students are struggling and help them on an individual level.  
● Enrichment - Students who finish early can practice writing on the whiteboards or practice 
writing L words we created together.  
● Language Support - students who need additional support can receive it while I circulate 
during work time. From the observations during the time on the carpet, I will also be 
checking in with students who seemed to be having difficulty with the concepts.  
D. Resources 

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