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Copyright © 2017 by Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson

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Hardcover edition ISBN 9780399184383

Ebook edition ISBN 9780399184406

Table of Contents
1 | The Deep Path and the Wide 6
2 | Ancient Clues 8
3 | The After Is the Before for the Next During 10
4 | The Best We Had 12
5 | A Mind Undisturbed 15
6 | Primed for Love 16
7 | Attention! 18
8 | Lightness of Being 20
9 | Mind, Body, and Genome 22
10 | Meditation as Psychotherapy 24
11 | A Yogi’s Brain 26
12 | Hidden Treasure 29
13 | Altering Traits 31
14 | A Healthy Mind 33
Further Resources 35
Acknowledgments 38
Notes 40
Index 42
About the Authors 44

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