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Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12

DOI 10.1007/s10725-010-9506-5


Modulation of endogenous levels of some key organic metabolites

by exogenous application of glycine betaine in drought stressed
plants of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Naeem Iqbal • Yasin Ashraf • Muhammad Ashraf

Received: 4 January 2010 / Accepted: 22 July 2010 / Published online: 29 August 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract The present study was conducted to examine of organic solutes was found to be not associated with plant
the changes in some key metabolites in drought-stressed dry matter production under stress conditions.
sunflower plants supplied with glycine betaine externally.
Imposition of drought stress at the vegetative or repro- Keywords Stress tolerance  Glycine betaine  Sunflower
ductive growth stages decreased the plant dry matter pro-
duction and increased the accumulation of organic solutes
(glycine betaine, proline, soluble proteins, free amino acids
and soluble sugars) in two sunflower lines, i.e., Glushan-98 Introduction
and Suncross. In general, decrease in dry matter production
and increase in the endogenous levels of organic solutes, Plants undergo a myriad of morphological and physiolog-
were more pronounced when drought stress applied at the ical alterations to acclimatize themselves to various envi-
vegetative stage than at the reproductive stage. Glycine ronmental adversaries. One such mechanism, more
betaine applied as a pre-sowing seed treatment was not promising and prevalent in plants, is the accumulation of
found to be effective in reducing the negative effects of certain organic metabolites of low molecular weight, col-
drought stress in sunflower plants. Foliar application of GB lectively known as compatible solutes. These include
further enhanced the leaf endogenous levels of GB, soluble sugars, polyols, amino acids, proline, and quaternary
proteins and total soluble sugars in drought stressed plants ammonium compounds (Ashraf and Foolad 2007).
without exerting any negative effects on other osmotica. Glycine betaine (GB), an important quaternary ammo-
However, this GB-induced increase in endogenous levels nium compound, is considered to be one of the most pre-
dominant and effective osmoprotectants. It is well
established that its exogenous application might have some
advantages as it improves drought tolerance in plants
N. Iqbal (Agboma et al. 1997; Gorham et al. 2000; Iqbal et al. 2008;
Department of Botany, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan Mahmood et al. 2009). It has been also reported earlier that
e-mail: rate and timing of GB application significantly affects
Y. Ashraf drought tolerance ability of sunflower (Iqbal et al. 2008,
Nuclear Institute for Agriculture & Biology (NIAB), 2009). This shot-gun approach of exogenous application of
Faisalabad, Pakistan GB has been used to increase the drought tolerance in some
other crop species (Agboma et al. 1997; Makela et al. 1998;
M. Ashraf (&) Gorham et al. 2000).
Department of Botany, University of Agriculture, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oil-
Faisalabad, Pakistan seed crop grown in different parts of the world. It is mostly
cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Like
M. Ashraf other crops, water stress has also a marked adverse effect on
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia physiological and yield attributes of sunflower (Iqbal et al.

8 Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12

2008). Although many studies on drought tolerance of stressed plants), two plants were uprooted, properly washed
sunflower have been carried out, little information regarding the plant parts, shoots and roots were separated, and shoots
the effect of exogenously applied GB on changing the dried in an oven at 65°C for 1 week for recording shoot dry
endogenous levels of organic metabolites in sunflower is mass. Remaining three plants were used for recording yield
available. Thus, it was hypothesized that exogenous GB at maturity.
application as a foliar spray or pre-sowing seed treatment Fresh leaf material (1.0 g) was ground in 10 mL of
could alter the endogenous levels of some key organic sol- distilled water and GB was estimated according to Grieve
utes in drought stressed sunflower plants. The present study and Grattan (1983) at 365 nm. For proline analysis, fresh
therefore, was conducted to examine whether and up to what leaf tissue (0.5 g) was homogenized in 10 mL of 3% sulfo-
extent exogenous application of GB could alter the endog- salicylic acid and filtered. The proline contents of the fil-
enous levels of different organic osmotica such as GB, trate were determined according to Bates et al. (1973) at
proline, soluble sugars and soluble proteins which play a 520 nm using toluene as a blank. Total soluble proteins
vital role in drought stress tolerance of most plant species. were determined using the method of Lowry et al. (1951).
Fresh leaf material was extracted in phosphate buffer of pH
7.0 and centrifuged. The supernatant was then treated with
Materials and methods NaOH, Na2CO3, CuSO4 and sodium potassium tartarate.
The treated material was then reacted with Folin-Phenol
Two sunflower lines, viz. Gulshan-98 and Suncross were reagent and absorbance read at 620 nm. Total amino acids
used for the present study. Seeds of both the lines were were estimated according to the method of Moor and Stein
obtained from the regional office of Pakistan Seed Council, (1948). Fresh leaf material was extracted in citrate buffer
Faisalabad, Pakistan. The experiment was conducted at the (pH 5.0), incubated at room temperature and centrifuged.
field area of Department of Botany, University of Agri- The supernatant was then treated with ninhydrin solution,
culture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. The detail on crop husbandry heated for 20 min and cooled. The optical density was read
and climatic conditions has been given earlier (Iqbal et al. at 570 nm. Total soluble sugars were determined according
2008). The experiment was laid out in a split plot design to the method of Yemm and Willis (1954) using anthrone
with four replications of each experimental unit. Seeds reagent. The reducing sugars were determined in an aliquot
(10 kg ha-1) of each sunflower line were hand drilled with of 80% alcoholic extract of dry sample according to
row to row distance (75 cm) and plant to plant distance Somogyi (1952). The non-reducing sugars were estimated
(30 cm). Thinning of plants was done 15 days after ger- according to the method of Loomis and Shull (1937).
mination and each replicate was allotted two rows having Statistical analysis of the data for each attribute was
six plants in each row. Drought stress (water supplied up to carried out using the MSTAT-C computer program
2,250 m3) was imposed at the vegetative or reproductive (MSTAT Development Team 1989). The pooled data for
stage of plant growth along with normal irrigation (water GB treatments and sunflower hybrids are reported in the
supplied up to 3,000 m3) in control plots for each time. The results and Figs.
first irrigation was applied to all the field plots 15 days
after seed emergence. The second irrigation was applied
25 days after the first one except the plants subjected to Results
drought stress at the vegetative stage. The third irrigation
was applied at the time of head formation (25 days after the The data recorded at different GB levels were pooled.
second one) except the plants subjected to drought stress at Drought stress caused a marked reduction in shoot dry
the reproductive stage. matter of both sunflower lines. The inhibitory effect of
Glycine betaine (M. Wt. 117) of Sigma–Aldrich, Japan drought stress on shoot dry matter was more pronounced
was used for the present study. There were three levels of when it was imposed at the vegetative rather than at the
GB (0, 50 and 100 mM), applied before sowing (pre- reproductive stage or pre-sowing (Fig. 1). At the vegetative
sowing seed soaking) and at the time of initiation of stress stage, drought stressed plants produced 38% less dry bio-
treatment (foliar application) at the vegetative or repro- mass as compared with normally irrigated plants. Con-
ductive stage. Carboxymethyl cellulose (5% solution) was versely, imposition of drought stress at the reproductive
used as a sticking agent for seed treatment and seed were stage caused only 6% reduction in shoot dry matter of
soaked for 15 h in the respective treatment, whereas stressed plants as compared with the control plants.
Tween-20 (0.1% solution) was used as a surfactant for Application of GB at pre-sowing and at different growth
foliar spray. stages showed non-significant effects on shoot dry matter
After 20–25 days of each drought stress and GB treat- production (Fig. 1). The two sunflower lines exhibited
ment (45–50 days after the application of last irrigation to significant (P B 0.01) differences with respect to shoot dry

Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12 9

Fig. 1 Effect of exogenous Control Seed treatment Spray of GB at Veg. stage Spray of GB at Rep. stage
glycine betaine application on

ot dry wt (g/plant)
600 LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = ns
shoot dry weight, yield, total
free amino acids and total 500
soluble proteins in two 400
sunflower lines under different 300
water regimes (Mean ± S.E; 200
n = 4)


LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = ns

Yield/plant (g) 80

LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = ns
Tottal free amino acids

(µg/g f.wt.)




LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = ns
Total soluble sugars

(mg/g d.wt)


Normal Irrigation at Water deficit at Veg. Normal irrigation at Water deficit at Rep.
Veg. stage stage Rep. stage stage

biomass production. The sunflower line, Suncross pro- Drought stress treatment resulted in a significant
duced 14% higher shoot biomass than that of Gulshan-98. (P B 0.01) increase in the leaf free amino-acids of both
Drought stress applied at both vegetative and repro- lines. The increase in total free amino-acids was more
ductive stages significantly decreased the yield of sun- pronounced in plants subjected to drought stress at the
flower plants. Maximum reduction was observed when vegetative stage (61%) than that at the reproductive stage
drought was imposed at the vegetative stage (Fig. 1). (54%). Exogenous application of GB did not affect the
However, exogenously applied GB at all growth stages concentration of total free amino-acids in sunflower plants
had a significant increasing effect on yield per plant of under drought stress or normal irrigation (Fig. 1).
both sunflower lines under drought stress conditions Imposition of drought stress at different growth stages
(Fig. 1). Achene yield was improved when GB applied significantly (P B 0.01) increased total soluble sugars in
through different modes at the reproductive stage under leaves of the two sunflower lines. Water deficit imposed at
water deficit conditions imposed at the vegetative or the vegetative stage increased total soluble sugars by 23%
reproductive stage. Increase in yield due to foliar applied in the leaves of the drought stressed plants as compared to
GB at the vegetative stage in plants which experienced the control plants (Fig. 1). A 22% increase in total soluble
drought stress at the vegetative stage while the reverse sugars of drought stressed plants as compared to non-
was true when water stress imposed at the reproductive stressed plants was observed when water deficit was
stage (Fig. 1). imposed at the reproductive stage.

10 Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12

Fig. 2 Effect of exogenous Control Seed treatment Spray of GB at Veg. stage Spray of GB at Rep. stage
glycine betaine application at
450 LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = 31.58
different growth stages on leaf
proline, glycine betaine and 400 AB AB B AB AB A

g/g f.wt.)
total soluble proteins in two 350 CD CD
sunflower lines under different 300

Leaf proline (µg

water regimes (Mean ± S.E;
n = 4). Bars with different
letters (A–J) differ significantly 200
at P B 0.05 150

LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = 58.47
aine (µg/g f.wt.)

900 A AB
800 C BC
700 D D
600 E E
Leaf glycine beta

400 FG FGH
300 I HI

oteins (µg/g f.wt.)

LSD 5% (D x T x L x S) = 39.7

3000 C E
Total soluble pro

Normal Irrigation at Water deficit at Veg. Normal irrigation at Water deficit at Rep.
Veg. stage stage Rep. stage stage

Leaf proline concentration in both sunflower lines growth stages (Fig. 2). However, maximum values of leaf
increased significantly (P B 0.01) under water limited endogenous GB was recorded in plants sprayed with
conditions, imposed at the vegetative or reproductive stage. 100 mM of GB followed by 50 and 0 mM. Seed treatment
Shortage of water at the vegetative stage caused an increase with either level of this osmolyte showed almost no effect
in leaf proline concentration by 28% as compared to that in on leaf GB concentration. A gradual increase in leaf
well-watered plants. When water deficit was imposed at the internal GB was recorded in plants sprayed with 50 and
reproductive stage, drought stressed plants accumulated 100 mM GB at the vegetative or reproductive growth
24% more leaf proline than that of the non-stressed ones. stage. Under normal irrigation, leaf GB was somewhat
Exogenously applied GB at all growth stages had non- higher in plants receiving GB at the reproductive stage than
significant effect on leaf proline concentration (Fig. 2). that at the vegetative stage (Fig. 2). Exogenous (foliar)
More increase in endogenous GB concentration was application of GB was found effective when it was applied
found in plants exposed to water deficit at the vegetative at the time of the initiation of water deficit treatment at the
stage than that in plants exposed to water deficit at the vegetative or reproductive stage (Fig. 2) but pre-sowing
reproductive stage. The leaf GB concentration of the sun- treatment did not show any appreciable influence. Under
flower lines also differed significantly (P B 0.01) being drought stress, 50 and 100 mM GB applied at the vegeta-
32% higher in Suncross than that of Gulshan-98. Pooled tive stage increased leaf GB concentration by 17 and 29%,
data indicated that exogenous application of GB on its respectively with regard to controls. However, when
endogenous level was variable when applied at different drought stress was imposed at the reproductive stage,

Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12 11

Table 1 Regression analysis showing the dependence of yield per that foliar-applied GB enhances its endogenous level under
plant on different metabolites of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus environmental stresses in GB accumulators (Gorham et al.
L.) under drought stress (R2 = 0.996)
2000). The results of our experiment strongly support this
Variables Coefficient Standard error P value view, because a significant increase in leaf GB concen-
tration was observed by its exogenous application in both
Intercept 108.1 9.74 1.489 ns
lines of sunflower, a natural GB accumulator.
Shoot dry weight 0.168 0.02 4.22 ns
Leaf proline of drought stressed plants was significantly
Leaf glycine betaine 0.016 0.008 0.066*
higher than that of normally irrigated plants. However, leaf
Leaf proline -0.02 0.11 0.854 ns
proline concentration in drought stressed and non-stressed
Total soluble protein 0.003 0.003 0.359 ns
plants of both sunflower lines was not affected by exoge-
Total soluble sugars -1.21 0.49 0.037**
nous GB application as pre-sowing or at all growth stages.
Total free amino acids -0.013 0.009 0.208 ns
Makela et al. (1998) also found that exogenous application
* Significant at 0.05 level; ** significant at 0.01 level; ns non- of GB did not alter the proline concentration in tomato
significant plants grown under stress conditions. There are, however,
some contrasting reports which indicate the non-compati-
plants sprayed with 50 and 100 mM GB at the same stage bility of exogenous GB in some plants. For example,
had 33 and 39% higher leaf GB, respectively than the Larher et al. (1995) found that exogenous GB exerts
untreated plants. inhibitory effects on osmo-induced proline accumulation in
Water deficit treatments caused a significant (P B 0.01) rape leaf discs suggesting that it is not a compatible solute.
increase in total soluble proteins in both sunflower lines In contrast, Sulpice et al. (2002) found an increase in leaf
(Fig. 2). In normally irrigated plants, the value of leaf proline concentration in response to exogenous GB appli-
soluble proteins at the reproductive stage was higher than cation in canola leaf discs. The difference between the
that at the vegetative stage. The effect of drought stress on results of the present experiment and those of the above
total soluble proteins was more pronounced when it was mentioned studies can be explained by the fact that in the
imposed at the vegetative stage than that at the reproduc- present study, GB was sprayed on intact plants, whereas
tive stage (Fig. 2). Exogenous application of GB at dif- contradictory results of some pervious studies (Larher et al.
ferent growth stages had also a significant (P B 0.01) 1995; Sulpice et al. 2002) were based on indirect evidence
effect on total soluble proteins (Fig. 2) but it was non- (in vitro).
significant in case of pre-sowing treatment of GB. The role of amino-acids in osmotic adjustment of plants
Regression analysis presented in Table 1 showed that grown under water limited environment is well docu-
improvement in yield of sunflower plants significantly was mented. A highly significant increase in total free amino
associated with the accumulation of leaf glycinebetaine and acids of drought stressed plants over control was observed
total soluble sugars. in the present study. The increase in total free amino acids
due to drought stress can be related to decrease in total
soluble proteins in both sunflower lines, because it is
Discussion reported that under water limited conditions, structural
proteins break up into component amino acids, which take
It is evident from the results of present experiment that GB an active part in osmotic adjustment under such stressful
application as pre-sowing or foliar spray at any growth environment. The present findings clearly showed non-
stage was not effective in alleviating the water deficit significant effects of exogenous pre-sowing or foliar
induced inhibition in dry matter production in both sun- application of GB on total free amino acids in sunflower
flower lines, despite the fact that leaf endogenous level of plants grown under both normally irrigated and drought
GB was enhanced by its foliar application. Makela et al. stressed regimes. In contrast, Sulpice et al. (2002) reported
(1996) also reported a non-significant role of foliar sup- a marked increase (2- to 3-fold) in free amino acids by
plied GB in alleviating the adverse effects of drought stress exogenous application of GB on detached leaf discs of
on growth of Brassica napus. Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus.
The enhancement of endogenous GB level by its exog- Exogenous application of GB did not alter the concen-
enous application has been reported by many researchers in tration of total soluble proteins when applied before sowing
GB non-accumulating plants such as tomato (Makela et al. (seed treatment) or at the time of initiation of water deficit
1998), and rape (Sulpice et al. 2002) grown under stressful at the vegetative stage. Sulpice et al. (2002), however,
environment. The role of exogenous GB in increasing leaf found that exogenous application of GB decreased the total
endogenous concentration in GB accumulators is however, soluble proteins in canola and Arabidopsis thaliana. These
controversial. However, some scientists were of the view scientists were of the view that the lower level of soluble

12 Plant Growth Regul (2011) 63:7–12

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napus and Arabidopsis thaliana), but the present study was (Helianthus annuus L.) under water limited conditions. J Agron
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The present findings clearly indicate that leaf endoge- application of glycinebetaine as a pre-sowing seed treatment
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